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Том 53, № 6 (2017)


On energy accumulation in double layer on the surface of materials with low electron state density

Chernik G., Kompan M., Malyshkin V., Kuznetsov V., Krivchenko V.


Regularities of energy accumulation in the double layer on the surface of 2D materials with a low density of electronic states are analyzed. It is shown that the limiting voltage on a supercapacitor with electrodes of 2D materials can exceed the voltage of electrolyte decomposition. The experimental data confirming the stated assumptions are presented and discussed.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(6):561-566
pages 561-566 views

Charge state and activity of Pt/C catalysts in oxygen reduction reaction

Gurevich S., Il’yushchenkov D., Yavsin D., Glebova N., Nechitailov A., Zelenina N., Tomasov A.


Electrochemical experiments with a rotating disk electrode are used to measure specific catalytic activity of Pt/C structures in the oxygen reduction reaction at the density of Pt nanoparticles on the glassy carbon support surface below one monolayer. The specific activity maximum is found at the coverage of about 0.4 monolayer. An explanation of the observed dependence is suggested that is based on consideration of the relationship between the surface density and charge state of the system of metallic catalyst particles. A numeric model is developed that describes charge transfer in the catalyst structure due to the difference in the work functions between the metal nanoparticles and support with account for the discrete nature of the nanoparticle charging and their mutual polarization. Calculations show that the carbon support coverage by Pt particles of about 0.4 monolayer corresponds to the largest amount of charged particles with the maximum energy of electrons, which provides the maximum catalyst activity and explains the dependence observed in the experiment.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(6):567-574
pages 567-574 views

The use of Tikhonov regularization method for calculating the distribution function of relaxation times in impedance spectroscopy

Gavrilyuk A., Osinkin D., Bronin D.


The state-of-the-art in realization of the method of distribution of relaxation times (DRT) as applied to the analysis of data of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy is briefly surveyed. The theoretical fundamentals of the DRT method are described, the methods of solving the Fredholm equation of the 1st order with respect to the unknown DRT function are considered as an ill-defined problem. The Tikhonov regularization method presently considered as the most suitable for solving this equation is discussed. For several numerical experiments, the high resolution of the DRT method and its stability with respect to noise in impedance spectra are demonstrated. Among the problems and limitations of the DRT methods, the choice of the optimal regularization coefficient is considered as the most significant. Particularly, it is shown that in those cases where several relaxation processes with the constant phase angle appear in the response of objects under study to ac disturbances, different regularization coefficients should be selected for each of these elements in order to obtain adequate results.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(6):575-588
pages 575-588 views

Synthesis of polymer nanocomposite ion-exchange membranes from sulfonated polystyrene and study of their properties

Ponomarev A., Abdrashitov E., Kritskaya D., Bokun V., Sanginov E., Dobrovol’skii Y.


Methods for the preparation of composite ion-exchange membranes from polymer (polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE), and polypropylene (PP)) matrices were considered. Polystyrene (PS) was introduced in the matrices by thermal polymerization of the monomer followed by sulfonation of the implant. The fundamentals of membrane synthesis from industrial polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE, Teflon F-4) films by thermal polymerization of styrene in a film stretched in a monomer solution followed by sulfonation of incorporated PS were described. The literature on radiation- chemical synthesis of composite ion-exchange membranes based on polymer matrices with embedded polystyrene and its subsequent sulfonation was analyzed. Some problems of the kinetics and mechanism of thermal implantation of PS into various polymer matrices under different conditions were discussed. The physicochemical characteristics, structure, and transport properties of the membranes synthesized by thermal implantation of PS were reported. The obtained membranes were tested in low-temperature fuel cells.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(6):589-607
pages 589-607 views

Redox functionalization of carbon electrodes of electrochemical capacitors

Ermakova A., Popova A., Chayka M., Kravchenko T.


It is shown that the liquid oxidative treatment of microporous active carbon (AC) of the Norit DLC Supra 30 grade by nitric acid in the presence of carbamide results in an increase in the content of hydroxy groups on the AC surface at the practically unchanged content of carboxyl groups. Redox functionalization and appearance of pseudocapacity result in an increase in the carbon electrode capacity by 26%. The surface state of the carbon material is characterized using the infrared spectroscopy and Boehm titrimetry techniques, while the electrochemical characteristics are studied using the method of cyclic voltammetry in 3 M sulfuric acid solution. Studies of degradation of the electrodes of the initial and modified active carbons show that capacity decreases by 3 and 8%, accordingly, after 1 thousand charging–discharge cycles.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(6):608-614
pages 608-614 views

Electrooxidation of hydrogen at Pt/carbon nanotube catalysts for hydrogen–air fuel cell

Korchagin O., Zagudaeva N., Radina M., Bogdanovskaya V., Tarasevich M.


A possibility for application of the method of thin-layer rotating disk electrode (RDE) for investigation of kinetics of hydrogen electrooxidation on highly dispersed platinum catalysts formed on the carbon nanotubes (CNT) is studied. It is shown that the polarization curves of hydrogen oxidation on the studied catalysts approach the calculated curves for the diffusion overpotential of hydrogen reaction both in the acidic and alkaline electrolytes. This is the evidence, on the one hand, for a high activity of proposed catalysts in the hydrogen oxidation reaction and, on the other hand, for incorrect use of the Koutecky–Levich equation for calculating the kinetic currents in the case under consideration. The characteristics of hydrogen–oxygen fuel cell (FC) with anode based of synthesized 40Pt/CNT catalysts are highly comparative with the characteristics of FC containing commercial 60Pt catalyst (HiSPEC 9100) on the anode.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(6):615-621
pages 615-621 views

Reduced graphene oxide as a protective layer of the current collector of a lithium-ion battery

Kornilov D., Gubin S., Chuprov P., Rychagov A., Cheglakov A., Karaseva A., Krasnova E., Voronov V., Tkachev S., Kasharina L.


The possibility of protecting the current collector of the cathode of a lithium-ion battery from the corrosive agents of electrolyte by creating a protective shell of reduced graphene oxide on the collector surface was studied. The positive effect was found to be a decrease in the degree of Faraday processes. The results of scanning electron microscopy, XRD analysis, Raman spectroscopy, and cyclic voltammetry were presented.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(6):622-626
pages 622-626 views

Polarization of the contact between fluorine-conducting solid electrolyte and metal alloys

Turaeva M., Urchukova M., Tarasenkova I.


The kinetics of low-sized phase formation on polarization of the interface between LaF3:Eu2+ and Pb–Sn, Sn–Bi, and Sb–Bi alloys is studied by the potentiostatic and linear voltammetry methods. The analysis of anodic transients shows that the new phase formation involving fluoride ions from the solid electrolyte proceeds by the mechanism of instantaneous two-dimensional or three-dimensional nucleation. Comparison of calculated and experimental transients describing the instantaneous nucleation with either two-dimensional growth on the I/Im vs. t/tm coordinates or three-dimensional growth on the I2/Im2 vs. t/tm coordinates shows adequate agreement between the model and the initial regions of experimental curves. The properties of phases formed depend on the alloy composition and the polarization conditions as well as on the energy of interaction between components in the alloy and in the new phase.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(6):627-635
pages 627-635 views

Proton conductivity and spectral data of Cs2HPO4 · 2H2O

Ponomareva V., Bagryantseva I., Lavrova G.


The Cs2HPO4 · 2H2O single crystals synthesized from an aqueous solution containing equimolar amounts of H3PO4 and Cs2CO3 were studied by impedance and IR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis, and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The IR spectra were analyzed in accordance with the structural data, and the absorption bands were assigned. The proton conductivity was studied at temperatures in the range 20–250°C. The conductivity of dehydrated Cs2HPO4 was low, ~10–5–10–9 S cm–1 at 90–250°C with an activation energy of conductivity Ea = 1.1 eV at 130–250°C. The processes determining the character of the temperature dependence of conductivity were consistent with the DSC and thermogravimetry data. According to these data, dehydration of the crystalline hydrate Cs2HPO4 · 2H2O starts at 60°C and occurs in three stages, forming Cs2HPO4 · 1.5H2O below 100°C; anhydrous Cs2HPO4 at t > 160°C, which is stable up to 300°C; and Cs4P2O7 above 330°C.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(6):636-640
pages 636-640 views

Phase formation, microstructure, and electric conductivity of ion-conductive ceramics based on lanthanum gallate

Kaleva G., Sukhareva I., Mosunov A., Sadovskaya N., Politova E.


Ceramic samples in the (La0.8Sr0.2){[Ga0.8–x(Si0.5Mg0.5)x]Mg0.2}O3–d system (LSGSM) (x = 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8) were obtained by solid-phase synthesis, and their phase formation, structure, microstructure, and electric conductivity were studied. The substitution of gallium cations by silicon and magnesium cations was found to affect the phase formation, structure, microstructure, and electric conductivity of the ceramics. The replacement of up to 10 at % gallium cations by silicon and magnesium cations led to the formation of single-phase solid solutions in the LSGSM system. The silicon-containing samples are characterized by high density, optimum microstructure, close packing of grains, and high electric conductivity at high temperatures.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(6):641-646
pages 641-646 views

Regularities of oxygen and water thermal desorption from barium cerate doped by neodymium, samarium, and gadolinium

Khromushin I., Aksenova T., Baikov Y.


Processes of thermal desorption of oxygen molecules and water from BaCe1–xMxO3–δ, where M= Nd, Sm, and Gd, presintered in air at the temperature of 650°C are studied. It is found that oxygen is desorbed only from neodymium–doped barium cerate and is almost not evolved from barium cerate doped by samarium and gadolinium. The amount of desorbed oxygen features a square dependence on cationic doping by neodymium. At similar degrees of cationic doping, the amount of water desorbed from neodymium–doped barium cerate is always lower than that from the cerate doped by samarium and gadolinium. The obtained experimental data on thermal desorption and analysis of literature data served as a basis for the conclusion as to the mixed valency of neodymium Nd(III)–Nd(IV) in BaCe1–xNdxO3–δ. In this case, at similar doping degrees x, the hydration degree of BaCe1–xNdxO3–δ is lower and the oxygen index is higher than in BaCe1x(Sm,Gd)xO3–δ. The differences become more pronounced at high degrees of cationic doping and must decrease at an increase in temperature.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(6):647-650
pages 647-650 views

Phase equilibria, water dissolution, and peculiarities of charge transfer in Ca-doped La2Zr2O7–α

Antonova E., Ananyev M., Farlenkov A., Tropin E., Khodimchuk A., Porotnikova N.


A series of oxides La2 - xCaxZr2O7–α (x = 0.00, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20) is synthesized. It is found that in samples with the calcium content x = 0.15, 0.20, the second phase Ca0.9La0.2Zr0.9O3 is present in the fraction increasing with the increase in x. The solubility limit of calcium to form solid solutions based on La2Zr2O7 corresponds to x = 0.1. By high-temperature gravimetry, the proton concentration in La1.95Са0.05Zr2O7–α is obtained as a function of temperature in the interval of 300–950°С in Н2О–О2 atmosphere. According to temperature programmed desorption studies, in the temperature range of 400–900°С at least two types of OH defects with different binding energies are present in the oxide lattice. The temperature dependences of conductivity are obtained for La1.95Са0.05Zr2O7–α in dry and humid air atmosphere in the temperature range of 350–800°С by the method of impedance spectroscopy. The electrolyte conductivity in humid air is shown to substantially exceed the corresponding values in dry air, which can be associated with manifestation of protonic conductivity in humid atmosphere. The dependences of oxide conductivity on the oxygen content in the gas phase are determined. The conductivity is divided into its ionic and hole components.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(6):651-657
pages 651-657 views

Proton transport in perovskites Ba2InMO6 (M = Nb, Ta)

Kochetova N., Alyabysheva I., Matveev E., Animitsa I.


The reasons for the appearance of proton conductivity in the complex oxide Ba2InMO6 phases (M = Nb, Ta) with a formally complete oxygen sublattice were determined. The formation of oxygen vacancies in the structure as a result of the violation of stoichiometry causes the introduction of water, the amount of which does not exceed 0.02 mol per formula unit of the composition. The appearance of proton defects even in low concentrations provides the dominant proton transfer below 500°C.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(6):658-664
pages 658-664 views

Symmetrical solid oxide fuel cell with strontium ferrite-molybdenum electrodes

Osinkin D., Beresnev S., Lobachevskaya N.


The work contains the results of studies of a promising composite material of Sr2Fe1.5Mo0.5O6 + Ce0.8Sm0.2O1.9 for electrodes of symmetrical solid oxide fuel cells. It is shown that conductivity of the composite at 800°C is about 10 and 15 S/cm, for air and humid hydrogen, respectively, and polarization resistance of the electrodes in contact with the electrolyte based on doped lanthanum gallate under the same conditions is about 0.26 and 0.12 Ohm cm2. Tests of a symmetrical fuel cell with a planar design and the supporting gallate electrolyte with the thickness of 300 μm show that the cell can develop the power of about 0.5 W/cm2 at 800°C when air is supplied to the cathode and humid hydrogen is supplied to the anode. Analysis of polarization losses shows that the polarization of the oxygen electrode considerably exceeds the polarization of the anode.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(6):665-669
pages 665-669 views

Formation of NiO/YSZ functional anode layers of solid oxide fuel cells by magnetron sputtering

Ionov I., Solov’ev A., Lebedinskii A., Shipilova A., Smolyanskii E., Koval’chuk A., Lauk A.


The decrease in the polarization resistance of the anode of solid-oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) due to the formation of an additional NiO/(ZrO2 + 10 mol % Y2O3) (YSZ) functional layer was studied. NiO/YSZ films with different NiO contents were deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering of Ni and Zr–Y targets. The elemental and phase composition of the films was adjusted by regulating oxygen flow rate during the sputtering. The resulting films were studied by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffractometry. Comparative tests of planar SOFCs with a NiO/YSZ anode support, NiO/YSZ functional nanostructured anode layer, YSZ electrolyte, and La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3/Ce0.9Gd0.1O2 (LSCF/CGO) cathode were performed. It was shown that the formation of a NiO/YSZ functional nanostructured anode leads to a 15–25% increase in the maximum power density of fuel cells in the working temperature range 500–800°C. The NiO/YSZ nanostructured anode layers lead not only to a reduction of the polarization resistance of the anode, but also to the formation of denser electrolyte films during subsequent magnetron sputtering of electrolyte.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2017;53(6):670-676
pages 670-676 views

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