Solution of the Inverse Problem of Calculating a Gas–Liquid Injector with a Two-Phase Flow



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We consider the possibility of solving the inverse problem of calculating a gas–liquid jet injector with a bubbly two-phase flow structure. The parameters governing the injector operation, such as the pressure difference, the orifice diameter, and the air concentration, are determined for the given value of the mean Sauter diameter. For this purpose, the operation of a mixer with a two-phase working body and injectors of different diameters was experimentally investigated in the bubbly operation regime with a water–air working body. In the experiments the parameters of the phases supplied to the mixer (flow rates, pressures, and temperatures) were measured, together with the pressure ahead of the injector. The dispersity and velocity parameters in the spray were measured using the laser shadow method. The statistics thus gathered allow one to obtain the required correlation dependences which makes it possible to solve the problem formulated.

Sobre autores

P. Zotikova

Moscow Aviation Institute

Moscow, Russia

N. Kucherov

Moscow Aviation Institute

РоссMoscow, Russiaия, Москва

I. Lepeshinskii

Moscow Aviation Institute

Moscow, Russia

V. Reshetnikov

Moscow Aviation Institute

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Moscow, Russia


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Declaração de direitos autorais © П.В. Зотикова, Н.А. Кучеров, И.А. Лепешинский, В.А. Решетников, 2023

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