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卷 48, 编号 8 (2017)

Original Paper

Structural Analysis of Relaxation Curves in MRI

Protopopov A.


In magnetic resonance imaging, the gradient recalled echo sequence preserves information about spatial heterogeneities of magnetic field within a voxel, providing additional opportunity for classification of biological tissues. All the information, composed of physically meaningful parameters, like proton density, spin–spin relaxation time T2, gradients of magnetic field and spin–spin relaxation, effective relaxation time \(T_{2}^{*}\), and many others, is encoded in the shape of a relaxation curve, which is more complicated than a pure monoexponent, traditionally observed in spin echo sequences. The previous work [A. Protopopov, Appl. Magn. Reason. 48, 255-274 (2017)], introduced the theory and basic algorithms for separation of those parameters. The present work further expands this theory to the case of spin–spin relaxation gradients, improves reliability of the algorithms, introduces physical explanation of the phenomenon previously known as “multiexponentiality”, and presents new validation of the algorithms on volunteers. The entire approach may be named the structural analysis of relaxation curves.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2017;48(8):783-794
pages 783-794 views

Microwave Spin Frequency Comb Memory Protocol Controlled by Gradient Magnetic Pulses

Gerasimov K., Moiseev S., Zaripov R.


We have demonstrated a combination of frequency comb spin-echo protocol in a conventional microwave pulsed electron spin resonance spectrometer with gradient pulses of the external magnetic field applied for on-demand retrieval of signal microwave pulses at the required moments of time. A natural high-finesse periodic structure was used as a carrier of stored information. The structure is made out of hyperfine lines of electron spin resonance of tetracyanoethylene anion radicals in toluene at room temperature. Herein, we have also observed that using the pulses of gradient magnetic field can increase the memory capacity. The experimental results demonstrated promising opportunities for controlling electron nuclear spin coherence, which could be useful for implementation of broadband microwave or optical-microwave noise free quantum memory protocols.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2017;48(8):795-804
pages 795-804 views

Broadband Excitation by Method of Double Sweep

Khaneja N., Kumar A.


The paper describes the design of broadband excitation pulses in high resolution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) by method of double sweep. We first show the design of a pulse sequence that produces broadband excitation to the equator of Bloch sphere with phase linearly dispersed as frequency. We show how this linear dispersion can then be refocused by nesting free evolution between two adiabatic inversions (sweeps). We then show how this construction can be generalized to exciting arbitrary large bandwidths without increasing the peak rf-amplitude and by incorporating more adiabatic sweeps. Finally, we show how the basic design can then be modified to give a broadband x rotation over arbitrary large bandwidth and with limited rf-amplitude. Experimental excitation profiles for the residual HDO signal in a sample of \(99.5\%\) D\(_2\)0 are displayed as a function of resonance offset. Application of the excitation is shown for \(^{13}\)C excitation in a labelled sample of alanine.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2017;48(8):771-782
pages 771-782 views

The Frequency Shifts of the Nuclear Magnetic Momenta Larmor Precession in the Mixture of Two Noble Gases

Popov E., Barantsev K., Litvinov A., Reshetov V., Shevchenko A.


The dynamics of nuclear magnetization in the mixture of two noble gases with different gyromagnetic ratios of the nuclei is studied theoretically. The nuclear magnetization is induced by the radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation, which causes the nuclear magnetic resonance in both types of noble gases in the mixture. Frequency shifts of the nuclear magnetic resonance appeared due to an interaction between different types of the noble gases is analytically predicted. The specifics of these shifts are such that they cannot be compensated by means of the external magnetic field. The nature of the magnetic field distortion in the cell caused by the nuclear magnetization is also discussed.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2017;48(8):761-770
pages 761-770 views

Trinuclear Gd(III) Metal Complex with Amide Core Display Remarkable Enhancement in Relaxivity

Pushparaj T., Alexander V.


New trinuclear gadolinium(III) complex having 2-bromoisovaleric acid pendant arm is reported. The longitudinal relaxivity (r1p) of the complex is 23.17 mM−1 s−1 which correspond to a “per Gd” relaxivity of 7.72 mM−1 s−1. The transverse relaxivity (r2p) of the complex is 24.79 mM−1 s−1 which correspond to a “per Gd” value of 8.26. The complex exhibit r1p and r2p values of 29.19 and 35.20, respectively, in the presence of HSA. The complex also shows pH dependant relaxivity which is an added advantage of the complex for utilization in cancer cell magnetic resonance imaging. The higher relaxivity values in water and HSA indicates a compact solution structure for the complexes and a restricted internal motion about the amide spacer.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2017;48(8):813-825
pages 813-825 views

A Pulse EPR 25 mT Magnetometer with 10 ppm Resolution

Sundramoorthy S., Epel B., Halpern H.


A magnetometer designed for permanent magnet manufacturing and operated around 25 mT with 10 ppm absolute accuracy is described. The magnetometer uses pulse electron paramagnetic resonance methodology. The use of a pulsed broadband acquisition allowed reliable measurements in the presence of the magnetic field gradient and in relatively inhomogeneous magnetic fields of un-shimmed magnets.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2017;48(8):805-811
pages 805-811 views

High-Field Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Reveals a Stable Glassy Fraction up to Melting in Semicrystalline Poly(dimethylsiloxane)

Massa C., Pizzanelli S., Bercu V., Pardi L., Leporini D.


The reorientation of the guest 4-methoxy-TEMPO (spin probe) in the disordered fraction of semicrystalline poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) is investigated by high-field electron paramagnetic resonance (HF-EPR) at 190 and 285 GHz. Accurate numerical simulations of the HF-EPR lineshapes evidence that the reorientation times of the spin probes are distributed between the melting temperature \(T_{\rm m}\) and \(T_{\rm m}\)—30 K. The distribution exhibits, in addition to a broad component, a narrow component with low mobility up to the PDMS melting point. It is shown that the temperature dependence of the reorientation time of the spin probes with low mobility is the same of the spin probes in glassy PDMS. The result suggests that the low-mobility fraction is localized in the so-called rigid amorphous fraction.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2017;48(8):827-840
pages 827-840 views

Respiratory Motion Correction of Compressively Sampled Myocardial Perfusion Data by Using Robust Matrix Decomposition

Ahmed A., Qureshi I., Mahmood M.


Motion correction is a challenging problem in free breathing undersampled cardiac perfusion magnetic resonance images. It is due to aliasing artifacts in the reconstructed images and the rapid contrast changes in the perfusion images. In addition to the reconstruction limitations, many registration algorithms underperforms in the presence of the rapid intensity changes. In this paper, we propose a novel motion correction technique that reconstructs the motion-free images from the undersampled cardiac perfusion MR data. The technique utilizes the robust principal component analysis along with the periodic decomposition to separate the respiratory motion component that can be registered, from the unchanged contrast intensity variations. It was tested on synthetic data, simulated data, and the clinically acquired data. The performance of the method was qualitatively assessed and validated by comparing manually acquired time–intensity curves of the myocardial sectors to automatically generated curves before and after registration.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2017;48(8):841-857
pages 841-857 views

Compressed Sensing MRI Using Sparsity Averaging and FISTA

Huang J., Zhu L., Wang L., Song W.


Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is widely adopted for clinical diagnosis due to its non-invasively detection. However, acquisition of full k-space data limits its imaging speed. Compressed sensing (CS) provides a new technique to significantly reduce the measurements with high-quality MR image reconstruction. The sparsity of the MR images is one of the crucial bases of CS-MRI. In this paper, we present to use sparsity averaging prior for CS-MRI reconstruction in the basis of that MR images have average sparsity over multiple wavelet frames. The problem is solved using a Fast Iterative Shrinkage Thresholding Algorithm (FISTA), each iteration of which includes a shrinkage step. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated for several types of MR images. The experiment results illustrate that our approach exhibits a better performance than those methods that using redundant frame or a single orthonormal basis to promote sparsity.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2017;48(8):749-760
pages 749-760 views


pages 859-860 views