
The First Results of U–Th–Pb Isotopic Dating of Detrital Zircons from the Chenka Sandstones – a Contribution to the Stratigraphy of the Cimmerides of the Mountainous Crimea
Kuznetsov N., Strashko A., Romanyuk Т., Nikishin А., Moskovsky D., Novikova A., Dubenskiy A., Erofeeva K., Sheshukov V.
Volgian and Ryazanian Stages in the Novoyakimovskaya-1 Well (Western Yenisei-Khatanga Regional Trough, Siberia). Article 1. General Characteristics of the Yanov Stan Formation and Its Molluscan Biostratigraphy
Rogov M., Zakharov V., Solovyov A., Melnikov P., Pustylnikova V., Fedorova A., Meshcheryakova E., Savelieva Y., Ippolitov A., Olenova K., Evseeva Y.
Early Jurassic (Sinemurian) Ammonoids from the Boulders of the Greek Quarry, Central Crimea
Zaitsev B., Ippolitov A., Гуляев Д.
Boreal Toarcian Biochronological Zonation by Bivalves of the Genus Meleagrinella Whitfield, 1885
Lutikov O., Arp G., Захаров В.
Taxonomy and Biostratigraphical Significance of the Toarcian Bivalves of the Genus Meleagrinella Whitfield, 1885
Lutikov O., Arp G., Захаров В.
Early Jurassic Flood Basalt Volcanism on the Franz Josef Land Archipelago: Geological and Palynostratigraphical Data
Karyakin Y., Aleksandrova G., Никишин А.
The Ammonite Catacadoceras Barnstoni Beds and the Problem of Separation of the Middle and Upper Substages of the Bathonian Stage in Northern Siberia
Shamonin E., Knyazev V., Dzyuba O., Гуляев Д.
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