Investigation of the Mechanism of Interaction of the Hydrocarbon Flame with an Electric Field



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One of the possible mechanisms of the interaction of a bounded combustion region (flame) with an applied electric field is considered. The investigation is based on application of the electrohydrodynamics (EHD) methods to describe chemically reacting multicomponent nonequilibrium partially ionized gas mixtures. It is shown that zones of space electric charge are formed in the neighborhood of the flame boundaries under certain conditions. These zones can be affected by the electric field. The nature of modification of these zones under the influence of the electric field is investigated.

Sobre autores

P. Vlasov

Semenov Federal Research Center for Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Moscow, Russia

I. Pankrat’eva

Moscow State University, Institute of Mechanics,

Moscow, Russia

V. Polyanskii

Moscow State University, Institute of Mechanics,

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Moscow, Russia


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