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The article addresses the question of the need to publish a part of the archive of the renowned 20th century architect-conservator Pyotr Dmitrievich Baranovsky. It is associated with his studying of the regal residence of the 16th–19th centuries in the settlement of Kolomenskoye (now the territory of Moscow). This paper publishes part of the review of archaeological works in Kolomenskoye compiled by the researcher in the 1940s and newly found in his archive. The document contains a brief account of the 1930 excavations at the site of the “Wooden Palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich”, a Moscow’s masterpiece of architecture. So far, no materials recording these works have been known. The found document also includes a description of the restoration of the palace’s stone structures conducted by P.D. Baranovsky in 1923–1928 and presents the context of the archaeological work of 1933 and 1935. Particular attention is paid to the reconstruction of the layout of the palace on the ground and the localization of its stoves, as well as the characteristics of their tiled decor. The article also publishes the analytical graphics by the architect of the 1940s associated with the reconstruction of the remains of the palace and the development of its new model.


Svetlana Baranova

Tomsk State University, Russian State University for the Humanities; Russian State University for the Humanities

Email: labeliaev@bk.ru
Russia, Tomsk; Russia, Moscow

Leonid Belyaev

Institute of Archaeology RAS

Email: svetlanbaranova@yandex.ru
Russia, Moscow


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