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Vol 55, No 11 (2019)


The Nature of Charge Carriers in Polymeric Complexes of Nickel with Schiff Bases Containing Electron-Withdrawing Substituents

Dmitrieva E.A., Chepurnaya I.A., Karushev M.P., Timonov A.M.


The data on polymeric complexes of nickel with salen-type Schiff bases containing electron-withdrawing nitro groups in ligand’s aromatic fragments are acquired by an in situ technique based on collecting electron paramagnetic resonance spectra simultaneously with absorption spectra in the UV, visible, and near IR regions in the course of oxidation-reduction of a polymer film on the surface of an optically transparent electrode under conditions of cyclic voltammetry. Based on the combined analysis of spectroscopic and electrochemical data, it is shown that as the potential of the polymer-modified electrode shifts in the positive region, the different types of charge carriers successively appear in the system (phenoxyl radical cations, radical pairs, and dications). The results obtained suggest that the positive charge can be delocalized either between aromatic rings in monomer fragments or between fragments of neighboring polymer chains.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2019;55(11):1039-1046
pages 1039-1046 views

Impedance of LiFe0.4Mn0.6PO4 Electrodes with Combined Conducting Polymer Binder of PEDOT:PSS and Carboxymethyl Cellulose

Apraksin R.V., Eliseeva S.N., Kamenskii M.A., Tolstopyatova E.G., Lang G.G., Kondrat’ev V.V.


This work studies the electrochemical properties of cathodic materials for lithium–ion batteries based on mixed lithium–iron–manganese phosphate LiFe0.4Mn0.6PO4 (LFMP) obtained using a conducting binder containing poly-3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene : polystyrenesulfonate (PEDOT:PSS) and carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC). The results are compared with those for the material based on LiFe0.4Mn0.6PO4 manufactured with the conventional polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) binder. The electrode material with the PEDOT:PSS/CMC binder manifests enhanced functional characteristics as compared to electrodes with the conventional binder. It is found that replacement of the conventional binder by the combined conducting PEDOT:PSS/CMC binder in the LFMP-based cathodic material results in an increase in the specific capacity of the cathodic material. Particularly noticeable advantages of the material with respect to specific capacity are observed at high currents (up to 10 C), which can be explained by the increasing rate of the processes of material recharge due to a significant decrease in the charge transfer resistance and an increase in the apparent diffusion coefficient of the lithium ions.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2019;55(11):1047-1057
pages 1047-1057 views

Theoretical Analysis of Changes in the Solution Composition during Anodic Electrolysis of Bromide

Petrov M.M., Konev D.V., Antipov A.E., Kartashova N.V., Kuznetsov V.V., Vorotyntsev M.A.


The changes in indicator-electrode potential and (quasi)equilibrium solution composition in the anodic compartment of a model electrolyzer initially filled with aqueous electrolyte containing 0.5 M concentration of bromide anions are calculated under the condition that pH 2 is maintained constant in this compartment. The theoretical analysis is carried out for three different hypotheses concerning the possible depth of electrolysis and the nature of processes involved: (1) no bromine compounds with positive degree of oxidation are formed; (2) bromine compounds with the degree of oxidation not higher than +1 are formed; (3) the process can involve the formation of both bromate ions and bromine compounds with the lower degrees of oxidation (\({\text{Br}}_{{\text{3}}}^{ - },\)\({\text{Br}}_{{\text{5}}}^{ - },\) Br2, BrO, HBrO) in solution as well as the liquid phase of bromine \(\left( {{\text{Br}}_{{\text{2}}}^{{{\text{liq}}}}} \right).\) All electrochemical and chemical reactions involving bromine-containing species taken into account within the framework of hypotheses of system evolution 1, 2, and 3 are assumed to be (quasi)equilibrium, and the electric current through the cell separator is assumed to be provided by supporting electrolyte ions. Methods are proposed for experimental determination of the version of evolution of Br-containing anolyte during electrolysis.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2019;55(11):1058-1067
pages 1058-1067 views

A Rechargeable Aqueous Lithium Ion Battery with High Rate Capability Based on Metallic Cadmium and LiCoO2

Yu Liu ., Gao S., Holze R.


An aqueous rechargeable lithium ion battery with metallic cadmium as the negative electrode, LiCoO2 nanoparticles as the positive electrode, and a neutral aqueous electrolyte solution of 0.5 M Li2SO4 and 10 mM Cd(Ac)2 is reported. It has good electrochemical performance. The calculated energy density based on the practically available capacity of the two electrodes is 72 W h kg–1; this is comparable to that of Ni–Cd batteries. The positive mercury electrode of the Weston cell is replaced by a LiCoO2 electrode, the negative cadmium amalgam by a plain cadmium metal electrode. Mercury is completely avoided. Compared with Ni–Cd batteries an alkaline electrolyte solution is not needed making the system more environment-friendly.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2019;55(11):1068-1076
pages 1068-1076 views

Some Specific Features in the Applying the Method of Raman Spectroelectrochemistry while Studying Polyaniline Electrosynthesis in Polymeric-Acid Medium

Nekrasov A.A., Iakobson O.D., Gribkova O.L.


Initial stages of aniline galvanostatic polymerization at platinum electrode in aqueous solutions of poly-2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propansulfonic acid and polystyrenesulfonic acid are studied by the method of Raman spectroelectrochemistry. A laser with wavelength of 532 nm excited the Raman scattering. The very presence of intermolecular associates able to luminescence in the polyacid solution (in the case of polystyrenesulfonic acid) was shown to result in the Raman-spectrometer photodetector overload if normal incidence of laser beam at the electrode (the angle 0°) was used. The Raman-spectrometer photodetector overload can be avoided by the varying of the incidence angle over the 0°–20° range, even without using other techniques (leading to a decrease in the reliability of the studied Raman band registration, such as the lowering of the integration time, intensity or energy of the excitation). Comparative study of aniline electropolymerization in the presence of poly-2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propansulfonic acid, polystyrenesulfonic acid, and HCl revealed some characteristic bands in the Raman spectra of the polyaniline–polyacid complexes in the Raman frequency range from 2000 to 3000 сm–1; these bands relate to the polyacid’s backbone and are absent in the Raman spectra of the polyaniline–HCl film. The dynamics of changes in the contribution to the integral Raman spectrum of the band of radical-cations (1330–1350 сm–1) characterizing the highly conductive emeraldine form of polyaniline was compared for the polymerization media. In the course of the electrosynthesis it was found, that the accumulation rate of these species in the film decreased in the series poly-2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propansulfonic acid > HCl > polystyrenesulfonic acid.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2019;55(11):1077-1085
pages 1077-1085 views

Ergodic Analysis of Three-Dimensional Chebyshev Spectrum of Electrochemical Noise

Klyuev A.L., Davydov A.D., Kabanova T.B., Grafov B.M.


The ergodicity of electrochemical noise of corrosion process with respect to the three-dimensional Chebyshev spectrum is studied. The electrochemical noise of “two identical electrodes of steel St-3 in the NaCl + benzotriazole solution” corrosion system is measured. The use of the Chebyshev noise spectra in the test for the ergodicity of electrochemical noise is dictated by the fact that the intensity of the second and higher Chebyshev spectral lines is resistant to the trend of electrochemical noise. It is found that in the initial period of interaction between the electrode and electrolyte, the electrochemical noise of the corrosion process is characterized by a weak ergodicity. However, even in 2.5 h, the ergodicity test shows that the steady state is reached. A similar situation is observed for the electronic noise of measuring equipment. The test for the ergodicity of electronic noise using the second component of three-dimensional Chebyshev spectrum shows that the steady state is reached in 30 min after switching on the measuring equipment. The ergodicity test with respect to the second component of three-dimensional Chebyshev spectrum can be used for the analysis of ergodic properties of random noise of any nature even under the conditions of strong trend.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2019;55(11):1086-1091
pages 1086-1091 views

Mixed Platinum–Nickel Catalysts of Oxygen Reduction

Stel’mashuk T.A., Alekseeva E.V., Levin O.V.


A mixed catalyst based on platinum and nickel oxide was obtained as a result of the synthesis and subsequent alkaline hydrolysis of thin polymer films of poly[Ni(Salen)] with platinum nanoparticles previously electrodeposited in its pores. The efficiency of catalyst operation was tested in oxygen electroreduction in an alkaline medium. A distinction of the catalyst is its high activity and tolerance to methanol impurities compared with commercial analogs.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2019;55(11):1092-1097
pages 1092-1097 views

Nitrogen-Doped Hierarchical Porous Hollow Carbon Microspheres for Electrochemical Energy Conversion

Li Dong ., Chen X., Ma J., Shao Q., Li A., Yan W., Zhang J.


Nitrogen-doped hierarchical porous hollow carbon microspheres (N-HPHCS) are synthesized using melamine-formaldehyde (MF) resin as carbon and nitrogen sources, sulfonated polystyrene microspheres (SPS) as the core template, and SiO2 nanoparticles as the mesopore forming agent. The obtained microspheres are composed of SPS core and MF/SiO2 composite shell (SPS@MF/SiO2). This SPS@MF/SiO2 is then calcined and acid-treated to obtain N-HPHCS. During the calcination, SPS core is removed, and the micropores are formed on the shell owing to the thermal decomposition of the MF resin. After chemical etching of the SiO2 nanoparticles, mesopores are generated on the carbon shell. The as-prepared sample of N-HPHCS has high surface area and large pore volume, and exhibits catalytic activity toward oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). The electrocatalytic performance of N-HPHCS can be ascribed not only to the doped nitrogen atoms, but also to the hierarchical porous structure.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2019;55(11):1098-1109
pages 1098-1109 views

Electrochemical Polymerization of Pyrrole in the Presence of Sulfoacid Polyelectrolytes

Gribkova O.L., Kabanova V.A., Nekrasov A.A.


The pyrrole electrochemical polymerization in the presence of salt and acid forms of flexible-chain sulfoacid polyelectrolytes is studied comparatively. Electrochemical and spectral methods of the synthesis control showed the polypyrrole electrosynthesis in the presence of polyelectrolytes to occur more rapidly and with lesser monomer concentration than in inorganic-anion-containing aqueous solutions. With the using of the polyelectrolytes’ Н+-form, the pyrrole polymerization rate was shown to exceed that in the Na+-salt solutions. Electrochemical, spectroelectrochemical properties in visible and near-IR spectral regions, and morphology of the obtained hybrid polypyrrole films were also studied.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2019;55(11):1110-1117
pages 1110-1117 views

Paradox of the Variation of the Bulk Resistance of Potassium Ion-Selective Electrode Membranes within Nernstian Potentiometric Response Range

Kondratyeva Y.O., Solovyeva E.V., Khripoun G.A., Mikhelson K.N.


Bulk resistance and other electrochemical properties of membranes of K+-selective electrodes (ISEs) containing valinomycin are measured by means of chronopotentiometry and electrochemical impedance. It is shown that the bulk resistance of the membranes, within the Nernstian potentiometric response range, increases along decrease of KCl concentration in solution. Analogous results were reported earlier for Ca2+ and NO\(_{3}^{ - }\) ISEs. This non-constancy of the bulk resistance is in conflict with current views on the mechanism of ISEs response. Tentatively, this paradox is ascribed to heterogeneity of membranes due to water uptake from solution.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2019;55(11):1118-1126
pages 1118-1126 views

Some Observations on the Electrochemical Reactions of Bisphenol A on Polycrystalline Gold in Contact with 0.1 M Aqueous NaClO4 Solution

Szekeres K.J., Fekete É., Ujvári M., Vesztergom S., Kondratiev V.V., Láng G.G.


Experimental results are presented on the electrochemical behavior of BPA at a gold | 0.1 M sodium perchlorate electrode. During the cycling of the electrode potential an adherent thin polymer layer was formed on the electrode. The film buildup process was followed in situ with an electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM) and ex situ by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used for the study of the structure/morphology of the deposited polymer coating. The results imply that polymerization and degradation of the BPA monomer may occur simultaneously during its electrochemical oxidation.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2019;55(11):1127-1135
pages 1127-1135 views

Testing Reactivity Descriptors for the Electrocatalytic Activity of OPG Hybrid Electrodes Modified with Iron Macrocyclic Complexes and MWCNTs for the Oxidation of Reduced Glutathione in Basic Medium

Gutiérrez-Cerón C., Silva N., Ponce I., Zagal J.H.


In this work we have tested the Fe(III)/(II) redox potential of the catalysts as a reactivity descriptors of iron macrocyclic complexes (FeN4) adsorbed on multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and deposited on ordinary pyrolytic graphite (OPG). The reaction examined is the oxidation of glutathione (GSH) a biologically important molecule. The experiments were conducted in 0.1 M NaOH and kinetic measurements were performed on MWCNT previously modified with FeN4 macrocycle complexes. This modified FeN4–MWCNTs were deposited on pristine OPG electrodes. From previous work it is known that for FeN4 complexes directly adsorbed on OPG, the activity as (log i)E plotted versus the Fe(II)/(I) redox potential follows a volcano correlation for the oxidation of glutathione. We wanted to test these correlations on hybrid electrodes containing MWCNTs and essentially the carbon nanotubes have no influence in these correlations and the redox potentials a are good reactivity descriptors, regardless of the way the FeN4 catalysts are attached to the electrode. Further, we find volcano correlations when using the Fe(II)/(I) and the Fe(III)/(II) redox potentials as reactivity descriptors. The volcano correlation when using the Fe(III)/(II) redox potential exhibits a maximum at E° = –0.26 V vs SCE which is close to the potential for comparing the different activities. This interesting result seems to indicate that the maximum cannot be explained only in terms of the Sabatier principle where θRS, the surface coverage of adsorbed intermediate is close to 0.5 but instead to a surface coverage of active sites θFe(II) equal to 0.5, which occurs at the Fe(III)/(II) formal potential.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2019;55(11):1136-1143
pages 1136-1143 views

Fabrication of 1D Fe2O3 with Flexible Ligands as Anodes for Lithium Ion Batteries

Xin Liu ., Wang X., Zhao H., Liu B., Lin X., Bai J., Wang Z.


Fe2O3 short nanorods, nanorods and nanowires were prepared by a facile hydrothermal method by using different flexible ligands (oxalic acid, succinic acid, adipic acid) as templates to adjust the L/D (length/diameter) ratios of the one-dimensional (1D) Fe2O3–nanostructures for the first time. The growth mechanism of Fe2O3 nanorods and nanowires were proposed. Their potential applications as anodes for lithium ion batteries were investigated by electrochemical analysis. This novel straightforward strategy to fabricate 1D metal oxide with different L/D ratios may provide a promising method to make advanced Fe2O3-based nanostructures for Li-ion battery applications.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2019;55(11):1144-1150
pages 1144-1150 views

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