Theoretical and methodological problems and Military Law (to the publication of the monograph “Military Law”)

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The review analyzes some issues of methodological problems in the context of the discursive practice of Military Law in the collective monograph “Military Law” under the general editorship of A.N. Savenkov, A.V. Kudashkin, is the first 3-volume fundamental scientific publication, where based on the article presents a modern view of Military Law as a branch of the Russian legal system. One of the key aspects of the reviewed monograph are theoretical and methodological problems and discursive practice of Military Law research as a branch of domestic scientific law. This nominal circumstance in the presented article is the subject of the author’s consideration, which, in the opinion of the reviewer, deserves a separate scientific understanding and interpretation, since it served as the most important basis for the entire scientific concept of the presented monograph. In the article, the reviewer’s judgments are not indisputable, but it is important to have the following circumstance: the relevance of this monograph has been put forward as one of the most important scientific studies of the last decades in the field of Military Law in the system of Russian and International Law. Which, in turn, gives the scientific community an opportunity to take a closer and comprehensive look at all aspects of the issues studied in it.

About the authors

Aleksander Anatol'evich Tushkov

Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation, Moscow


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