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Том 48, № 5 (2017)

Original Paper

Examining Magnetic Models and Anisotropies in β-Cu2V2O7 by High-Frequency ESR

Ruan M., Ouyang Z., Sun Y., Xia Z., Rao G., Chen H.


High-frequency electron spin resonance (ESR) measurements were carried out on a single crystal β-Cu2V2O7, where Cu–O edge-sharing chains are connected by non-magnetic VO4 tetrahedrons. Due to sizable anisotropies, analyses of bulk magnetic properties alone have not yielded any definite conclusion and the modeling of the magnetic lattice is controversial. By means of high-frequency ESR with operating frequencies of 135–405 GHz and at a temperature range of 4.2–50 K, the large g value anisotropy is determined, which removes the ambiguity of susceptibility fitting. Moreover, non-negligible exchange anisotropy is evaluated by analyzing high-field magnetization and antiferromagnetic resonance in antiferromagnetic state appearing below TN = 26 K. Based on these microscopic information, we found that alternating-chain model is the most reasonable candidate for explaining properties of the crystal. The present study shows the importance of combining macroscopic and microscopic probes in analyzing magnetic network of complex magnetic materials.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2017;48(5):423-433
pages 423-433 views

Force-detected ESR Measurements in a Terahertz Range up to 0.5 THz and Application to Hemin

Okamoto T., Takahashi H., Ohmichi E., Ohta H.


We report a novel force-detected high-frequency electron spin resonance (HFESR) technique using a microcantilever in the terahertz region. In this technique, we attach a tiny sample on the microcantilever end and the ESR signal is detected as the cantilever bending. The bending is sensitively detected by fiber-optic Fabry–Perot interferometry. We applied this technique to a tiny amount (~16 ng) of metalloporphyrin, a model substance of hemoproteins, and successfully observed ESR signals at multiple frequencies up to 0.5 THz. This result indicates that the sample volume needed in multi-frequency HFESR can be greatly reduced by several orders of magnitude, and our novel technique would be a promising tool for HFESR studies of metalloproteins in the future.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2017;48(5):435-444
pages 435-444 views

Studies of Nanosized Iron-Doped TiO2 Photocatalysts by Spectroscopic Methods

Kokorin A., Amal R., Teoh W., Kulak A.


Iron-doped TiO2 nanoparticles with iron content in the range of 0.005 < Fe/Ti < 0.3 were prepared using the flame spray pyrolysis method and investigated with CW X-band electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), X-ray diffraction, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. This allowed for the clarification of the internal organization of Fe–TiO2 nanoparticles. Different types of Fe(III) centers were distinguished in the samples: isolated high-spin paramagnetic Fe(III) ions (S = 5/2) in rhombic ligand fields state at 0.005 < Fe/Ti < 0.05, and Fe(III) ferromagnetic clusters at Fe/Ti < 0.1. All Fe-doped samples had rather high activity for the photocatalytic mineralization of oxalic acid under visible light illumination (λ > 400 nm) at 25 °C. Correlations were made between EPR and photocatalytic activity results. The specific surface area [S] data allowed us to deduce that the isolated Fe(III) centers were responsible for the photomineralisation of oxalic acid, while the Fe(III) ferromagnetic aggregates decreased the total efficiency of the system.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2017;48(5):447-459
pages 447-459 views

Singular Value Decomposition Using Jacobi Algorithm in pMRI and CS

Qazi S., Saeed A., Nasir S., Omer H.


Parallel magnetic resonance imaging (pMRI) and compressed sensing (CS) have been recently used to accelerate data acquisition process in MRI. Matrix inversion (for rectangular matrices) is required to reconstruct images from the acquired under-sampled data in various pMRI algorithms (e.g., SENSE, GRAPPA) and CS. Singular value decomposition (SVD) provides a mechanism to accurately estimate pseudo-inverse of a rectangular matrix. This work proposes the use of Jacobi SVD algorithm to reconstruct MR images from the acquired under-sampled data both in pMRI and in CS. The use of Jacobi SVD algorithm is proposed in advance MRI reconstruction algorithms, including SENSE, GRAPPA, and low-rank matrix estimation in L + S model for matrix inversion and estimation of singular values. Experiments are performed on 1.5T human head MRI data and 3T cardiac perfusion MRI data for different acceleration factors. The reconstructed images are analyzed using artifact power and central line profiles. The results show that the Jacobi SVD algorithm successfully reconstructs the images in SENSE, GRAPPA, and L + S algorithms. The benefit of using Jacobi SVD algorithm for MRI image reconstruction is its suitability for parallel computation on GPUs, which may be a great help in reducing the image reconstruction time.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2017;48(5):461-471
pages 461-471 views

Dynamic Polarization and Relaxation of 75As Nuclei in Silicon at High Magnetic Field and Low Temperature

Järvinen J., Ahokas J., Sheludiakov S., Vainio O., Zvezdov D., Lehtonen L., Vlasenko L., Vasiliev S.


We present the results of experiments on dynamic nuclear polarization and relaxation of 75As in silicon crystals. Experiments are performed in strong magnetic fields of 4.6 T and temperatures below 1 K. At these conditions donor electron spins are fully polarized, and the allowed and forbidden electron spin resonance transitions are well resolved. We demonstrate effective nuclear polarization of 75As nuclei via the Overhauser effect on the time scale of several hundred seconds. Excitation of the forbidden transitions leads to a polarization through the solid effect. The relaxation rate of donor nuclei has strong temperature dependence characteristic of Orbach process.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2017;48(5):473-483
pages 473-483 views

Comparison of the Effects of Different 19F π Pulses on the Sensitivity and Phaseability of the 19F-13C HSQC

Marchione A., Conklin B.


The 19F-13C heteronuclear single quantum coherence (HSQC) experiment is vital for the structural elucidation of polyfluorinated organic species, yet its sensitivity and phaseability are limited by difficulties in uniform excitation of the widely disperse 19F spectral window. Adiabatic pulses of different types have previously been employed to generate effective π pulses for inversion and refocussing, but a systematic comparison of various adiabatic and other inversion pulses has not been published. In this work, it was observed that the use of a broadband inversion pulse (BIP) during the t1 evolution period resulted in properly phaseable spectra for experiments optimized to detect 1JCF, in contrast to CHIRP or WURST adiabatic pulses. For the INEPT and reverse-INEPT transfer segments of the HSQC, optimal sensitivity for resonances distant from the transmitter frequency was afforded by optimized universal rotation (BURBOP) or CHIRP pulses. In HSQC experiments with delays optimized for two-bond correlations, only the use of BURBOP pulses in INEPT and reverse-INEPT sequences afforded spectra cleanly phaseable across the F2 and F1 spectral windows. This observation is supported by off-resonance pulsed field gradient spin-echo experiments.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2017;48(5):485-499
pages 485-499 views

Design and Demonstration of Four-Channel Received Coil Arrays for Vertical-Field MRI

Chen Q., Xu Y., Chang Y., Yang X.


The layout of radio-frequency received coils is related to signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In this paper, different structures of four-channel received coil arrays for vertical-field MRI are constructed and optimized by establishing the relationship between coil geometry and SNR to achieve a high SNR and a uniform SNR distribution in the region of interest (ROI). Then, the SNR distributions of three optimized configurations, including rectangular loops, non-definite shape surface coils, and solenoid loops as the main unit, are simulated and compared. The four-channel coil of solenoid loops as the main unit has been found to have the best performance with the highest mean SNR in the ROI when imaging without acceleration. In addition, g-factor and 2D SENSE SNR in yoz-plane are simply analyzed, which show a sharp decrease in SNR for all the coils. Finally, all the coils are manufactured and operated at a 0.5 T permanent magnet MRI system with phantom and joint imaging experiments. Using pixel-by-pixel manner to evaluate SNR map, the experimental results are consistent with the simulation results, while parallel imaging experiment results show that the major consideration in low field MRI is the improvement of SNR value and uniformity rather than that of the imaging speed. As different constructions of four-channel received coils are investigated, we have found the most effective configuration with high and uniform SNR for vertical-field MRI.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2017;48(5):501-515
pages 501-515 views


Erratum to: Force-detected ESR Measurements in a Terahertz Range up to 0.5 THz and Application to Hemin

Okamoto T., Takahashi H., Ohmichi E., Ohta H.
Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2017;48(5):445-445
pages 445-445 views

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