Political and legal aspects of paradigm change in the development of nuclear energy in the EU

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The article considers the choice of the European Union in favor of nuclear energy: political decisions and legal acts at the EU level are analyzed in the light of the EU Taxonomy, which is a key piece of legislation aimed at promoting the Green Deal, the Law on Delegated Taxonomy, the EU Parliament Regulation on the classification of hydrogen, produced by nuclear power plants as a low-carbon, as well as the Clean Zero Industry Act (NZIA). Based on the analysis of political programs, provisions of strategic planning documents and legislation of a number of EU member states, the author notes that they are increasingly making decisions in favor of this energy source by setting specific goals and specific investment measures in national plans. The study also touches upon the issue of sanctions against Russian nuclear energy. It is concluded that the variability and inconsistency of the EU energy sector regulation requires a systematic analysis of ongoing initiatives both at the EU level and at the level of its member states in order to strategically prepare for increasing resilience in the crisis conditions of the Russian economy.

About the authors

Marina S. Lizikova

Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation


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