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Том 53, № 12 (2017)


Dielectric Characteristics of Water and Electric Conductivity of Aqueous Electrolytes

Shcherbakov V., Ermakov V., Artemkina Y.


The specific electric conductivities (ECs) of concentrated aqueous solutions of electrolytes were shown to be comparable to the limiting high-frequency (HF) EC of water. The limiting HF EC of water is determined by the ratio of the absolute dielectric constant to the dipole dielectric relaxation time. It was assumed that the specific EC of an aqueous solution cannot exceed the limiting HF EC of water. The specific ECs of the 1.0 М aqueous solutions of lithium, sodium, and potassium chlorides were calculated from the limiting HF EC of water. At elevated temperatures, the specific ECs of aqueous salts were shown to increase in direct proportion to the limiting HF EC of water.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(12):1301-1306
pages 1301-1306 views

Electrosynthesis of Н2О2 from О2 in Gas Diffusion Electrodes Based on Black СН600

Kornienko V., Kolyagin G., Kornienko G., Parfenov V., Petin A.


Furnace black СН600 was studied as a catalyst for electrosynthesis of Н2О2 from О2 in a gas diffusion electrode in alkaline and acidic solutions. The texture properties of the starting black СН600 and gas diffusion electrodes (GDEs) based on it were determined by the low-temperature nitrogen adsorption (LTNA) method. The rate constants of Н2О2 decomposition on black and its mixtures with fluoroplast-4D in acidic and alkaline solutions of electrolyte were calculated. The process selectivity γ (the current fraction spent on the two-electron reduction of oxygen), kinetic parameters of oxygen reduction, and double-layer capacity of the СН600-based GDE were determined. Data on the kinetics of hydrogen peroxide accumulation during electrosynthesis from oxygen in СН600-based GDE in acidic and alkaline solutions were obtained.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(12):1307-1313
pages 1307-1313 views

CaV0.5Mo0.5xxTixO3 – δ as a Promising Anode Material for Solid-Oxide Fuel Cells with LSGM Electrolyte

Belyakov S., Shkerin S., Kuz’min A.


CaV0.5Mo0.5 – xTixO3 – δ samples with the perovskite structure were studied as a promising anode material for fuel cells with electrolyte based on substituted lanthanum gallate La0.88Sr0.12Ga0.82Mg0.18O2.85 (LSGM). According to X-ray diffraction data, the solid-solution homogeneity region lies from х = 0 to х = 0.25. It is shown that CaV0.5Mo0.25Ti0.25O3 – δ is compatible with the LSGM-based electrolytes as regards both its chemistry and the coefficient of thermal expansion. Substitution of titanium leads to a decrease in the total conductivity but extends the p(O2) range of phase stability of this material. It is demonstrated that in its composite with LSGM this material becomes more resistant to oxidation.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(12):1314-1322
pages 1314-1322 views

Bioelectrocatalytic Oxygen Reduction by Laccase Immobilized on Various Carbon Carriers

Bogdanovskaya V., Arkad’eva I., Osina M.


Laccase is an enzyme that is used for fabricating cathodes of biofuel cells. Many studies have been aimed at searching the ways for enhancing specific electrochemical characteristics of cathode with the laccase- based catalyst. The electroreduction of oxygen on the electrode with immobilized laccase proceeds under the conditions of direct electron transfer between the electrode and active enzyme center. In this work, the effect of oxygen partial pressure on the electrocatalytic activity of laccase is studied. It is shown that, at the concentrations of oxygen dissolved in the electrolyte higher than 0.28 mM, the process is controlled by the kinetics of the formation of laccase–oxygen complex, whereas at lower concentrations and a polarization higher than 0.3 V, the process is limited by the oxygen diffusion. A wide range of carbon materials are studied as the carriers for laccase immobilization: carbon black and nanotubes with various BET specific surface areas. The conditions, which provide the highest surface coverage of carbon material with enzyme in the course of spontaneous adsorptive immobilization and the highest specific characteristics when using a “floating” electrode simulating a gas-diffusion electrode, are determined: 0.2 M phosphate-acetate buffer solution; oxygen atmosphere; the carrier material (nanotubes with a BET surface area of 210 m2/g and a mesopore volume of 3.8 cm3/g); and the composition of active mass on the electrode (50 wt % of carbon material + 50 wt % of hydrophobized carbon black).

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(12):1323-1333
pages 1323-1333 views

The Effect of Electrochemical Modification of Activated Carbons by Polypyrrole on Their Structure Characteristics, Composition of Surface Compounds, and Adsorption Properties

Volfkovich Y., Goroncharovskaya I., Evseev A., Sosenkin V., Goldin M.


The electrochemical modification of activated carbons (AC) by a conducting polymer polypyrrole (PPy) has a substantial effect on the AC structure characteristics, electrochemical properties, and adsorption activity with respect to natural substances (by the example of free hemoglobin). Using the method of standard contact porosimetry (SCP), the porous structure and hydrophilic–hydrophobic properties are studied for the activated carbon SKT-6A, the [SKT-6A/PPy/Cl] composite, and individual polypyrrole. The chemistry of the activated carbon surface is studied by the standardized Boehm method. It is shown that the nature of activated carbon and its initial surface substantially affect the character of its interaction with the conducting polymer polypyrrole. The effect of such modification on the AC surface chemistry should be considered in aggregate by taking into account each component of such modification. The increase in the sorption ability of [AC/PPy/Cl] composites with respect to hemoglobin is largely associated with the stronger hydrophilicity of polypyrrole as compared with activated carbons.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(12):1334-1344
pages 1334-1344 views

Compacts of Boron-Doped Synthetic Diamond: Lowering of Synthesis Temperature and Its Effect on the Doping Level and Electrochemical Behavior

Pleskov Y., Krotova M., Elkin V., Ekimov E.


Substituting of metal (Co, Ni) borides for boron carbide in the boron carbide–graphite growth system for the process of diamond growth in the region of diamond thermodynamic stability allowed lowering the synthesis temperature for the electrodes of this new electrode material―boron-doped diamond compacts―significantly (by ~1000°C) without any deterioration of their electrochemical properties. On the other hand, using of amorphous boron with finer grain as compared with the boron carbide, mixed with graphite, results in a marked increase of the electrodes’ electrochemical efficiency, due to increase in their roughness after the chemical removing of boron-containing inclusions from their surfaces. Thus obtained compact electrodes have wide potential window and low background current in supporting electrolytes, they are well reproducible. Special features of their electrochemical impedance spectroscopy are similar to those of the recently studied compacts synthesized on the basis of boron carbide.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(12):1345-1353
pages 1345-1353 views

The Role of Interphase Interactions in Electrosynthesis of Composites Based of Graphene Oxide and Poly-o-Phenylenediamine

Pisarevskaya E., Efimov O., Girina G., Dremova N.


The formation of the composite of reduced graphene oxide (RGO) with poly-o-phenylenediamine (PPD) on the surface of SnO2-coated conducting glasses (CG) is studied by the methods of voltammetry, atomic force microscopy (AFM), electron microscopy (SEM) with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopic (EDXS) microanalysis, and electron spectroscopy, When a CG with deposited graphene oxide is placed into aqueous solution of o-phenylenediamine (OPD), the monomer is strongly fixed in the GO matrix, as confirmed by EDXS data. The further redox interaction in the two-phase system GO–OPD initiates polymerization of OPD in the GO film. When anodic polarization in switched on, the oxidation and the further polymerization of OPD go on, while GO is reduced to RGO as a result of mediated reaction to yield the RGO–PPD composite even in the absence of cathodic polarization. The electron spectra of composites reveal the presence of an absorption band close to absorption of individual PPD. According to AFM and SEM data, OPD incorporated into the composite structure keeps RGO from being folded in acidic media. As the time of impregnation increases, the degree of reduction of GO to RGO changes, which is reflected in the surface morphology and the amount of monomer in the composite (RGO–PPD)-1. The coating becomes black, which is typical of RGO, and its conductivity increases by 4–5 orders of magnitude.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(12):1354-1361
pages 1354-1361 views


Erratum to: Generalized Nernst Layer Model for Convective-Diffusion Transport. Numerical Solution for Bromate Ion Electroreduction on Inactive Rotating Disk Electrode under Steady State Conditions

Antipov A., Vorotyntsev M.


Title of the paper should be:

Generalized Nernst Layer Model for Convective-Diffusion Transport. Numerical Solution for Bromate Ion Electroreduction on Inactive Rotating Disk Electrode under Steady State Conditions

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(12):1362-1362
pages 1362-1362 views

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