Labor Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan: in 3 vols. Vol. 1. General part: textbook

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The review presents an analysis of volume 1 of the three-volume textbook of the Kazakh researcher M.H. Khassenov “Labor law of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. This educational publication is innovative, deviates from the generally accepted canons of classical textbooks in that it contains very extensive additional information on dissertations on the General part of Labor Law defended in the Republic of Kazakhstan and in the Russian Federation, as well as examples from the judicial practice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on labor disputes, statistical and reference materials. The opinions of legal scholars from both Western Europe and the EAEU states are presented, attention is drawn to the existing problems in the labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

About the authors

Kirill L. Tomashevski

Timiryasov Kazan Innovative University

Russian Federation, Kazan


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