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Volume 48, Nº 10 (2018)


Benefits and Risks of High-Intensity Blast-Furnace Operation

Zagainov S., Filatov S., Myasoedov S., Gileva L., Titov V.


More intense blast-furnace operation at OAO NLMK has been made possible by improvement in quality of the coke and the iron-ore products, increase in pressure below the charge hole, and oxygen enrichment of the blast. That increases the rate of indirect wustite reduction and decreases the heat losses to the cooling water. However, high intensity also significantly increases the risks of accidents in batch admission. Besides change in quality of the batch components, the disruptions in batch descent may be due to change in the ore distribution over the furnace radius. A new diagnostic method has been developed to identify the factors responsible for such disruptions. Simulation permits analysis of the influence of change in the ore load and the size of the iron-ore products on the temperature change of the peripheral gases and the utilization of the carbon monoxide. The method is based on analysis of the total change in gas temperature and the utilization of the carbon monoxide in the peripheral region. On that basis, the factors responsible for the change in the pressure difference over the furnace height may be identified. Analysis of the dynamics of the pressure differences over the furnace height permits judgments regarding the probability of disruptions in batch delivery. The possibility of decreasing the pressure difference by redistribution of the ore over the furnace radius and decreasing the quantity of gas is assessed. Various methods of decreasing the quantity of gas are accompanied by changes in the coke consumption and furnace productivity. A mathematical model has been developed for the selection of the best combination of blast adjustments for specific conditions.

Steel in Translation. 2018;48(10):619-623
pages 619-623 views

Assessment of Nonuniform Batch Distribution in Blast Furnace

Sibagatullin S., Kharchenko A., Devyatchenko L.


In industry, nonuniform distribution of the material and energy resources significantly affects the stability of production processes and impairs product quality. In particular, in blast furnaces, nonuniform distribution of the batch components and the gas temperature significantly affects furnace performance. A literature review shows that the nonuniformity is usually assessed by means of various coefficients taking account of the variability in the material and energy resources in the course of production. The variation coefficient introduced by Pearson in 1895 is most commonly used. The relation between the square of the variation coefficient V2 and X2 = [n(N–1)/N]V2 is established. According to this relation, the random quantity V2 has a χ2k distribution with k degrees of freedom: k = N–1. Here n = n1 + n2 + … + nN; ni is the ith measurement (\(i = \overline {1,N} \) ); and N is the total number of measurements. The proposed method of assessing the nonuniformity is based on the statistics χ2k and X2, as proposed by Pearson in 1901 and 1904, respectively. Here X0 is intended for verification of hypothesis H0: that the empirical and statistical distributions agree. The azimuthal nonuniformity of the distribution of materials and gases in the blast furnace is based on the consistency of the Pearson statistics χ2k and X2. The quantile factor q is employed if the calculations of X2 do not employ the frequency of the measured quantities but, by analogy, the magnitudes of the physical quantities. In this method, after correction, X2 is used to assess the deviation p from a uniform distribution (the nonuniformity factor): p = p2k), p ∈ (0; 1–α); χ2k= X2co-qX2. If X2 and χ2k are to be consistent for measurements of physical quantities (the temperature or pressure) or of materials (friable materials, gases), X2 must be corrected so that qX2max ≈ χ2k(α), X2max ⊂ (X21, …,X2M), where M is the number of experiments for which X2 is determined; χ2k(α) is the upper α quantile of χ2k; q is the quantile factor introduced for correction of X2; X2max is the limiting value of X2max permissible in determining the nonuniformity measure. The method is tested in estimating the relative nonuniformity of the batch components and the distribution of the azimuthal temperature for 2014- and 1370-m3 blast furnaces at OAO Magnitogorskii Metallurgicheskii Kombinat. The influence of the sequence in which the batch components are selected in the bunker of the nonconical furnace-charging system on the azimuthal nonuniformity of the materials and the smelting characteristics is analyzed.

Steel in Translation. 2018;48(10):624-630
pages 624-630 views

Strain Hardening of Bainitic and Martensitic Steel in Compression

Aksenova K., Nikitina E., Ivanov Y., Kosinov D.


Martensite and bainite formed in steel on heat treatment are very complex structures, resisting quantitative analysis. Often such steels are used at high static and dynamic compressive stress. Thorough analysis of their structure after various types of treatment permits their effective use in manufacturing so as to ensure the required physicomechanical properties of the product. The properties of such materials are determined by the solid-solution structure; the presence of secondary-phase nanoparticles; dislocational substructure; the type and position of different types of boundaries; and internal stress fields. Successful control of structure and phase formation and hence of the mechanical properties of the material depends on a quantitative grasp of strain hardening of steels of different structural classes on active plastic deformation. In the present work, transmission diffractional electron microscopy is used to analyze the strain hardening of 38KhN13MFA steel with martensitic structure and 30Kh2N2MFA steel with bainitic structure in active plastic deformation (compression) by up to 26 and 36%, respectively. The contributions of strain hardening associated with intraphase boundaries, dislocational substructure, carbide phases, atoms of alloying elements, and long-range stress fields are considered. The main contributors to the strain hardening of quenched 38KhN13MFA steel are substructural hardening associated with internal long-range stress fields; and solidsolution strengthening associated with carbon atoms. For normalized 30Kh2N2MFA steel, the strain hardening may again be attributed to internal stress fields, the introduction of carbon atoms in the ferrite lattice, and also structural fragmentation when the strain exceeds 26%. The dislocational substructure and carbide particles make relatively small contributions to the hardening of such steels. The loss of strength of bainitic steel at deformation exceeding 15% is due to activation of deformational microtwinning.

Steel in Translation. 2018;48(10):631-636
pages 631-636 views

Socially Oriented Information Technology for Reducing the Environmental Impact of Mines and Metallurgical Enterprises

Shorokhova A., Novichikhin A., Yur’eva E.


The proposed socially oriented information technology is based on the integration of diversification and technological processes for the creation of additional products and infrastructure, by stepwise structural synthesis of waste processing and land reclamation. The technology relies on empirical assumptions, theoretical principles, models of the decrease in environmental impact, assessments of the requirements, practical results, and verification criteria. The main approaches to decreasing the environmental impact include prevention of environmental damage; the introduction of a complete resource-utilization cycle; reconciliation of the interests of state agencies, investors, property owners, and other stake holders; and the stepwise integration of waste processing, recultivation of degraded land, and the creation of social infrastructure. The conceptual model for decreasing the environmental impact makes coordinated use of the primary and secondary products of waste processing and land restoration, with subsequent infrastructure creation. The outcomes of socially oriented information technology are specific, interpretable, verifiable, reliable, complete, and consistent. On the basis of the proposed tool set, scenarios are developed for improving the environmental conditions in the city of Novokuznetsk, which is located in the vicinity of metallurgical enterprises. In these scenarios, industrial wastes are used in the production of raw materials for the steel industry, building materials (bricks, concrete additives), and agricultural fertilizer. Predictions are made up to 2037, in terms of economic impact, area of recovered land, environmental pollution by productive activities, population of the region, relevant standards, and the pollution prevented per capita. Construction of the new system is planned for 2019 and 2020, with operation in 2021. Stepwise construction of the social infrastructure will begin in 2033. Simulation indicates the annual growth in predicted indices under the various scenarios, on account of synthesis of waste processing and land restoration, as well as decrease in the pollution thanks to low-waste and zero-waste production.

Steel in Translation. 2018;48(10):637-641
pages 637-641 views

Formulating Training Programs for Users of ERP Systems

Zimin A., Burkova I., Mit’kov V., Zimin V.


An important factor determining the length of industrial trials for ERP systems is the quality of user training for working in the integrated management system, which is integrated at the level of elementary transactions. Obviously, the length of this period and the corresponding losses associated with problems in the operation of the ERP system may be significantly decreased not only by satisfactory design and testing of the system but, in particular, by improving user skills through training. The problem of creating a training program for users of an ERP system at a large metallurgical company is expressed in mathematical terms. In this formulation, the optimization criterion is the total increment in user competence as a result of the program. Solution of this problem is based on network programming, which calls for structurally similar network representation of the target function and constraints. The authors present a general scheme for solution of this problem, as well as an example. In the solution, the individual assessment problems are solved by dichotomous programming. The approximate solutions obtained may be improved by finding the global optimum of the initial problem on the basis of the branch and bound method. The boundaries employed are values of the target function in the approximate solution. In practice, it will be expedient to consider the inverse of the problem considered here: in that case, the criterion is the training cost. In view of the structural similarity of the increment in skills and the training cost, the approach proposed for the direct problem may also be applied to the inverse problem. To generalize the problem considered, user preferences regarding the relative significance of particular programs may be taken into account by appropriate weighting. The basic solution remains unchanged.

Steel in Translation. 2018;48(10):642-646
pages 642-646 views

Environmental and Economic Management of Coke Plants

Kiseleva T., Mikhailov V., Stepanov I.


Coke production has numerous serious environmental impacts (atmospheric emissions of pollutants, wastewater emissions, solid-waste storage). To reduce such impacts, the local environmental and economic system and its basic components must be studied in order to improve plant management. In the present work, existing approaches to determining the operational features of industrial enterprises as local environmental and economic systems are analyzed; their modification is considered. This analysis provides the basis for a set of correlated environmental and economic indices reflecting the specifics of a coke plant with a narrow production program (specifically, PAO Koks). It is particularly important to understand the relationship between the following pairs: the current environmental protection costs and the risk level; the current environmental protection costs and fees for environmental damage; the current environmental protection costs and the compensation factor for the economic harm; and the utilization of production resources and the risk level. It is evident that the coke plant has pursued different environmental policies at different times: from 2004 to 2010; and from 2010 to 2016. By the analysis of theoretical developments in Russia and elsewhere and the analysis of graphs of actual plant data, means of improving the management of the coke plant as a local environmental and economic system are identified. From this perspective, it is important to make better use of current expenditures on environmental protection by redistributing the total among specific budget items and by devising a management algorithm for the wastes generated at the plant such that they may be converted to a commercial product, with decrease in waste-storage fees. This research is of practical interest for large industrial enterprises with numerous negative environmental impacts, so as to identify effective environmental management strategies.

Steel in Translation. 2018;48(10):647-651
pages 647-651 views

Experience of Using the Integral Indicator of the Domain Charge in Selecting the Basic Mode of the Domain Melt

Togobitskaya D., Bel’kova A., Murav’eva I., Stepanenko D.


To assess the quality of iron ore in selecting the blast-furnace charge, an integral characteristic of the batch is proposed. This index takes account of the mineralogical composition of the ore and the hightemperature properties of its components, which determine the final products. It is expedient to use the integral batch index in selecting the baseline operating conditions of the blast furnace in a time when the batch and technological conditions are varying. The use of the batch index as a measure of its fusibility is recommended in the analysis of melts and in optimization of the composition and properties of multicomponent blast-furnace batch.

Steel in Translation. 2018;48(10):652-658
pages 652-658 views

Forging of High-Alloy Steel Ingots

Tyurin V., Sapunov A., Chuchkov A.


The forging of high-alloy 13Kh17N14M3 and 08Kh18N10T steel ingots (mass 5.3, 1.5, and 1.2 t) is considered. Five forging technologies based on microshear are considered: natural shear in forging by traditional tools, insertion hammers; and hybrid hammers; and applied shear in forging by hammers with working surfaces that cross in the transverse vertical plane. In forging with macroshear, the reduction is 1.78, while the total reduction in the ingot is 2.44. For all the forgings, the deformation of the metal is satisfactory, with no residual cast structure. The mechanical properties of the metal considerably exceed the standard requirements.

Steel in Translation. 2018;48(10):659-662
pages 659-662 views

Lubrication in Cold Rolling and Drawing of Pipe

Mazur V.


The use of lubricant in the cold rolling and drawing of pipe is considered in theoretical and practical terms. Its use proves positive. The transfer of lubricant to the deformation region is analyzed, as well as the influence of the lubricant on the surface microrelief of the pipe. Experimental data and industrial practice are analyzed. Recommendations are made regarding lubricant selection and means of ensuring production efficiency and meeting the requirements on the surface quality of the pipe.

Steel in Translation. 2018;48(10):663-671
pages 663-671 views

Energy-Saving Technology for the Manufacture of High-Strength Threaded Fasteners

Ivchenko A.


An energy-saving technology is proposed for the manufacture of high-strength fasteners (strength class no less than 8.8) on the basis of the principles adopted in thermal–mechanical–thermal technology (TMT technology). This technology is tested in industrial conditions. The technology relies on cumulative increase in the strength at all stages of production: wire rod → blank → fastener. The proposed technology decreases the energy consumption in the manufacture of high-strength fasteners and so increases their competitiveness in the global marketplace.

Steel in Translation. 2018;48(10):672-676
pages 672-676 views

Contact Friction in Metal Drawing and Upsetting. Part 2

Nikolaev V.


A new method is proposed for determining the frictional index by repeated wire extension. The frictional conditions are investigated with change in the extension, the drawplate taper, and other parameters. A general formula for the frictional characteristics and the drawing stress is proposed. The influence of the lubricant on the friction in deformation of the forgings is shown. Formulas for the frictional characteristics as a function of the form factor are derived. These formulas yield accurate results for the mean normal contact strength.

Steel in Translation. 2018;48(10):677-683
pages 677-683 views

Simulation of Isothermal Austenite Transformation in Steel

Yudin Y., Kuklina A., Lebedev P., Maisuradze M.


An algorithm is developed for simulation of phase transitions in the solid state. The algorithm permits the derivation of the corresponding kinetic curves for different initial conditions (quantity and configuration of new-phase nuclei, distance between the closest nuclei). The results of simulation are analyzed by means of the Johnson–Mehl–Avrami–Kolmogorov equation and the logistical function for determining the corresponding coefficients. Analogies are established between the results of simulation and the experimental kinetics of isothermal transformation of austenite in alloy steel.

Steel in Translation. 2018;48(10):684-689
pages 684-689 views

Acoustic Assessment of the Internal Stress and Mechanical Properties of Differentially Hardened Rail

Murav’ev V., Volkova L., Platunov A., Gushchina L.


An acoustic method of determining the longitudinal residual stress in DT-350 differentially hardened rail is described. The measurements are made by means of an electromagnetic–acoustic converter on the basis of the measured difference in the time for two orthogonally polarized shear waves to pass from the head to the base of the rail and back. Rail samples from different melts are tested. The relation of the residual stress to the mechanical characteristics of rail steel (strength, yield point, hardness, and relative elongation) is investigated. The speed of the bow waves and surface waves correlates well with the stress measured by tensometric converters (correlation coefficient 0.96).

Steel in Translation. 2018;48(10):690-694
pages 690-694 views

Combustion of Waste Gas in the Electrosmelting of Reduced Iron-Ore Pellets in an Arc Furnace

Merker E., Stepanov V., Krakht L., Ershov E.


Research on the electrosmelting of reduced iron-ore pellets and briquets in an arc furnace permits the development of a method of burning the waste gases in three zones of the furnace, by the supply of pellets through tubular (hollow) graphitized electrodes in the furnace bath. The smelting of the pellets at the fuel–oxygen burners and oxygen tuyeres is intensified by ensuring the combustion of the waste gases above the melt in the furnace. The combustion rate of the waste gases in the furnace’s working space is monitored in the gasexhaust channel by means of sensors recording the content of CO, CO2, H2, O2, and other gases. On the basis of the results, the heating and melting of the iron-ore pellets may be accelerated, as well as the heat and mass transfer between the metal, the slag, and the working gas in the furnace. In addition, the thermal and economic indices of pellet electrosmelting in arc furnaces may be increased.

Steel in Translation. 2018;48(10):695-698
pages 695-698 views

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