Embolization of the arteries in the relief of joint and near joint pain: how, when and in whom? A review





This paper presents the results of embolization of popliteal artery branches as an innovative technique to treat pain syndrome not relieved by standard conservative methods for osteoarthritis of the knee joint. The study aimed to evaluate available data on the efficacy and safety of popliteal artery branch embolization in the treatment of pain syndrome in osteoarthritis. Relevant studies on the use of embolization at various degrees of gonarthrosis were analyzed. The results were evaluated using the visual analog scale and Western Ontario and McMaster University Osteoarthritis Index. The performance of patients improved based on both scales, and minor complications resolved on their own. Embolization of the branches of the popliteal artery with insufficiency is a promising and effective treatment method for patients with pain due to osteoarthritis of the knee joint of various degrees, and no serious complications have been identified in the procedures, making it safe.


Kamal Medjidov

Domodedovo Central City Hospital

Email: Medjidof@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3967-3782


俄罗斯联邦, Domodedovo

Mikhail Parshikov

Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry

Email: parshikovmikhail@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4201-4577
SPIN 代码: 5838-4366

MD, Dr. Sci. (Med.), Professor

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow

Leonid Ginzburg

Domodedovo Central City Hospital

Email: 1235263@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6807-731X

MD, Cand. Sci. (Med.), Department Head

俄罗斯联邦, Domodedovo

Yuri Solov’yev

Domodedovo Central City Hospital

Email: iurij.soloviov@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6531-9491
SPIN 代码: 3714-1423

Department Head

俄罗斯联邦, Domodedovo

Ibragim Uzhakhov

Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry

Email: ibra_moscow@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2749-9820
SPIN 代码: 4894-8483

Department Assistant, Traumatologist-Orthopedist

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


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