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卷 53, 编号 6 (2017)

Reviews and Theoretical Articles

Whole-genome sequencing of eukaryotes: From sequencing of DNA fragments to a genome assembly

Zadesenets K., Ershov N., Rubtsov N.


Rapid advances in sequencing technologies of second- and even third-generation made the whole genome sequencing a routine procedure. However, the methods for assembling of the obtained sequences and its results require special consideration. Modern assemblers are based on heuristic algorithms, which lead to fragmented genome assembly composed of scaffolds and contigs of different lengths, the order of which along the chromosome and belonging to a particular chromosome often remain unknown. In this regard, the resulting genome sequence can only be considered as a draft assembly. The principal improvement in the quality and reliability of a draft assembly can be achieved by targeted sequencing of the genome elements of different size, e.g., chromosomes, chromosomal regions, and DNA fragments cloned in different vectors, as well as using reference genome, optical mapping, and Hi-C technology. This approach, in addition to simplifying the assembly of the genome draft, will more accurately identify numerical and structural chromosomal variations and abnormalities of the genomes of the studied species. In this review, we discuss the key technologies for the genome sequencing and the de novo assembly, as well as different approaches to improve the quality of existing drafts of genome sequences.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(6):631-639
pages 631-639 views

Clinical and genetic characteristics and diagnostic features of Landouzy–Dejerine facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy

Zernov N., Marakhonov A., Vyakhireva J., Guskova A., Dadali E., Skoblov M.


Landouzy–Dejerine facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) is one of the most common hereditary myodystrophies. A study of the genetic nature of the disease, which has an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance, is extremely interesting and revealing. A unique structure of D4Z4 macrosatellite repeats found in the 4q35 region was originally characterized by a decrease in the number of repeats in patients with Landouzy–Dejerine muscular dystrophy, which resulted in the activation of neighboring genes, in particular, the DUX4 transcription factor. Later, it was found that the epigenetic mechanisms responsible for the chromatin condensation of this region underlie the activation. To date, additional participants leading to pathogenesis of the disease, such as SMCHD1 methylation regulator and DBE-T regulatory long noncoding RNA, have been identified. The revealed complexity of the disease mechanisms is in good agreement with the observed pattern of the disease inheritance. The study of the Landouzy–Dejerine muscular dystrophy pathogenesis is a good example of how monogenic diseases can possess a more complex nature of inheritance.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(6):640-650
pages 640-650 views

Plant Genetics

The role of expansin genes PtrEXPA3 and PnEXPA3 in the regulation of leaf growth in poplar

Kuluev B., Knyazev A., Mikhaylova E., Chemeris A.


The genes of α-expansins of woody plants are of great interest for genetic engineering, since they can potentially be used to improve the tree growth parameters. In the flora of Russia, model woody plants for plant biotechnology are aspen (Populus tremula L.) and black poplar (Populus nigra L.). The objective of this study was to determine the role of α-expansin-encoding genes, aspen PtrEXPA3 and black poplar PnEXPA3, in the regulation and maintenance of woody plant growth. To achieve this goal, the PtrEXPA3 expression level were determined upon exogenous phytohormone treatment, the action of stress factors, and constitutive expression of the PnARGOS-LIKE gene. In addition, transgenic aspen plants with constitutive expression of the black poplar PnEXPA3 gene were generated, and their morphological analysis was carried out. The highest PtrEXPA3 mRNA level was detected in young intensely growing aspen leaves, and furthermore, expression of the gene was induced by exogenous cytokinins and auxins. In response to NaCl and constitutive expression of the PnARGOS-LIKE gene, the PtrEXPA3 mRNA level decreased. Transgenic aspen plants with constitutive PnEXPA3 expression were characterized by the decreased size of leaves, petioles, and internodes, as well as the increased size of leaf epidermal cells, while the stem size remained unchanged. Taken together, the data obtained enable the suggestion that the PtrEXPA3 and PnEXPA3 genes encode cytokinin- and auxin-regulated, leaf-specific expansins that are involved in the cell expansion.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(6):651-660
pages 651-660 views

Genetic structure of the populations of Dactylorhiza ochroleuca and D. incarnata (Orchidaceae) in the area of their joint growth in Russia and Belarus

Filippov E., Andronova E., Kazlova V.


We carried out an allozyme analysis to investigate polymorphism and genetic structure of the populations of D. incarnata and D. ochroleuca in regions of their joint growth in Russia and Belarus. We found that D. ochroleuca individuals in the populations of the Urals and Siberia, which are distant fragments from the main range of the species, do not differ significantly from individuals within the main part of the area (Belarus) on the basis of the allelic composition of eight gene loci. We revealed that D. ochroleuca and D. incarnata are differentiated by different alleles of the GDH locus. Thus, we established a genetic marker suitable to distinguish these closely related taxa. In addition to the GDH locus, D. ochroleuca and D. incarnata in the places of their joint growth, differ in the allelic structure of the PGI and NADHD loci. D. incarnata from the Urals and Siberia were polymorphic for both loci, and individuals from Belarus were polymorphic for one locus (PGI). In contrast, all D. ochroleuca individuals growing in sympatric populations with polymorphic D. incarnata were homozygous for the same alleles. Thus, comparison of the genetic structure of D. ochroleuca and D. incarnata points to the existence of a genetic isolation and a functioning isolation mechanism even under conditions of their joint growth. We found that the GDH locus in D. incarnata is polymorphic only in populations which grow together with D. ochroleuca, with exception a few examples. Thus, we conclude that variability of the GDH locus in D. incarnata is associated with hybridization with D. ochroleuca.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(6):661-671
pages 661-671 views

Novel SlFUL2 orthologous genes and analysis of their expression in wild and cultivated tomato of the section Lycopersicon

Slugina M., Shchennikova A., Kochieva E.


FRUITFULL (FUL) transcription factors, SlFUL1 and SlFUL2, are directly involved in the regulation of tomato fruit development. In the present study, complete sequences of novel SlFUL2 orthologous genes were isolated and structurally characterized in five accessions of domestic tomato Solanum lycopersicum and closely related wild species S. pimpinellifolium, having different morphological characteristics. In the studied genes, overall level of nucleotide sequence variation was 1.94%. Nine out of 11 exon-specific SNPs led to amino acid substitutions in the functionally important MADS, K, and C domains of the SlFUL2 orthologues. Considerable differences in the level and spatiotemporal dynamics of the expression patterns in different tomato organs at the species and intraspecific levels were observed.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(6):672-679
pages 672-679 views

Animal Genetics

Genetic variability of anchovy in the Azov-Black Sea basin

Vodiasova E., Abramson N.


The intraspecific structure of the European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) was studied on the basis of mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (cytb) fragment variability in 84 individuals from seven localities of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. The data on haplotype and nucleotide diversity and the values of neutrality tests suggested expansive growth of anchovy populations in the Azov-Black Sea basin. All samples from anchovy populations demonstrated a high level of haplotype diversity (Hd = 0.962). Two dominant haplotypes were identified, the frequencies of which were not directional, and they were present in all localities. Sequence analysis of the mitochondrial cytb gene fragment showed no differentiation between the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea subspecies.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(6):680-687
pages 680-687 views

Human Genetics

Analysis of GJB6 (Сx30) and GJB3 (Сx31) genes in deaf patients with monoallelic mutations in GJB2 (Сx26) gene in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia)

Pshennikova V., Barashkov N., Solovyev A., Romanov G., Diakonov E., Sazonov N., Morozov I., Bondar A., Posukh O., Dzhemileva L., Khusnutdinova E., Tomsky M., Fedorova S.


Тhe DNA testing of autosomal recessive deafness type 1A (DFNB1A, MIM 220290) is complicated when deaf patients have only monoallelic (heterozygous) recessive mutations in the GJB2 (Сх26) gene that is uninformative for establishment of diagnosis. Such patients may be “random” heterozygous carriers of GJB2 mutations as well as have the mutant allele in a cis-regulatory region of GJB2 gene, in element genes encoding other connexins: GJB6 (Сх30) or GJB3 (Сх31). Previous studies of genetic causes of hearing loss in patients from Yakutia were directed to search for only mutations in the GJB2 gene, and the DNA diagnostics was uninformative for 9.7% (38/393) of the patients with monoallelic GJB2 mutations. In this work the search for mutations in genes GJB3 and GJB6 and two deletions с.del(GJB6-D13S1830) and с.del(GJB6-D13S1854) to the cis-regulatory region of GJB2 gene was conducted in 35 patients with GJB2 monoallelic mutations and in 104 normal hearing individuals. The genes studied are two synonymous substitution c.489G>A (р.Leu163Leu) (GJB6) and c.357C>T (р.Asn119Asn) (GJB3) have been found, probably do not have clinical significance, and two nonsynonymous substitution c.301G>A (p.Glu101Lys) (GJB6) and с.580G>A (p.Ala194Thr) (GJB3). Additional experimental evidences are needed for confirmation of pathogenic significance of detected nonsynonymous substitutions in development of hearing loss in studied patients. Diagnosis of the DFNB1A was confirmed in only one patient, who was discovered by the deletion с.del(GJB6-D13S1830) (GJB2) in combination with a recessive mutation с.35delG (GJB2). In general, our results indicate low contribution of mutations in genes GJB6 and GJB3 in hearing loss etiology in Yakutia.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(6):688-697
pages 688-697 views

Characterization of 48 polymorphic loci as potential markers for the risk of ischemic stroke

Dribnokhodova O., Mironov K., Korchagin V., Dunaeva E., Akselrod E., Titkov A., Platonov A., Shipulin G.


With the aim to determine specific genetic characteristics of the population of Moscow region, we determined allele frequencies of 48 polymorphic loci (SNP) associated with the increased risk of ischemic stroke development. The genotype frequency distribution for all the SNPs corresponds to Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. Comparison of the allele frequencies with those obtained for Caucasian populations from the databases dbSNP and 1000 Genomes Project revealed significant differences for two SNPs (rs556621 and rs556512) and seven SNPs (rs556621, rs556512, rs1801133, rs1799983, rs5918, rs328, and rs2398162), respectively. The revealed genetic features of the population make it possible to increase the accuracy and reliability of the individual genetic risk assessment of development for multifactorial diseases in the examined population.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(6):698-702
pages 698-702 views

Viability of carriers of chromosomal abnormalities depends on genomic dosage of active ribosomal genes (rRNA genes)

Lyapunova N., Porokhovnik L., Kosyakova N., Mandron I., Tsvetkova T.


The genomic dosage of active (transcription-capable) ribosomal genes (AcRG) was determined in the genomes of 172 individuals, carriers of various chromosomal abnormalities: 116 individuals with numerical autosomal abnormalities (Down syndrome and Robertson translocations), 36 individuals with numerical abnormalities of gonosomes (Klinefelter, Turner, trisomy X, and disomy Y syndromes), and 20 carriers of various structural abnormalities of chromosomes. In the control sample of healthy individuals with a normal karyotype (N = 318), the AcRG number varied from 120 to 190 copies with mean of 150 ± 1 copies per diploid genome. In all the studied samples of carriers of chromosomal abnormalities, the genomic dosage (GD) of AcRG does not exceed the limits of variation of this feature in the control sample. However, in all the samples, the characteristic differences in the GD of AcRG were revealed. In accordance with the expectation, in patients with Down syndrome, the mean GD of AcRG was 10% higher, and in carriers of Robertson translocations, the maximum AcRG dose was 20% less than in the control. It can be concluded that about 10% of patients with Down syndrome and up to 50% of carriers of Robertsonian translocations die in the prenatal or early postnatal period because of excess or deficiency of AcRG in their genomes. A significant narrowing of the limits of the variation of the GD of AcRG in a sample of age-specific (over 10 years) patients with Down syndrome in comparison with the newborns was revealed. Obviously, Down syndrome carriers with low and high doses of AcRG predominantly die during the first years of life. The GD of AcRG of carriers of numerical anomalies of gonosomes predominantly fall into the region of medium, adaptive doses, and the carriers of structural chromosomal abnormalities predominantly survive when the dose of AcRG in the genome is greater than the mean in the control sample. For the first time, data on the association of the viability of carriers of different variants of chromosomal abnormalities with the number of active copies of rRNA genes in their genomes are presented.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(6):703-711
pages 703-711 views

Genotyping of patients with phenylketonuria from different regions of Russia for determining BH4 responsiveness

Gundorova P., Stepanova A., Bushueva T., Belyashova E., Zinchenko R., Amelina S., Kutsev S., Polyakov A.


To date, the efficacy of the phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) cofactor is proved for the treatment of both BH4-dependent hyperphenylalaninemia and phenylketonuria patients with mutations in the PAH gene. Since the patient’s response depends on the presence of residual PAH enzyme activity, it is advisable to search for mutations in the PAH gene to identify the potential responders and nonresponders to therapy. Four hundred thirty-five phenylketonuria patients from 13 regions of the Russian Federation were genotyped in order to identify responders and nonresponders to tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) therapy. According to the results of this study, the number of probable nonresponders to the BH4 treatment exceeds 50% owing to a higher overall allelic frequency of “severe” PAH gene mutations. Responder patients with two “mild” mutations in the PAH gene were identified (1.6%).

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(6):712-718
pages 712-718 views

Mathematical Models and Methods

On multilocus population genetic structure: I. Description of gametic disequilibrium architecture

Passekov V.


A diploid population is analyzed with respect to the set of L autosomal loci. The attention is focused on the description of possible gametic disequilibria defined as deviations of the current population state from the reference state with the same allelic concentrations but with independent combination of alleles in gametes. The disequilibrum description is not based on any assumptions about microevolution factor pressures, generation overlapping, mating systems, etc. It is simply used to represent the current genetic structure of the population in terms of gametic disequilibria and allele concentrations. As the indicators of linkage disequilibrium, the basis vectors of subspaces of admissible deviations are chosen that were originally suggested as eigenvectors of a linearization matrix for the model of generalized nonepistatic selection in a series of papers by S. Karlin and U. Liberman. In the present paper, these characteristics are considered from a completely different, new point of view, namely, as the basis gametic disequilibria, and admissible deviations are decomposed into the basis ones. The disequilibrium hierarchical organization with respect to inducing marginal deviations from appropriate reference states on the locus subsets of different sizes is revealed. Each of the basis disequilibria is characterized by a set of loci K, the so-called deviation support. For a basis disequilibrium of a certain level of hierarchy, there is a threshold m (equal to the quantity of loci in K) for the number of loci which is necessary for that disequilibrium detection. Thus, it is required to analyze no less than m loci simultaneously to reveal the existing basis deviation from linkage equilibrium. The justification of the results is based on the use of linear algebra machinery, Kronecker multiplication, and linear subspace of admissible deviations. Properties of marginal deviations on various subsets of loci are considered in terms of gametic disequilibria.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(6):719-731
pages 719-731 views

Short Communications

Association of T-786C polymorphism of endothelial nitric oxide synthase 3 gene with the functional state of the myocardium in patients with ischemic heart disease combined with type 2 diabetes mellitus

Muslimova E., Rebrova T., Sergienko T., Afanasiev S., Repin A.


The association of polymorphism T-786C of the endothelial NO-synthase gene NOS3 with the functional state of the left ventricle (LV) was studied among residents of the West Siberian region with ischemic heart disease (IHD), including that combined with diabetes mellitus type 2 (DMT2). Carriers of genotype–786TT had the greatest ejection fraction of the left ventricle in the group of patients without DMT2 (p = 0.012). This dependence was not revealed in the group of patients with IHD combined with DMT2. In the group with genotype–786TC, the frequency of left ventricular hypertrophy was higher among patients with DMT2 than patients without it (p = 0.025). There was no association between NOS3T–786C polymorphism and the severity of functional class of heart failure in both the groups.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(6):732-735
pages 732-735 views

Nucleolar organizing regions (NORs) of common vole chromosomes as nuclear markers of genome differentiation in data from a hybrid zone of two karyoforms, arvalis and obscurus

Bulatova N., Pavlova S., Potapov S., Gromov A.


Contrasting chromosome location of nucleolar organizing regions (NORs), a poorly studied differentiating feature of two karyoforms of the 46-chromosome common voles, arvalis and obscurus, is demonstrated in the heterozygous karyotype of a natural hybrid from the arvalis/obscurus contact zone in European Russia. It was deduced from the karyotype analysis that the obscurus form was parental in this case and the arvalis form was defined as maternal via the markers of the mitochondrial genome. The similarities in the levels of chromosome polytypy and the lineage differentiation of the arvalis/obscurus and obscurus mitochondrial genomes according to the new and earlier published data is noticeable.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2017;53(6):736-739
pages 736-739 views