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Том 53, № 7 (2017)


New lithium salts in electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries (Review)

Bushkova O., Yaroslavtseva T., Dobrovolsky Y.


The properties of electrolyte systems based on standard nonaqueous solvent composed of a mixture of dialkyl and alkylene carbonates and new commercially available lithium salts potentially capable of being an alternative to thermally unstable and chemically active lithium hexafluorophosphate LiPF6 in the mass production of lithium-ion rechargeable batteries are surveyed. The advantages and drawbacks of electrolytes containing lithium salts alternative to LiPF6 are discussed. The real prospects of substitution for LiPF6 in electrolyte solutions aimed at improving the functional characteristics of lithium-ion batteries are assessed. Special attention is drawn to the efficient use of new lithium salts in the cells with electrodes based on materials predominantly used in the current mass production of lithium-ion batteries: grafitic carbon (negative electrode), LiCoO2, LiMn2O4, LiFePO4, and also solid solutions isostructural to lithium cobaltate with the general composition LiMO2 (M = Co, Mn, Ni, Al) (positive electrode).

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(7):677-699
pages 677-699 views

Phenomenological description of transport properties of three-phase composites

Uvarov N.


The possibility is discussed of estimating the values of conductivity and dielectric permeability of three-phase composites using the modified mixing equation similar to the equation suggested earlier for two-phase systems. It is shown that the choice of theoretical mixing equation parameters for three-phase composites of the conductor–electrolyte–insulator type can be controversial; variants of solving this problem are suggested. According to the equation, three percolation thresholds can exist in this three-phase system; their position can be estimated on the basis of the maximum of dielectric permeability. The value of the maximum is determined by the ratio of conductivities of the conducting and dielectric phases. The equation can be extended to the case when interaction exists between the individual phases of the composite and a highly conducting layer is formed at the interface between these phases. The calculation of three-phase composites of the conductor–composite solid electrolyte–insulator type is calculated for the first time. It is shown that the mixing equation also allows calculating electric properties of composites in this case.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(7):700-705
pages 700-705 views

Models of lithium transport as applied to determination of diffusion characteristics of intercalation electrodes

Ivanishchev A., Churikov A., Ivanishcheva I., Ushakov A., Sneha M., Babbar P., Dixit A.


In order to elucidate the mechanism of lithium transport in intercalation electrodes based on solid lithium-accumulating compounds and determine its parameters, the kinetic models are used which allow the combined analysis of electrode impedance spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry, pulse chronoampero- and chronopotentiometry data to be carried out. The models describe the stages of consecutive lithium transport in the surface layer and bulk of electrode-material particles, including the accumulation of species in the bulk. The lithium transport stages that occur in the surface layer of an intercalation-material particle and in its bulk are both of the diffusion nature but substantially differ as regards their characteristic times and diffusion coefficients D. Taking account of this peculiarity and assessing adequately the geometrical configuration of intercalation system allow the diffusion parameters of lithium transport to be correctly determined.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(7):706-712
pages 706-712 views

Comparative characteristics of cathodes with different catalytic systems in hydrogen–oxygen and hydrogen–air fuel cells with proton-conducting polymer electrolyte

Tarasevich M., Bogdanovskaya V., Kuzov A., Radina M.


The characteristics of low-temperature hydrogen–oxygen (air) fuel cell (FC) with cathodes based on the 50 wt % PtCoCr/C and 40 wt % Pt/CNT catalysts synthesized on XC72 carbon black and carbon nanotubes (CNT) are compared with the characteristics of commercial monoplatinum systems 9100 60 wt % Pt/C and 13100 70% Pt/C HiSPEC. It is shown that the synthesized catalysts exhibit a high mass activity, which is not lower than that of commercial Pt/C catalysts, a high selectivity with respect to the oxygen reduction to water, and a significantly higher stability. The characteristics of PtCoCr/C and Pt/CNT were confirmed by testing in the hydrogen—oxygen FCs. However, when air was used at the cathode, especially in the absence of excessive pressure, a voltage of FC with the cathode based on PtCoCr/XC72 is lower as compared with the commercial systems. Probably, this is associated with the transport limitations in the structure of trimetallic catalyst synthesized on XC72 carbon black due to the absence of mesopores. This drawback was eliminated to a large extent by raising the volume of mesopores as a result of application of mixed support (XC72 + CNT) and the use of only CNT for the synthesis of the monoplatinum catalyst. However, this did not eliminate another drawback, namely, a low platinum utilization coefficient in the cathode active layer as compared with that measured under the model conditions in the 0.5 M Н2SO4 solution. Therefore, further research is required to improve the structure of the catalytic systems, which are synthesized both on carbon black and nanotubes, while maintaining their high stability and selectivity.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(7):713-720
pages 713-720 views

Electrochemical reduction and electric conductivity of graphene oxide films

Rychagov A., Gubin S., Chuprov P., Kornilov D., Karaseva A., Krasnova E., Voronov V., Tkachev S.


The types of cells and methods of electrochemical reduction of graphene oxide films were described. The possibility of creating ultrathin membrane–electrode assemblies of supercapacitor cells was demonstrated. The peculiarities of the electrochemical behavior of films of different thicknesses that contact with carbon and metal current collectors were shown. The limiting charge (1500–2000 C/g) for complete electrochemical reduction of graphene oxide was determined. Possible mechanisms of proton conductivity along the basal faces of graphene oxide flakes were proposed. The nature of the current collector was shown to affect the electron–hole conductivity of graphene oxide films and the observed contact potential difference.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(7):721-727
pages 721-727 views

Carbon nanofiber paper cathode modification for higher performance of phosphoric acid fuel cells on polybenzimidazole membrane

Skupov K., Ponomarev I., Razorenov D., Zhigalina V., Zhigalina O., Ponomarev I., Volkova Y., Volfkovich Y., Sosenkin V.


Entire carbon nanofiber mats (carbon nanofiber paper) based on polyacrylonitrile pyropolymer composite were prepared by the preliminary oxidation (stabilization) of the initial polymer at 250–350°C in air and following pyrolysis at 800–1200°C under vacuum. The mats were tested as cathodes in a fuel cell on polybenzimidazole membrane. Properties of the pyropolymers which were obtained by polymer carbonization could be significantly changed by the addition of specific additives to polyacrylonitrile and also by changing thermal treatment. Particularly, the addition of Ketjen Black® or Vulcan® XC72 carbon blacks and polyvinyl pyrrolidone during electrospinning step resulted in increase of material electrical conductivity and inner porosity, which is important for improving fuel cell performance. Depending on oxidation and pyrolysis temperature, the physical properties of platinated carbon nanofiber paper and the efficiency of a fuel cell on polybenzimidazole membrane significantly change.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(7):728-733
pages 728-733 views

Synthesis, hydration, and electric properties of chlorine-substituted brownmillerite Ba1.95In2O4.9Cl0.1

Tarasova N., Animitsa I.


Chlorine-substituted brownmillerite Ba1.95In2O4.9Cl0.1 was obtained from barium indate Ba2In2O5 by solid-phase synthesis. The ability to absorb water from the gas phase was confirmed by thermogravimetric studies. The transport properties were studied while varying the thermodynamic parameters of the external environment (T, pO2, pH2O). The chloride ions in the oxygen sublattice of barium indate Ba2In2O5 were found to affect the ion conductivity. In a humid atmosphere, the sample exhibited proton conductivity (Ea = 0.54 eV), whose contribution became dominant below 300°C.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(7):734-738
pages 734-738 views

Transport properties of metacomposites in eutectic MAO4–V2O5 systems (M = Ca, Sr; A = W, Mo)

Koteneva E., Pestereva N., Animitsa I., Uvarov N.


Metal molybdates MMoO4 (M = Ca, Sr) and their composites with vanadium oxide V2O5 were synthesized. An X-ray diffraction analysis confirmed that the obtained molybdates were single-phase, and the heterogeneous systems were two-phase. The temperature dependences of the total conductivity of the composites were studied. The ion transport numbers in the {CaMoO4 · xV2O5} composites (x = 1–30 mol %) were studied by the EMF method. The conductivity of the composites at x ≤ 5 mol % was shown to be ionic. The conductivity of the composites was described using the mixing equation.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(7):739-743
pages 739-743 views

Electric transport in tungstates Ln2(WO4)3 (La = Yb, Lu)

Pestereva N., Lopatin D., Guseva A., Vostrotina E., Korona D., Nokhrin S.


Electrical transport in orthorhombic ytterbium and lutetium tungstates with Sc2(WO4)3 structural type was studied. It was proved by using two independent methods (EMF, dependence of conductivity on pressure of oxygen in the gas phase) that these phases are purely ionic conductors. It was found by Tubandt method for Lu2(WO4)3 the negligible contribution of the [WO4]2– anion into transport, which, together with the results of the EMF technique, indicates a predominantly oxygen character of conductivity.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(7):744-751
pages 744-751 views

Composite electrodes for proton conducting electrolyte of CaZr0.95Sc0.05O3 – δ

Pikalova E., Bogdanovich N., Kuz’min A.


A new method of obtaining gastight ceramic based on CaZr0.95Sc0.05O3 – δ is presented. The microstructure and electric properties of the obtained samples, same as the behavior of composite electrodes in contact with this electrolyte, are studied for application of the obtained results in the technology of formation of electrochemical devices. The design of bilayer electrodes is suggested, in which the materials tested as the functional layer were layered lanthanum nickelate La2NiO4 + δ and substituted lanthanum nickelate La1.7Ca(Sr,Ba)0.3NiO4 + δ in combination with the electrolyte components of Ce0.8Sm0.2O2 – δ and BaCe0.89Gd0.1Cu0.01O3 – δ. The collector layer used was lanthanum nickelate–ferrite LaNi0.6Fe0.4O3 – δ and manganite La0.6Sr0.4MnO3 – δ that are characterized by high electron conductivity, low layer resistance and are close by their values of coefficient of linear thermal expansion to the materials of functional layers. Electrochemical activity of the obtained electrodes are compared with the characteristics of composite electrodes based on lanthanum ferrite–cobaltite La0.6Sr0.4Fe0.8Co0.2O3 – δ and deficient lanthanum manganite La0.75Sr0.2MnO3 – δ.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(7):752-760
pages 752-760 views

Effect of phosphate doping on electric properties and chemical stability of Ba4Ca2Nb2O11 protonic conductor

Belova K., Obrubova A., Animitsa I.


Conductivity of perovskite phosphate–substituted solid solutions of Ba4Ca2Nb2xPxO11 (0.0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5) was studied as a function of temperature, partial pressure of oxygen and water vapors. It is proved that the studied systems are protonic conductors at the temperatures below 600°C in the atmosphere with elevated content of water vapors (pH2O = 1.92 × 10–2 atm). Introduction of the tetrahedral [PO4] group in the complex oxide matrix of Ba4Ca2Nb2O11 results in an increase in the oxygen–ionic (dry air, pH2O = 1.91 × 10–4 atm) and protonic conductivities (wet air, pH2O = 1.92 × 10–2 atm). Is it found that the doping causes a considerable increase in chemical stability of phases with respect to carbon dioxide.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(7):761-768
pages 761-768 views

Nanoparticles of complex oxides Li1 + x(NiyMnzCo1 – yz)1 – xO2 – δ (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.2, 0.2 ≤ y ≤ 0.6, 0.2 ≤ z ≤ 0.4) obtained by thermal destruction of metal-containing compounds in oil

Voronov V., Gubin S., Cheglakov A., Kornilov D., Karaseva A., Krasnova E., Tkachev S.


Cathode materials in the form of Li1 + x(NiyMnzCo1 – yz)1 – xO2 – δ (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.2, 0.2 ≤ y ≤ 0.6, 0.2 ≤ z ≤ 0.4) core–shell nanoparticles coated with a thin carbon shell were synthesized by thermal destruction of metal-containing compounds in oil and studied. The results of element analysis, X-ray diffraction analysis, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and electrochemical tests of cathodes based on the obtained complex oxides in model cells were presented. The complex oxide Li1.2Ni0.2Mn0.4Co0.2O1.9 was the most promising composition because the loss of capacity after 50 cycles was 4% at a current density C/2 and an operating potential of 3.0–4.4 V relative to E (Li/Li+). When the current density in discharge increased sixfold (3 C), the loss of capacity was 14% relative to the value obtained at a discharge current C/2 at voltages 3.0 to 4.4 V.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(7):769-776
pages 769-776 views

Methods of control over the phase composition of nanostructured silver iodide

Tomaev V., Tver’yanovich Y., Bal’makov M.


Synthesis of nanostructured silver iodide and criteria for evaluating the role of the random factor in its formation were considered. The phase composition was controlled using mechanical, thermal, and heterogeneous modification. Particular attention was paid to the control entropy.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(7):777-781
pages 777-781 views

Composite electrode materials for solid oxide fuel cells with the protonic electrolyte of La1 – xSrxScO3 – δ

Kuz’min A., Plekhanov M., Stroeva A.


Heterogeneous systems based on the proton–conducting oxide of La0.95Sr0.05ScO3 – δ with Cu, Fe, Ni, Pd, La0.9Sr0.1MnO3 – δ considered as potential materials of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) electrodes are synthesized. Chemical interaction between individual components of composite materials is studied, dependences of thermal and chemical expansion of the electrolyte and composites are obtained, conductivity of electrodes is measured under the conditions of SOFC operation.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(7):782-789
pages 782-789 views

Heterogeneous doping of sulfide-conducting phases based on calcium and barium thiolanthanates

Kosheleva E., Pentin M., Kalinina L., Mikhailichenko T., Lapteva T., Ushakova Y.


The chemical method of preparation of oxide precursors was used to obtain sulfide-conducting ionic salts of CaY2S4, BaSm2S4 and heterogeneous additives of ZrS2 and SiS2, accordingly. The sintering modes for obtaining the heterogeneous systems of CaY2S4–ZrS2 and BaSm2S4–SiS2 were chosen. Samples were characterized using the methods of X-ray phase analysis and microprobe analysis. The methods of thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis were used to determine thermal stability of samples. The temperature and concentration dependences of conductivity and average ionic transport numbers were studied. The range of compositions of heterogeneous mixtures is determined in which conductivity considerably exceeds conductivity of the basic sulfide-conducting solid electrolytes.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(7):790-798
pages 790-798 views

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