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Volume CLII, Nº 4 (2023)


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Thermodynamics of Arsenates, Selenites, and Sulphates in the Zone of Oxidation of Sulfide Ores. XV. Solubility of the Synthetic Analogue of Mandarinoite at 25 °C

Charykova M., Ushakova K., Holzheid A., Krivovichev V., Efimenko N., Platonova N.


The aim of this study is the synthesis of two iron(III) selenites: Fe2(SeO3)3·5H2O (an analogue of the mineral mandarinoite) and Fe2(SeO3)3·3H2O, as well as the study of their solubility. Identification of obtained samples was carried out using the X-ray powder diffractometry and the energy dispersive electron microprobe analysis. Solubility was determined by isothermal saturation at 25 °C and atmospheric pressure. To suppress the hydrolysis of Fe3+-ions and prevent the precipitation of iron hydroxide, the experiment was performed in solutions of nitric or sulfuric acid. Obtained compositions of saturated solutions were used to calculate the solubility product using the Geochemist’s Workbench software package (GMB 9.0, SpecE8 program). As a result of the calculation, lgKsp[Fe2(SeO3)3·5H2O] = –38.6 ± ± 0.5 and lgKsp[Fe2(SeO3)3·3H2O] = –39.0 ± 0.2.

Zapiski Vserossijskogo mineralogičeskogo obŝestva. 2023;CLII(4):1-15
pages 1-15 views


Hematite from Fumaroles of the Tolbachik Volcano (Kamchatka, Russia): Chemistry, Relationships with Associated Minerals, Morphological and Genetic Features

Sandalov F., Pekov I., Koshlyakova N., Latyshev A., Zhegunov P.


Hematite from fumaroles of the Tolbachik volcano (Kamchatka, Russia) was studied in detail. There is characterized epitaxy of rutile-group minerals (cassiterite, rutile, and tripuhyite), oxide spinels (magnesioferrite, gahnite, and cuprospinel), and corundum on hematite. Fumarolic hematite contains significant admixtures of chalcophile elements: tin (up to 9.2 wt % SnO2, the highest content known for natural hematite), copper (up to 4.7 wt % CuO), and antimony (up to 2.6 wt % Sb2O5) – which is a novel for this mineral. Other significant admixtures are represented by Ti, Mg, Mn, Al, and Cr. There were revealed previously unknown Sn-Cu- and Sn-Cu-Sb-bearing varieties of hematite and new for this mineral isomorphic schemes: Sn4+ + Cu2+ → 2Fe3+ and Sb5+ + 2(Cu,Fe)2+ → 3Fe3+. It is shown that in oxidizing-type fumaroles of Tolbachik hematite is the major concentrator of Sn and Sb. Hematite enriched in such admixtures was formed in the temperature range of 500–850 °C. Volcanic gas was the source of chalcophile elements (Sn, Sb, Cu, Zn), whereas a source of hardly volatile components (Mg, Al, Cr, Ti) was basalt surrounding fumarole chambers; a mixed source is suggested for Fe, Mn and V. The chalcophile specificity of admixed components is an indicative feature of fumarolic hematite. The finding of martite in Tolbachik fumaroles implies that the oxidizing potential increases in time during the fumarolic mineral formation.

Zapiski Vserossijskogo mineralogičeskogo obŝestva. 2023;CLII(4):16-46
pages 16-46 views

Neotocite from Manganese Ores of the Ushkatyn-III Deposit, Central Kazakhstan

Brusnitsyn A., Egorov G.


Neotocite, an X-ray amorphous hydrous manganese silicate is the mineral characteristic for low-grade metamorphosed sedimentary manganese ores of Ushkatyn-III deposit in Central Kazakhstan. It occurs both in the groundmass of ores, with hausmannite, tephroite, caryopilite, friedelite, pennantite, rhodochrosite, kutnogorite, and in veinlets crossing these ores. In veinlets, segregations of homogeneous neotocite reach several cubic centimeters. The study of such large segregations allows to characterize optical, mechanical and thermal properties, IR spectra, and chemical composition of neotocite using modern analytical methods. It is assumed that manganese in neotocite is mainly (or even completely) divalent. The stoichiometry of the mineral, taking into account chemical, thermal analyzes and IR spectroscopy data, corresponds to the ideal formula Mn7(Si8O20)(OH)6nH2O. This formula reflects correctly the ratio of silicon and manganese in the mineral, its layered crystal structure and at least two different forms of H-bearing: in (OH)-groups and H2O molecules. The above given formula of neotocite could be accepted as the idealized one. Neotocite was formed at low temperatures and in reducing conditions during the sedimentary burial of metal-bearing deposits containing a Mn–Si–H2O substance (gel?), or later – due to hydrothermal alteration of already formed manganese ores.

Zapiski Vserossijskogo mineralogičeskogo obŝestva. 2023;CLII(4):47-64
pages 47-64 views

Major Rock-Forming Minerals of Paralava in Mongolian Combustion Metamorphic Complexes

Glushkova V., Peretyazhko I., Savina E., Khromova Е.


Paralavas of combustion metamorphic complexes in Mongolia were formed in high-temperature conditions from carbonate-terrigenous rocks of sedimentary formations due to to multistage spontaneous underground coal fires. Melilite-nepheline paralavas contain phenocrysts of Fe-rich åkermanite-alumoåkermanite, clinopyroxene of the diopside–hedenbergite series containing up to 49 mol. % of kushiorite end-member, and basic plagioclase. Enstatite-ferrosilite is the rock-forming mineral in paralavas of the plagioclase-pyroxene ± ± indialite composition. Paralavas often contain xenoliths of thermally altered sedimentary rocks. Mineral associations in remnant xenoliths of marly limestone are composed of gehlenite, minerals of the monticellite–kirschsteinite series, perovskite, Al-rich clinopyroxene, spinel, and other minerals. They were formed both at the stage of the high-temperature metamorphism of sedimentary protolite, preceding the melting of carbonate-silicate rocks, and as a result of the reactionary interaction between xenoliths and pyrogenic silicate melts of different composition.

Zapiski Vserossijskogo mineralogičeskogo obŝestva. 2023;CLII(4):65-83
pages 65-83 views

Crandallite and Florensite-(Ce) from a Quartz Vein of the Area Zhelannoye Deposit (Subpolar Ural)

Repina S.


The article displays data on minerals of the plumbogummite group – crandallite and florencite-(Ce). Minerals were found on a fragment of a hematite aggregate recovered from the lower pinch out of a quartz vein of the Zone 25 occurrence. It is situated in close neighborhood to the known Zhelannoye deposit of vein quartz and rock crystals and the Au-Pd-REE ore deposit Chudnoye. Crandallite segregations are represented by two forms: rhombohedral crystals and spherulites. There are distinguished three generations of crandallite: the first one represented by rhombohedral crystals, the second – by crusts on the rhombohedron faces, the third – crandallite spherulites on the surface of rhombohedrons. The crusts, 150 µm thick, consist of four layers: REE-bearing crandallite, symplectite intergrowths of crandallite with florensite-(Ce), spherulites, and powdering of crandallite crystals. The first and second generations of the mineral were crystallized from solutions, the third resulted the redeposition. There are varying contents of Sr, Ba, REE, U, Fe, S, and Si admixtures in crandallite of different types.

Zapiski Vserossijskogo mineralogičeskogo obŝestva. 2023;CLII(4):84-98
pages 84-98 views


Behavior of the Crystal Structure of Leightonite K2Ca2Cu(SO4)4⋅2H2O in the Temperature Interval from –180 to 325 °C

Demina S., Shablinskii A., Filatov S., Biryukov Y., Vergasova L., Krzhizhanovskaya M., Bubnova R., Moskaleva S.


This paper presents the results of mineralogical and crystal chemical studies of leightonite K2Ca2Cu(SO4)4·2H2O from the Kamchatka Peninsula (Russia), including an investigation of its thermal behavior in a wide temperature range (–180 ≤ T ≤ 325 °C). The following methods were used: energy dispersive X-ray spectral analysis, single-crystal and powder X-ray diffraction, and in situ powder X-ray diffraction (at room, negative and high temperatures). The temperature range of the existence of the mineral are established, the main values of the thermal expansion tensor are calculated, and a structural interpretation of thermal expansion is given. The mineral crystallizes in the monoclinic system, space group C2/c, a = = 11.734(2), b = 7.596(1), c = 10.176(1) Å, β = 124.85(1), V = 744.4(2) Å3, Z = 2. The crystal structure was refined to R = 0.065. The average empirical formula is K2.31Ca1.99Cu0.88Al0.04S3.97O16·2H2O. Leightonite is stable up to ~325 °C and above this temperature it decomposes onto high-temperature calciolangbeinite-C K2Ca2(SO4)3 (P213) and chalcocyanite CuSO4 phases. Thermal expansion coefficients are: α11 = 8.3(9), α22 = 3.6(4), α33 = –4.7(5) × 10–6 °C–1 at –180 °C и α11 = 41.6(5), α22 =36.5(5), α33 = –10.6(1) × 10–6 °C–1 at 325 °C).

Zapiski Vserossijskogo mineralogičeskogo obŝestva. 2023;CLII(4):99-115
pages 99-115 views


Crystal Formation during Thermal Oxidation of Shungite

Tovpenets T.


Micro-sized crystals formed during the thermal oxidation of shungite have been studied using scanning electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. According to Raman spectroscopy, there were identified bultfonteinite, allanite, and cornubite, which were not detected before in study of the initial shungite samples. Conditions of their formation suggest that the mechanism of these crystals growth is the desublimation.

Zapiski Vserossijskogo mineralogičeskogo obŝestva. 2023;CLII(4):116-122
pages 116-122 views

Synthesis of Zirconosilicates under High-Alkaline Conditions

Kovalskaya T., Ermolaeva V., Chukanov N., Kovalskiy G., Varlamov D., Chaychuk K.


Synthesis of zirconosilicates from a stoichiometric mixture of Na2CO3, CaO, Fe2O3, ZrOCl2, and SiO2 with the Na : Ca : Fe : Zr : Si ratio belonging to the compositional area of eudialyte-geoup minerals (EGM), was carried out under high-alkaline conditions (in the presence of 1 M aqueous solutions of NaCl and 46% NaOH) at a temperature of 600 °C and a pressure of 2 kbar, for 10 days. In some experiments, natural raslakite (a Ca-deficient EGM) was used as a seed added in amount of 2 wt % of the whole charge. According to electron microprobe analyses, powder X-ray diffraction data and IR spectroscopy, high-alkaline EGM, zirsinalite, parakeldyshite, and aegirine were identified in the products of the syntheses carried out using a charge with relatively high Si : Zr, Fe : Zr and Na : Zr ratios. At relatively low values of these ratios, no EGM formed.

Zapiski Vserossijskogo mineralogičeskogo obŝestva. 2023;CLII(4):123-134
pages 123-134 views

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