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Vol 48, No 3 (2018)


Relation between the Degree of Alloying, Structure, and Mechanical Properties of High-Strength Steel

Oryshchenko A.S., Malyshevskii V.A., Petrov S.N., Shumilov E.A.


Development of the ocean, especially in Arctic regions, calls for the construction of an up-to-date fleet, including nuclear-powered icebreakers, arctic vessels, gas carriers, fixed and floating drilling platforms, submarine systems for oil and gas extraction on the continental shelf, reinforcement of coastal regions, and the construction of ports. That will require large quantities of weldable low-temperature steels that are also of high strength, so as to minimize the mass of the structures. The Zvezda shipbuilding complex in the far east of Russia is intended to meet that need. It is the largest such facility not only in Russia but in the world. In addition, the Vyborg ship-building plant and the Northern Shipyard (Severnaya Verf) in St Petersburg are being modernized. Another important task is the creation of new steels with the least possible alloying and standardized composition, so as to permit the development of more economical welding and assembly technologies. In the present work, the structure formed in low-alloy steels with variable content during plastic deformation is discussed. Samples from three melts of different chemical composition are studied: specifically, the melts differ in nickel content: 0.5, 1, and 2% Ni. The steels are tested on the Gleeble 3800 research complex, which simulates thermomechanical treatment with different temperatures in the final stage of rolling and with accelerated cooling to the specified temperature. The structure is studied by optical metallography and crystallographic analysis using a scanning electron microscope (EBSD analysis). The mechanical properties of the steels are determined. The thermal and deformational treatment of the steel must be selected in accordance with their level of alloying—that is, with the final structure of the steel (ferrite–bainite, bainite, or martensite–bainite). It is found that, in steel with ferrite–bainite structure, the best approach to strengthening is to create small-angle boundaries in the α phase during plastic deformation. Steel with bainitic structure does not undergo marked strengthening as a result of change in the deformation temperature during the final stage of thermomechanical treatment. For martensite–bainite structure, no treatment ensures the creation of additional small-angle boundaries. That may be associated with subsequent polymorphic transformation by a shear mechanism.

Steel in Translation. 2018;48(3):143-148
pages 143-148 views

Elastoplastic Flexure of Round Steel Beams. 1. Springback Coefficient

Shinkin V.N.


Round steel beams are widely used in metallurgy, manufacturing, and construction. It is often irreplaceable in the production of machines and mechanical equipment on account of its excellent corrosion resistance and remarkable strength. Cylindrical springs for road and railroad vehicles are manufactured from round beams by means of special bending machines. Round beams also serve as blanks in the production of seamless pipe for the oil and gas industry. Stepped round beams are used as rollers in rolling and straightening mills. Steel rebar is manufactured from round beams of similar size. Outside Russia, the main producers of continuous-casting machines for the production of round billet are SMS Demag (Germany), Danieli (Italy), SMS Concast (Switzerland), and Siemens VAI (Austria). Russian producers include AO Chusovskii Metallurgicheskii Zavod, PAO Chelyabinskii Metallurgicheskii Kombinat, AO Volzhskii Trunbnyi Zavod, OAO Nizhneserginskii Metizno-Metallurgicheskii Zavod, AO Chepetskii Mekhanicheskii Zavod, PAO Severskii Trubnyi Zavod, and PAO Taganrogskii Metallurgicheskii Zavod. In the manufacture of parts from round beams and their use, they often experience elastic or elastoplastic flexure or complex torsion and flexure. In the present work, we propose an analytical method of calculating the residual curvature of round steel beams in elastoplastic flexure. In the calculations, the residual curvature of the round beam after flexure and the bending moments of the beam cross section in flexure are determined as a function of the beam radius, the Young’s modulus, the yield point, and the hardening modulus of the steel. The results may be widely used at manufacturing and metallurgical plants.

Steel in Translation. 2018;48(3):149-153
pages 149-153 views

Thermodynamics of Oxygen Solution in Fe–Ni Melts Containing Boron

Aleksandrov A.A., Dashevskii V.Y., Leont’ev L.I.


Fe–Ni alloys are widely used in engineering today. They are sometimes alloyed with boron. Oxygen is a harmful impurity in Fe–Ni alloys. It may be present in dissolved form or as nonmetallic inclusions. The presence of oxygen in Fe–Ni alloys impairs their performance. Research on the thermodynamics of oxygen solutions in Fe–Ni melts containing boron is of considerable interest in order to improve alloy production. The present work offers a thermodynamic analysis of solutions of oxygen in Fe–Ni melts containing boron. The equilibrium constant of the reaction between boron and oxygen dissolved in the melt in such systems is determined. The activity coefficients at infinite dilution and the interaction parameters in melts of different composition are also calculated. When boron reacts with oxygen in Fe–Ni melts, the oxide phase contains not only B2O3 but also FeO and NiO. The mole fractions of B2O3, FeO, and NiO in the oxide phase are calculated for different boron concentrations in Fe–Ni melts at 1873 K. For iron melts with low boron content, the mole fraction of boron oxide is ~0.1. With increase in the nickel and boron content in the melts, the boron-oxide content in the oxide phase increases. Its mole fraction is close to one for pure nickel. The solubility of oxygen in Fe–Ni melts is calculated as a function of the nickel and boron content. The deoxidizing ability of the boron improve significantly with increase in nickel content in the melt. The curves of oxygen solubility in Fe‒Ni melts containing boron pass through a minimum, which is shifted to higher boron content with increase in nickel content in the melt. The boron content at the minima on the curves of oxygen solubility are determined, as well as the corresponding minimum oxygen concentrations.

Steel in Translation. 2018;48(3):154-162
pages 154-162 views

Thermodynamic Assessment of the Reduction of WO3 by Carbon and Silicon

Bendre Y.V., Goryushkin V.F., Kryukov R.E., Kozyrev N.A., Bashchenko L.P.


An interesting process in terms of resource conservation is the arc surfacing of worn components by means of powder wire in which the filler contains tungsten oxide WO3 and a reducing agent (carbon and silicon). Thermodynamic assessment of the probability of 21 reactions in standard conditions is based on tabular data for the reagents in the range 1500–3500 K. This range includes the temperatures at the periphery of the arc and in the upper layers of the surfacing bath. The reactions assessed include direct reduction of WO3 by carbon and silicon, indirect reduction of WO3 by carbon, and reaction of tungsten compounds with carbon and silicon to form tungsten carbides and silicides. The possible reaction products considered are W, WC, W2C, WSi2, W5Si3, CO, CO2, SiO, and SiO2. The reduction of the oxide is written for 1 mole of O2, while the reactions of tungsten compounds with carbon and silicon compounds are written for 2/3 mole of tungsten W. The probability of the reactions is estimated in terms of the standard Gibbs energy. In the range 1500–3500 K, the standard states of the reagents are assumed to be as follows: W(so); WO3(so, li), with phase transition at 1745 K; WC(so); W2C(so); C(so); CO(g); CO2(g); WSi2(so, li), with phase transition at 2433 K; W5Si3(so, li), with phase transition at 2623 K; Si(so,li), with phase transition at 1690 K; SiO(g) and SiO2(so, li), with phase transition at 1996 K. To assess the influence of the possible evaporation of tungsten oxide WO3 in the arc (Tb = 1943 K) on the thermodynamic properties, the thermodynamic characteristics of two reactions are considered; the standard state in this temperature range is assumed to be WO3(g). Thermodynamic analysis of the reduction of tungsten oxide WO3 shows that the temperature of the melt and the composition of the powder wire may affect the composition and properties of the layer applied. At high melt temperatures (>2500 K), the formation of tungsten and also tungsten carbides and silicides is likely. These reactions significantly change the composition of the gas phase, but not that of the slag phase in the surfacing bath. Below 1500 K, the most likely processes are the formation of tungsten silicides and tungsten on account of the reduction of WO3 by silicon. In that case, the slag phase becomes more acidic on account of the silicon dioxide SiO2 formed. However, this temperature range is below the melting point of WO3 (1745 K). In the range 1500–2500, numerous competing reduction processes result in the formation of tungsten and also tungsten carbides and silicides in the melt. The reaction of tungsten compounds with carbon and silicon to form carbides and silicides is less likely than reduction processes. Evaporation of tungsten oxide WO3 in the arc increases the thermodynamic probability of reduction; this effect is greatest at low temperatures.

Steel in Translation. 2018;48(3):163-167
pages 163-167 views

Surface Phenomena in the Smelting Bath of an Oxygen Converter

Khisamutdinov N.E., Yavoiskaya O.V., Yavoiskii A.V., Khisamutdinov S.N.


The oxygen-converter production of steel is determined by processes in the converter’s reaction zone, which consists of primary and secondary regions. The primary region is the crater formed by the collision of a supersonic gas jet with the molten-metal surface. It is filled with metal droplets (diameter 0.1–2 mm). The surrounding secondary region consists of melt with an enormous quantity of gas bubbles (diameter 0.2–4 mm). The total surface area of the droplets and bubbles is four orders of magnitude greater than the surface of the quiescent melt. That indicates the important role of processes at phase boundaries in steel production. The structure of the reaction zone and the corresponding temperature distribution are studied by hot simulation, when the molten metal is blown by oxygen in a transparent quartz crucible. The transparent walls permit photographic and video recording of the processes in the crucible. Besides the temperature distribution, the hydrodynamics of the bath may be studied directly in the injection zone. The most unexpected result of hot simulation is the motion of the bubbles in the secondary region. They move normal to the crater surface. In other words, their motion is almost horizontal, rather than vertical, as in cold simulation in water. This may be attributed to nonuniformity of the melt’s surface tension, resulting in motion of the bubbles toward higher temperatures. In liquid with a temperature gradient, the surface tension will be different ahead of and behind the bubbles. The forces pushing the bubbles from behind are greater than the forces at the front. Accordingly, they move toward the region of lower surface tension. The nonuniformity of the surface tension is due to the temperature gradient (up to 1200°C within the secondary region) and the change in concentration of the melt components, especially oxygen. The surface tension of the ferrocarbon melt changes in a complex manner with increase in temperature. The surface tension rises on heating to 1550°C, but begins to decrease beyond 1550–1600°C. With decrease in carbon content in the melt, the maximum value of the surface tension increases. The motion of gas bubbles and other phases toward lower surface tension begins at the 1550°C isotherm, which is therefore the external boundary of the secondary region, separating it from the remainder of the bath. Within this boundary, the resultant vector of the surface forces pushes the gas bubbles and slag particles, together with the molten metal, horizontally toward the crater, at increasing speed. This determines the hydrodynamics of the smelting bath and the associated redistribution of oxygen over different parts of the bath and hence the refining process as a whole.

Steel in Translation. 2018;48(3):168-172
pages 168-172 views

Energy Dissipation on Transition from Reversible to Irreversible Deformation

Alyushin Y.A., Gorbatyuk S.M.


In the mechanics of a deformable solid, explanations of the transition from reversible to irreversible deformation lack adequate mathematical basis. In the present work, the observable phenomena are described on the basis of energy principles in mechanics. Two models are considered. The first provides a two-stage description of deformation that is uniform over the volume, with linear extension of a uniform sample that has isotropic properties. In the first stage, the familiar Lagrange equations of motion are employed. The relation between the longitudinal and transverse strains is determined by Poisson’s ratio. In the second stage, after the critical state has been reached, the deformation remains uniform; the equations of motion are similar to those in the first stage, but the relation between the longitudinal and transverse strains is different, facilitating the restoration of the initial particle volume. Decrease is noted in the energy of the particles determined by their change in volume and shape. The excess energy is liberated to the surroundings as heat. In the second model, the deforming body is assumed to be an ideal rigid–plastic material. The initial undeformed sample passes to the plastic state when the tangential stress reaches the critical value. The position of the shear planes is determined from the extremal principles of plasticity theory. The most likely motion is slip along planes whose normal is inclined at 45° to the axis of maximum normal stress. On account of the change in stress state after the formation of primary slip bands, successive formation of several other families of slip planes is possible. Shear in the second and then the third and subsequent families will require successively less energy. However, it is impossible for several families of slip planes to exist simultaneously, since decrease in the forces stops the slipping along the initial plane. Heat sources on the slip planes lead to energy dissipation and decrease in the forces. The further development of deformation calls for increase in the forces to the critical level corresponding to initiation of the first stage. Both models are consistent with experimental observations of irreversible deformation. In particular, in static extension during plane deformation, sample failure most often occurs at an angle of around 21°.

Steel in Translation. 2018;48(3):173-178
pages 173-178 views

Uniformity of Blast-Furnace Parameters over the Perimeter

Lyalyuk V.P., Tovarovskii I.G., Kassim D.A.


Operational experience with the 5000-m3 blast furnace 9 at the Krivorozhstal plant shows that nonuniform blast distribution over the tuyeres results in very nonuniform distribution of the theoretical combustion temperature, the yield of blast-furnace gas, and the total energy of the blast flux and flux of blast-furnace gas over the hearth perimeter. That, in turn, significantly affects the smoothness of furnace operation, its productivity, the coke consumption, and the quality of the hot metal produced. The influence of 1% change in the variation coefficients of the input blast parameters on the productivity and coke consumption is taken into account. The results may be used in factorial analysis of periods of blast-furnace operation with different parameters. The nonuniform distribution of the blast flow rate over the tuyeres has the greatest influence on furnace performance. Therefore, it is necessary to find means of ensuring uniform distribution of blast at constant temperature over the tuyeres.

Steel in Translation. 2018;48(3):179-184
pages 179-184 views

Influence of the Strengthening Curve on the Axial Stress in Round Rod on Drawing

Baranov G.L.


For the drawing of round rod in conical drawplates, the boundary problem is solved on the basis of the Amontons–Coulomb frictional law for materials in which strengthening corresponds to the equation σss0 = 1 + m(ln λ)n. The influence of the parameters m and n of the strengthening curve on the axial stress σx in the reducing section of the drawplate is established. The new result is compared with existing solutions. It is found that, if the strengthening law is replaced by approximate functions without taking account of the shape of the strengthening curve at small n, the calculated values of σx are too low, by 15–25%.

Steel in Translation. 2018;48(3):185-188
pages 185-188 views

Computer Prediction in Optimizing the Plasma Quenching of Locomotive Wheels

Samoilovich Y.A.


Computer software is developed for predicting the basic thermal characteristics in the plasma treatment of wheel rims for locomotives: the temperature, cooling rates, heat-flux density, and thickness of the martensitic layer at the wheel’s working surface. To verify the validity of this software, the results obtained are compared with thermometer readings and metallurgical data for the thickness of the martensitic layer. Two new features of the thermophysical model are the specification of the heat-transfer parameters in the plasma flare so as to ensure strengthening of the metal at the wheel rim by micromelting; and the ability to use the predicted temperatures and cooling rates in precision estimates of the martensitic-layer thickness. Estimates of the short-term thermal stress at the rim’s working surface show that compressive stress predominates. That is consistent with experimental data regarding the residual stress in steel samples after plasma treatment. If the proposed computer model is used in determining optimal conditions for the plasma quenching of locomotive wheels, the expenditures of time and material resources will be less than in in purely empirical selection of the operating conditions.

Steel in Translation. 2018;48(3):189-196
pages 189-196 views

Corrosive Damage Close to Nonmetallic Inclusions in Bearing Steels

Gubenko S.I., Sychkov A.B., Parusov E.V., Denisenko A.I., Zavalishchin A.N.


The development of corrosive damage in bearing steels close to nonmetallic inclusions is analyzed. The influence of the chemical and mineralogical composition of the inclusions on their activity in corrosive media is studied.

Steel in Translation. 2018;48(3):197-201
pages 197-201 views

Import Substitution in Medicine on the Basis of Russian Precision Alloys

Sosnin V.V., Novichkova O.V.


The possibility of import substitution by using Russian precision alloys developed at Bardin Central Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy in medical applications is considered. In many cases, Russian products outperform their imported counterparts. In practice, import substitution will call for close cooperation of Russian producers of medical equipment with the developers and manufacturers of high-quality metals.

Steel in Translation. 2018;48(3):202-205
pages 202-205 views

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