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卷 55, 编号 3 (2019)

Reviews and Theoretical Articles

DNA Methylation in Neurodegenerative Diseases

Fedotova E., Illarioshkin S.


Epigenetic modifications in neurodegenerative diseases are just beginning to be studied; however, the growing interest in this phenomenon indicates its great importance in molecular mechanism of diseases and their phenotypical realization. DNA methylation takes one of the central places in gene expression regulation. This review considers the main DNA methylation types and the mechanisms of methylation and demethylation and provides general information on epigenetic regulation in Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Huntington’s disease, and hereditary ataxias. Possible prospects for targeted epigenetic correction as a new approach to neurodegenerative disease therapy are discussed.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2019;55(3):271-277
pages 271-277 views

Genetic Consequences of Interspecific Hybridization, Its Role in Speciation and Phenotypic Diversity of Plants

Rodionov A., Amosova A., Belyakov E., Zhurbenko P., Mikhailova Y., Punina E., Shneyer V., Loskutov I., Muravenko O.


The review focuses on the genetic consequences of interspecific hybridization and discusses its role in speciation and increasing the genetic diversity of plants, including the diversity of species and varieties of cultivated crops and garden plants. The combination of two or more genomes of different origin in the first-generation hybrids is usually accompanied by a phenomenon referred to as genomic shock, which results in different genetic and epigenetic changes. As a result, a material appears which is unique in providing multiple variants for natural selection of organisms, in different degrees adapted to new environmental conditions. In isolated plant populations with various destabilized genomes of hybrid origin under the influence of natural selection and due to genetic drift, gene and chromosomal differences will accumulate, triggering new reproductive isolating mechanisms that increase genetic isolation of a new race or species. Progressive establishment of genome stabilization at the eupolyploid stage and subsequent repeated genome and karyotype diploidization facilitate the retention of selected new genomic and epigenomic combinations. It seems likely that the evolutionary history of all agricultural crops and garden plant varieties, as well as of many invasive alien species and the components of adventive flora, was marked by interspecific crossings purposefully carried out by breeders during the creation of modern varieties and crossings between previously geographically isolated plants that were unintentionally united in apothecary and botanical gardens, in fields and backyards, and on disturbed lands around settlements. At the same time, phenotypic and genetic diversity of cultivars not only results from the combination of different alleles that already existed in the genomes of the parental species but also is a consequence of the appearance in the first-generation hybrids of new genomic and epigenomic variants that are direct or distant effects of post-hybridization genomic shock, the creative role of which we would like to emphasize.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2019;55(3):278-294
pages 278-294 views

Molecular Genetics

Interrelation of EAST-Dependent and Su(Hw)-Dependent Repression in Transgenic Lines of Drosophila melanogaster

Golovnin A., Kostyuchenko M., Georgiev P., Melnikova L.


In D. melanogaster, the nuclear matrix protein EAST functionally interacts with the Su(Hw)-dependent insulator complex. The y2 allele, in which the MDG4 retrotransposon is inserted between enhancers and the gene promoter, was previously described. The Su(Hw) insulator sequence is present in the regulatory region of MDG4. An increase in the EAST protein concentration or inactivation of the Mod(mdg4)-67.2 protein, which is part of the Su(Hw)-dependent complex, results in tissue-specific repression of the yellow gene in the y2 allele. In the present work, the degree of EAST-dependent and Su(Hw)-dependent repression in different regions of the genome was analyzed using transposition of transgenes containing long terminal repeat (LTR) sequences of the MDG4 retrotransposon and the Su(Hw) insulator. As a result of genetic experiments, it was shown for the first time that EAST-dependent repression of the yellow gene is observed in the same transgenic lines of D. melanogaster as Su(Hw)-dependent repression. The obtained data confirm our earlier suggestion that the regulatory complex, which is formed on the LTR sequence and functionally interacts with the EAST protein, transfers the transgene to the nucleus regions with a high concentration of factors that repress transcription.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2019;55(3):295-300
pages 295-300 views

Genetics of Microorganisms

Genomic Profiling of the Response of Aspergillus oryzae to the Treatment with Bis(2-Pyridine-1-Oxide) Diselenide

Zalepkina S., Smirnov V., Borisov A., Matsulevich Z.


We implemented genome-wide expression profiling to identify the mechanisms of toxicity of an organoselenium compound bis(2-pyridine-1-oxide) diselenide to the fungus А. oryzae RIB40. We uncovered changes in the expression levels in 72 genes. In particular, we observed a downregulation in the levels of several copper ion transmembrane transporter genes. In turn, we found a significant upregulation in the genes encoding oxidoreductases. The latter results are supported by biochemical experiments that revealed an increase in oxidoreductase activity in response to bis(2-pyridine-1-oxide) diselenide treatment. The results of a large-scale microarray analysis of the А. oryzae RIB 40 were confirmed by real-time quantitative PCR.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2019;55(3):301-308
pages 301-308 views

Plant Genetics

Allelic Diversity of Hordein-Coding Loci Hrd A and Hrd B in Cultivated (Hordeum vulgare L.) and Wild (Hordeum spontaneum C. Koch) Barley from Jordan (as a Part of the Fertile Crescent)

Pomortsev A., Boldyrev S., Lyalina E.


Starch gel electrophoresis was used to study polymorphism of hordeins encoded by the Hrd A and Hrd B loci in 34 local varieties of cultivated barley and 19 accessions of wild barley from Jordan. Thirty-two and 26 alleles for the Hrd A locus were identified in H. vulgare and H. spontaneum, respectively, and 42 and 32 alleles were detected for the Hrd B locus. Allelic frequencies of the Hrd A and Hrd B loci in cultivated barley varied within the range of 0.0029–0.2707 and 0.0029–0.1824, respectively, and within the range of 0.0105–0.1263 and 0.0105–0.0947 in wild barley. Six out of 52 alleles of Hrd A and four out of 70 alleles of Hrd В were common between Jordanian H. spontaneum and H. vulgare. Two of six common alleles of the Hrd A locus found in Jordanian wild and cultivated barley and one common allele of the Hrd В locus were discovered earlier among H. spontaneum accessions from Iran, Turkey, and Syria. However, three common alleles of Hrd A and three common alleles of Hrd В were detected only in Jordanian accessions of wild and cultivated barley. According to archaeological records, the earliest indications of barley utilization in Jordan appeared only in 6700 BC, whereas they were dated in Syria to 9000 BC and in Israel to 17 000 BC. We concluded that Jordan cannot be considered as domestication center of barley. At the same time, Jordanian H. spontaneum could have contributed some alleles of hordein-coding loci to the gene pool of H. vulgare owing to introgression resulting from spontaneous hybridization over the course of crop diffusion from the domestication center outward.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2019;55(3):309-318
pages 309-318 views

The Role of Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinase Genes VaCPK1 and VaCPK26 in the Response of Vitis amurensis (in vitro) and Arabidopsis thaliana (in vivo) to Abiotic Stresses

Dubrovina A., Kiselev K.


Calcium-dependent protein kinases (CDPK or CPK) are involved in protecting plants from abiotic stresses, but the properties and functions of CDPK are still poorly understood. Analysis of the Amur grape Vitis amurensis Rupr. is of great interest, since it demonstrates high tolerance to adverse environmental conditions. It was demonstrated that exposure of V. amurensis to salt and, to a lesser extent, osmotic and cold stress resulted in a considerable increase in the VaCPK1 and VaCPK26 transcription level. The present study was focused on the analysis of the effect of constitutive expression of the recombinant VaCPK1 and VaCPK26 genes on the resistance of V. amurensis cell cultures and Arabidopsis thaliana plants to salt, osmotic, and temperature stresses. It was demonstrated that expression of recombinant VaCPK26, as well as to a lesser extent VaCPK1, led to a 1.2–1.7 times increase in biomass accumulation by V. amurensis cell cultures and to a 1.2–2.1 times increase in survival of A. thaliana plants under salt stress. In addition, VaCPK26-expressing lines of A. thaliana lines demonstrated a slight degree of drought tolerance and were characterized by increased expression of some stress-induced protective genes involved in the formation of salt and dehydration tolerance. The data obtained indicate that the VaCPK1 and VaCPK26 genes can act as positive regulators of plant response to salt stress.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2019;55(3):319-329
pages 319-329 views

RT-qPCR Analysis of Host Defense-Related Genes in Nonhost Resistance: Wheat-Bgh Interaction

Rezaei A., Mahdian S., Babaeizad V., Hashemi-Petroudi S., Alavi S.


Non-host resistance (NHR) is a plant defense system against the majority of microbial pathogens. Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh), is an obligate biotrophic ascomycete fungal pathogen that can grow and reproduce only on living cells of wild or domesticated barley (Hordeum sp.).‎ In this study, the expression pattern of eight defense-related genes including NPR1, PR2, PR5, PR1-2, Lipase, LTP, PAL and POX was assessed in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Darya) against the powdery mildew fungus Bgh. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) activity in leaf tissues was also detected histochemically with 3,3-diaminobenzidine (DAB) staining. Result showed that in response to virulence agent, Bgh spores, papillae and hypersensitive response (HR) were formed in the 53.9 and 40.1% of infected area, respectively while in the rest of the infected area (6%) spores were not germinated. According to the histochemical analysis, the wheat NHR against Bgh belongs to type IІ NHR and display a multi-layered feature including wax composition, pre-formed barriers, papilla formation, hypersensitive response. According to results of expression analysis, the Pox, PR5 and PR1-2 expression level were clearly upregulated 24 hours post inoculation (hpi) and LTP was identified as an early signaling response to Bgh. In this study NPR1 was down regulated during all given time points, thus we suggested that salicylic acid (SA) signaling pathway may be mediated by a NPR1-independent mechanism(s) in wheat-Bgh interaction. The coordinated induction of a set of so-called systemic acquired resistance (SAR) genes including POX, PR1-2 and PR5 was observed in wheat-Bgh interaction. Expression pattern of defense-related genes at the wheat-Bgh interaction can be taken as an indication of their functional relevance at different time points of tissue infection.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2019;55(3):330-336
pages 330-336 views

Animal Genetics

Genetic Structure of Urban and Suburban Populations of Common Hamster (Cricetus cricetus) in Ciscaucasia

Feoktistova N., Meschersky I., Bogomolov P., Meschersky S., Poplavskaya N., Chunkov M., Yufereva V., Tel’pov V., Surov A.


On the basis of the allelic composition of ten microsatellite loci and mtDNA sequences, we studied the genetic structure of the common hamster populations that inhabit cities and suburban settlements in Ciscaucasia. It was shown that, in urbanized territories, the hamster population is divided into separated groups, the genetic differences between which are high and not related to the distance between them. On the outskirts of cities adjacent to undeveloped or green areas and further in rural areas, the degree of isolation of neighboring hamster settlements decreases, and the level of genetic differences between them begins to correspond to the distance separating the settlements. In the course of work, this species was first registered within the territory of the easternmost part of Ciscaucasia, in the Republic of Dagestan.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2019;55(3):337-348
pages 337-348 views

Genetic Differentiation of the Arctic Phylogenetic Group of Charr from Northeast Asia and North America

Oleinik A., Skurikhina L., Kukhlevsky A., Bondar E.


A comparative analysis of the mitochondrial DNA variability in Salvelinus taranetzi (and closely related taxa) from Asia and Salvelinus alpinus erythrinus from the Northwest Territories (NWT), North America, representing the Arctic phylogenetic group of charrs of the genus Salvelinus, has been carried out. The estimated divergence of the combined nucleotide sequences of the mtDNA CoI and Cytb genes and CR region within the discussed phylogroup varies in the range of 0.001–0.003 and does not exceed the intraspecific variability of S. taranetzi. A genealogical analysis confirms the phylogenetic proximity of S. a. erythrinus from NWT and S. taranetzi from Asia. By assuming a common origin of S. taranetzi and S. a. erythrinus, we have shown a significant differentiation between the geographical populations as a result of probable fragmentation of their common ancestor’s range. According to the hierarchical analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA), the intergroup component accounts for the major part (83% of variance) of the mtDNA variability (490 bp, CR) with a low genetic diversity within the groups (10%). The region of Anadyr–Kolyma Basin, which determines the heterogeneity of the phylogroups, stands out on a broad geographical scale.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2019;55(3):349-359
pages 349-359 views

Genetic Diversity of atp6 and cox3 Gene in Wild Drosophila melanogaster

Chen M., Yin H., Gu H., Zhang L., Xu Z., Ma T., Li D.


Mitochondria are the energy factory in cells, and more than 95% of the energy in cells is produced by the mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS). Therefore, mitochondria likely plays an important role in the process of high-altitude adaptation. Wild Drosophila melanogaster population structure provides a good precondition to detect positive selection on mitochondrial genes related to environmental or climatic variation, specifically hypoxia and high altitudes. In this paper, we sequenced atp6 (ATPase synthase 6) from 27 individuals and cox3 (cytochrome c oxidase III) from 26 individuals of wild Drosophila melanogaster. The percent G+C content of atp6 and cox3 genes has a value of 24 and 29.3%, respectively, exhibiting an extreme bias in base composition. 5 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were detected and 2 nonsynonymous substitutions (m.555T > A and m.577A > G) were detected in atp6, only one SNP (m.126C > T) was found from highland Drosophila melanogaster. 6 SNPs were detected in cox3, we found 2 nonsynonymous substitutions (m.745G > A and m.427G > A) of only one highland strain from Yun Nan province. Substitution rates and dN/dS ratios were relatively high for cox3 (ω = 0.34851) compared to atp6 (ω = 0.07329), both of them inferring is purifying selection by using PAML. Only one amino acid site 255I (p < 0.01) of the cox3 gene was found in one fly from low altitude Drosophila sample, which was generated by SNPs (m.763A > G and m.764T > C). From these analyses we conclude that selection may not have played a role in shaping Drosophila melanogaster regional mtDNA variation, the changes in selection is very likely due to some environmental stressors other than hypoxia and high altitudes, and more broadly, our results add to an emerging body of research in Drosophila.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2019;55(3):360-367
pages 360-367 views

Human Genetics

Association of ABCB9 and COL22A1 Gene Polymorphism with Human Predisposition to Severe Forms of Tick-Borne Encephalitis

Barkhash A., Yurchenko A., Yudin N., Kozlova I., Borishchuk I., Smolnikova M., Zaitseva O., Pozdnyakova L., Voevoda M., Romaschenko A.


Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is caused by a neurotropic RNA virus from the Flavivirus genus. TBE is characterized by a significant variability of clinical manifestations from nonparalytic forms (fever, meningitis) to severe paralytic (focal) forms (meningoencephalitis, poliomyelitis, polioencephalomyelitis). The result of interaction between a virus and a host (and, consequently, the viral disease course and outcome) largely depends on genetically determined ability of the host (particularly, human) organism immune system to suppress the development of viral infection. However, hereditary predisposition to TBE has been rather poorly studied in human populations. In this study, the results of whole exome sequencing of DNA samples from 22 Russian non-immunized TBE patients with severe TBE forms and 17 control individuals from the same populations are presented. Sixteen single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with predisposition to severe forms of TBE were identified. The genotype and allele frequencies for three of these SNPs localized in the ABCB9 (rs4148866, G/A, intron), COL22A1 (rs4909444, G/T, Ala938Asp), and ITGAL (rs1557672, G/A, intron) genes were then studied in larger samples of patients with different forms of TBE (n = 177) and in the control population (n = 215). As a result, the association of the ABCB9 and COL22A1 gene SNPs with the development of severe forms of TBE was for the first time demonstrated in the Russian population. The hypothesis regarding a possible mechanism of the effect of the ABCB9 gene intronic SNP on the process of human infection with TBE virus is considered.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2019;55(3):368-377
pages 368-377 views

The Role of Allelic Variants of Several Genes of Cytokines in the Development of Gastric Cancer

Yusupova L., Nurgalieva A., Gilyazova I., Prokofyeva D., Munasypov F., Khusnutdinov S., Rakhimov R., Abdeev R., Sakaeva D., Khusnutdinova E.


Pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines modulate the inflammatory response in the gastric mucosa. The analysis of associations of allelic variants of cytokine genes in the process of tumorous transformation of the gastric mucosa is an urgent problem. Its solution could make it possible to identify the features of production of inflammatory mediators by the immunocompetent cells during gastric carcinogenesis. The frequencies of alleles and genotypes of the rs1143634 and rs16944 loci of the IL1β gene, rs71941886 of the IL1RN gene, rs4073 of the IL8 gene, and rs1800872 of the IL10 gene were analyzed in 221 patients with established diagnosis of gastric cancer, as well as in 279 unrelated healthy individuals from the Republic of Bashkortostan. We discovered an association of the allele С and genotype C/C of the rs1143634 locus of the IL1β gene with a risk of development of malignant tumors of the stomach in men. We identified statistically significant differences in between patients and the control group in the distribution of frequencies of alleles and genotypes of the polymorphic variants: rs16944 of the IL1β gene and rs1800872 of the IL10 gene. Dependence of the associations with clinical features of the disease was also shown. Application of the APSampler algorithm revealed the combinations of alleles and genotypes associated with reduced and increased risk of the development of gastric cancer. The most significant were IL1β (rs1143634)*T + IL1β (rs16944)*T/T, IL8*A + IL10*A + IL1β (rs1143634)*T + IL1β (rs16944)*T, and IL10*A + IL1RN*2/2. The obtained results confirm the influence of the investigated allelic variants of cytokine genes on the risk of developing gastric cancer and play an important role in understanding the genetic structure of the studied pathology.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2019;55(3):378-387
pages 378-387 views

Mathematical Models and Methods

Bioinformatic Analysis of the Sciatic Nerve Transcriptomes of Mice after 30-Day Spaceflight on Board the Bion-M1 Biosatellite

Kuznetsov M., Rezvyakov P., Lisyukov A., Gusev O., Nikolskiy E., Islamov R.


Comparative bioinformatic analysis of sciatic nerve transcriptomes of C57BL/6J mice was carried out. Animals were divided into three groups: Flight, 30-day spaceflight; Recovery, 30-day spaceflight with subsequent 7-day readaptation; and Control. A significant pool of genes with an absolute difference in expression of more than 32 times compared to the control group was revealed in mice after the 30-day spaceflight (Flight and Recovery groups). Comparative analysis of the Flight and Recovery groups of murine transcriptomes did not reveal any significant differences in gene expression. In animals after spaceflight on board the biosatellite, using the KEGG database (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes), we identified genes related to the state of metabolic and signaling pathways involved in actin cytoskeleton regulation, regulation of potential-dependent calcium, sodium, and potassium channels, and myelination of nerve fibers.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2019;55(3):388-392
pages 388-392 views

Short Communications

Structure and Variability of 5'UTR, Exon 1 and Fragment of Intron 1 of the Pax3 Gene in American Mink (Neovison vison)

Kmieć M., Bińkowski J., Kubiś J.


The expression product of the Pax3 gene is a transcription factor involved in the process of neural crest’s stem cell differentiation into melanocytes during embryonic development. In individual life, the Pax3 gene expression is an element of the complex process of regulation the degree of melanoblasts differentiation. The state of melanoblasts (being a reservoir of renewable cells) differentiation depends on UV radiation, which stimulates the Pax3 gene expression. In the absence of radiation the expression of the Pax3 gene is inhibited, what stops the melanoblasts at the current level of diversity. Pax3 gene is one of the candidate genes responsible for animals coat color and its mutations are considered a possible cause for the occurrence of the color patterns: “splashed white” and “white spotting” in Quarter Horse breed. The 5'UTR exon 1 and the intron fragment 1 of the Pax3 gene in the American mink were sequenced. Two variations were found: substitution c.-17G>A in the 5′ UTR and substitution c.+142C>G in intron 1. Investigations were carried out on 93 individuals, which were genotyped for polymorphisms in the 5'UTR region using the MTPA-PCR technique. It was established that the study group was in a state of genetic equilibrium, because there were no statistically significant differences between observed genotypes frequency and theoretically calculated according to the Hardy–Weinberg principle and it was found that there were no statistically significant relationship between the Pax3 gene polymorphism and the American mink coat color.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2019;55(3):393-395
pages 393-395 views

DNA Methylation in Yeast-Like Fungi of the Species Candida albicans Induced by Different Lengths of Exposure to Ozone

Gryzinska M., Wlazlo L., Nowakowicz-Debek B., Jezewska-Witkowska G., Jakubczak A.


The objective of the study was to determine global DNA methylation induced by lengths of exposure to ozone in Candida albicans isolates of human and animal origin. The level of global DNA methylation was tested as the relative methylation level in the samples in relation to a methylated control. The analysis revealed differences in the methylation level in the human and animal samples. Ozone had a significant effect on the DNA methylation process, and longer exposure substantially increased the level of total methylated DNA. As expected, the degree of methylation depended on the length of exposure to ozone.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2019;55(3):396-398
pages 396-398 views