
Пеков, И. В.

栏目 标题 文件
卷 CLII, 编号 2 (2023) Articles Townendite, Na8ZrSi6O18, an Indicator of Extremely High Agpaicity and Important Concentrator of Zirconium in Peralkaline Rocks of the Lovozero Pluton, Kola Peninsula
卷 CLII, 编号 2 (2023) МИНЕРАЛЫ И МИНЕРАЛЬНЫЕ ПАРАГЕНЕЗИСЫ Pseudobrookite from Active Fumaroles of the Tolbachik Volcanic Massif (Kamchatka). Chemistry of Pseudobrookite-Group Minerals and Its Indicator Role
卷 CLII, 编号 1 (2023) NEW MINERALS Nioboixiolite-(Mn2+), \(\left( {{\mathbf{N}}{{{\mathbf{b}}}_{{{2 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {2 3}} \right. } 3}}}}{\mathbf{Mn}}_{{{1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 3}} \right. } 3}}}^{{{\mathbf{2}} + }}} \right){{{\mathbf{O}}}_{{\mathbf{2}}}},\) a New Ixiolite-Group Mineral from the Malkhan Pegmatite Field, Transbaikal Region, Russia
卷 CLII, 编号 2 (2023) МИНЕРАЛЫ И МИНЕРАЛЬНЫЕ ПАРАГЕНЕЗИСЫ Petersite-(Y) from the Mednorudyanskoe Deposit (Middle Urals, Russia) and Its Crystal Structure
卷 CLII, 编号 4 (2023) МИНЕРАЛЫ И ПАРАГЕНЕЗИСЫ МИНЕРАЛОВ Hematite from Fumaroles of the Tolbachik Volcano (Kamchatka, Russia): Chemistry, Relationships with Associated Minerals, Morphological and Genetic Features
卷 CLII, 编号 3 (2023) Basalt Alteration in High-Temperature Oxidizing-Type Fumaroles at the Tolbachik Volcano (Kamchatka, Russia). Part 1. Processes and Products of Olivine Alteration
卷 CLII, 编号 5 (2023) Articles Basalt Alteration in High-Temperature Oxidizing-Type Fumaroles at the Tolbachik Volcano (Kamchatka, Russia). Part 2. Gas Metasomatites
卷 CLIII, 编号 1 (2024) Articles Rock-forming feldspathoids of the sodalite–sapozhnikovite series from the Lovozero alkaline complex (Kola peninsula, Russia): isomorphism, thermal and radiation-induced transformations and genetic mineralogy
卷 CLIII, 编号 2 (2024) NEW MINERALS Lobanovite from the Koashva Mountain in the Kibiny Massif (Kola Peninsula): crystal-chemical features, IR-spectroscopy and mineral assemblage