
Electrochemical Characteristics of Fuel Cells with CaZr0.9Y0.1O3 – δ Electrolyte Film Supported by Nickel–Cermet Anode
Kuimov V., Khaliullina A., Pankratov A., Antonov B., Dunyushkina L.
Symmetrical solid oxide fuel cell with strontium ferrite-molybdenum electrodes
Osinkin D., Beresnev S., Lobachevskaya N.
Fabrication of Microtubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cells by Film Compaction and Co-Sintering
Nikonov A., Spirin A., Lipilin A., Khrustov V., Paranin S.
Electrotransport properties of SOFC cathode materials based on lanthanum cuprate doped with praseodymium and strontium oxides
Lyskov N., Kolchina L., Pestrikov P., Mazo G., Antipov E.
Single SOFC with Supporting Ni-YSZ Anode, Bilayer YSZ/GDC Film Electrolyte, and La2NiO4 + δ Cathode
Koval’chuk A., Kuz’min A., Osinkin D., Farlenkov A., Solov’ev A., Shipilova A., Ionov I., Bogdanovich N., Beresnev S.
Stability, mixed conductivity, and thermomechanical properties of perovskite materials for fuel cell electrodes based on La0.5A0.5Mn0.5Ti0.5O3–δ, La0.5Ba0.5Ti0.5Fe0.5O3–δ, and (La0.5А0.5)0.95Cr0.5Fe0.5O3–δ (A = Ca, Ba)
Kolotygin V., Tsipis E., Patrikeev M., Ivanov A., Kharton V.
Electrical Conductivity, Thermal Expansion and Electrochemical Properties of Perovskites PrBaFe2–xNixO5 + δ
Ivanov A., Kolotygin V., Tsipis E., Bredikhin S., Kharton V.
Effect of structural parameters of Ni-ScSZ cermet components on the SOFC anodes characteristics
Spirin A., Nikonov A., Lipilin A., Khrustov V., Kuterbekov K., Nurakhmetov T., Bekmyrza K.
Electrochemical Properties of Composite Cathode Materials Pr1.95La0.05CuO4–Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 for Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Lyskov N., Galin M., Kostretsova N., Eliseeva G., Kolchina L., Mazo G.
Kinetics of NiO reduction and morphological changes in composite anodes of solid oxide fuel cells: Estimate using Raman scattering technique
Agarkov D., Burmistrov I., Tsybrov F., Tartakovskii I., Kharton V., Bredikhin S.
Redox Behavior and Transport Properties of Composites Based on (Fe,Ni)3O4 ± δ for Anodes of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Kolotygin V., Noskova V., Bredikhin S., Kharton V.
Composite electrode materials for solid oxide fuel cells with the protonic electrolyte of La1 – xSrxScO3 – δ
Kuz’min A., Plekhanov M., Stroeva A.
Formation of NiO/YSZ functional anode layers of solid oxide fuel cells by magnetron sputtering
Ionov I., Solov’ev A., Lebedinskii A., Shipilova A., Smolyanskii E., Koval’chuk A., Lauk A.
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