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Based on documentary materials kept in the scientific archive of the Institute of Archaeology of the Crimea at the Russian Academy of Sciences (Simferopol), the article presents a chronicle of the organizational development of the team that has been working in the framework of the Academy of Sciences since 1948 and its contribution to the development of Crimean archaeology. The authors show that for 75 years of its activity the Institute has maintained the key directions of research work and preserved the continuity of its researchers’ scientific interests.


Vladislav Yurochkin

Institute of Archaeology of the Crimea RAS

Russia, Simferopol

Vadim Maiko

Institute of Archaeology of the Crimea RAS

Russia, Simferopol


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  27. Yurochkin V.Yu., 2021. “The Slavic issue” and the academic archaeology in the Crimea in the aftermath of World War II: To the 120th anniversary of Pavel Nikolayevich Shults (1901–1983). Rossiyskaya arkheologiya [Russian archaeology], 4, pp. 179–189. (In Russ.)
  28. Yurochkin V.Yu., Mayko V.V., 2017. Goths, Scythians, Slavs: Ethnic somersaults of Crimean archaeology in the aftermath of World War II. Neizvestnye stranitsy arkheologii Kryma: ot neandertal’tsev do genueztsev [Unknown chapters of Crimean archaeology: from Neanderthals to Genoese]. St. Petersburg: Nestor-Istoriya, pp. 157–231. (In Russ.)
  29. Yurochkin V.Yu., Mayko V.V., 2023. Schools in academic archaeology of the Crimea (1948–1953): P.N. Shults, V.P. Babenchikov, P.N. Nadinsky. U istokov sovetskikh arkheologicheskikh shkol (1918–1950): materialy mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii [At the origins of Soviet archaeological schools (1918–1950): Proceedings of the International scientific conference]. Moscow: Institut arkheologii Rossiyskoy akademii nauk, pp. 77–79. (In Russ.)



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