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The composition of 139 samples of red enamel items from different regions of Eastern and Central Europe was studied using the SEM-EDS method. Most of the enamels were made following the “recipe” of provincial Roman enamellers; in some cases “ordinary” red glass was used. The high degree of standardization of the “recipes” for the manufacture and colouring of Roman glass and enamel does not make it possible to distinguish between the products of different manufacturing centres in most cases. At the same time, the peculiarities of the composition of spurs suggest the existence of specialized centres for their production, while specific features of penannular brooches suggest the possibility of distinguishing some types originating from the Baltic region. The heterogeneity of enamels with the “classical” composition indicates the functioning of numerous enamel workshops, rather than a centralized production.

About the authors

Olga S. Rumyantseva

Institute of Archaeology RAS

Author for correspondence.
Email: o.roumiantseva@mail.ru
Russia, Moscow

Dmitry A. Khanin

Academician Korzhinsky Institute of Experimental Mineralogy RAS; Lomonosov Moscow State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: d.khanin@iem.ac.ru
Russia, Chernogolovka; Russia, Moscow


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