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卷 25, 编号 1 (2017)


Condensate glasses from the Zhamanshin crater. II. Zhamanshinites

Gornostaeva T., Mokhov A., Kartashov P., Bogatikov O.


Condensate glasses of two types were found during the SEM and TEM investigation of zhamanshinite samples within volumetrically dominant melt glass: silica-rich glasses similar to irghizite-type condensates and moderately silicic sodium-rich glasses deposited in voids in zhamanshinites. The latter are characterized by globular morphology, high contents of volatile components, and presence of inclusions a few hundred nanometers in size. The differences of the zhamanshinite-type condensate glasses from irghizitetype condensates are related to their slower cooling and closeness of the pore space system. The results of the investigation of melt glasses of various color groups from the same samples are presented for comparison. The glasses of each group appeared to be homogeneous at the SEM level, but inhomogeneous at the TEM scale.

Petrology. 2017;25(1):1-22
pages 1-22 views

Structural features of quench products of melts in the chloride-carbonate-silicate systems revealed by vibrational and X-ray spectroscopy

Safonov O., Shiryaev A., Tyurnina A., Huthwelker T.


Quench products of melts synthesized at 5 GPa and 1500°C in model system CaMgSi2O6–Na2CO3(±CaCO3)–KCl, were studied using vibrational (IR and Raman) and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XANES). Correlations between structural peculiarities of the quenches with chemical composition are established. Increase of the CaMgSi2O6 content of the melts results in gradual substitution of the Са-bearing carbonate groups by Na-bearing, whereas Ca is progressively more bounded with silicate structural units. XANES spectra reveal that chlorine is predominantly present as (KxNa1–x)Cl complexes. XANES spectra also indicate distribution of potassium cations between chloride and silicate groups, although its partial bonding with carbonate groups in the melt is not excluded.

Petrology. 2017;25(1):23-41
pages 23-41 views

Paleozoic tholeiitic magmatism of the Kola province: Spatial distribution, age, and relation to alkaline magmatism

Arzamastsev A., Vesolovskiy R., Travin A., Yudin D., Belyatsky B.


This paper focuses on the occurrences of tholeiitic magmatism in the northeastern Fennoscandian shield. It was found that numerous dolerite dikes of the Pechenga, Barents Sea, and Eastern Kola swarms were formed 380–390 Ma ago, i.e., directly before the main stage of the Paleozoic alkaline magmatism of the Kola province. The isotope geochemical characteristics of the dolerites suggest that their primary melts were derived from the mantle under the conditions of the spinel lherzolite facies. The depleted mantle material from which the tholeiites were derived shows no evidence for metasomatism and enrichment in high fieldstrength and rare earth elements, whereas melanephelinite melts postdating the tholeiites were generated in an enriched source. It was shown that the relatively short stage of mantle metasomatism directly after the emplacement of tholeiitic magmas was accompanied by significant mantle fertilization. In contrast to other large igneous provinces, where pulsed intrusion of large volumes of tholeiitic magmas coinciding or alternating with phases of alkaline magmatism was documented, the Kola province is characterized by systematic evolution of the Paleozoic plume–lithosphere process with monotonous deepening of the level of magma generation, development of mantle metasomatism and accompanying fertilization of mantle materials, and systematic changes in the composition of melts reaching the surface.

Petrology. 2017;25(1):42-65
pages 42-65 views

Chemical composition of melts of the Early Eocene volcanic center at Cape Khairyuzova, western Kamchatka: Evidence from inclusions in minerals

Kovalenko D., Naumov V., Prokofiev V., Ageeva O., Andreeva O., Kovaltchuk E., Erofeeva K., Ugryumova N.


Original authors’ data on the mineralogy and composition of melt inclusions in two samples show that the Early Eocene magmatic rocks at Cape Khairyuzova were formed by mixing melts of mafic, intermediate, and acid composition, which were derived from different sources. The mafic melt was rich in MgO, and its temperature was 1100–1150°C. The temperature of the acid melt varied from 1070 to 1130°C. The melts are also different in concentrations of trace elements and in their ratios. All three melt types are enriched in LILE and LREE and depleted in HFSE and were likely derived in suprasubductional environments. The mafic and intermediate magmas were formed by melting a mantle wedge and subsequent fractionation of the melts. The acid melts could be formed by melting crustal rocks when they were overheated in the newly formed orogen of significant thickness. When ascending, the mantle melts could mix in variable proportions with acid melts in crustal chambers.

Petrology. 2017;25(1):66-86
pages 66-86 views

Synkinematic granitoid magmatism of Western Sangilen, South-East Tuva

Karmysheva I., Vladimirov V., Vladimirov A.


The problems of tectonic control of composition, size, and morphology of synkinematic crustal granitoids are discussed by the example of the Western Sangilen granites (South-East Tuva). Comparative analysis was performed for felsic bodies and massifs spatially confined to tectonic zone (Erzin shear zone): Erzin migmatite–granite complex (510–490 Ma), Matut granitoid massif (510–490 Ma), Bayankol polyphase gabbro-monzodiorite–granodiorite–granite massif (490–480 Ma), and the Nizhneulor Massif (480–470 Ma). It is shown that synkinematic felsic melts during the transition from collisional compression to transpression were formed at different crustal levels. An increase of shear component provided favorable conditions for the migration of felsic melts, increase of size and morphology of intrusive bodies from vein type to harploith (likely, loppoliths and laccoliths) and further to stocks. All kinematic granitoids of the Erzin tectonic zone are ascribed to the crustal S-type granites. Dispersion and average chemical composition of the synkinematic granites strongly depend on the degree of their “isolation” from protolith. From auto- and paraautochthonous granitoids to allochthonous granites, the compositional dispersion decreases and the chemical composition is displaced toward I-type magmatic rocks.

Petrology. 2017;25(1):87-113
pages 87-113 views

Mantle hornblendites of Naein ophiolite (Central Iran): Evidence of deep high temperature hydrothermal metasomatism in an upper mantle section

Torabi G., Arai S., Morishita T., Tamura A.


The Naein ophiolite is the most complete ophiolitic exposure in Cental Iran and considered as a remnant of the Mesozoic Central East Iranian microcontinent (CEIM) confining oceanic crust. In the northeastern part of this ophiolite (Darreh Deh area) within the mantle peridotites, a few hundred meters below the top of the Moho transition zone (MTZ), the hornblendites are present as dykes (former cracks and joints) from a few millimeters to nearly 50 cm wide. They have sharp boundaries with the surrounding mantle harzburgites and dunites. These hornblendites are pale green and coarse-grained in hand specimen and composed of magnesio-hornblende (Mg# = 0.93), chlorite (penninite and clinochlore, Mg# = 0.95), Cr-spinel (chromite, Cr# = 0.67 and Mg# = 0.55), tremolite, calcite and dolomite. Tremolites were formed by retrograde metamorphism of hornblendes. Calcite and dolomite occur as late-stage veins. Very high amount of primary hydrous phases (~94 vol % hornblende and chlorite), as well as peculiar mineralogical and chemical characteristics of the Naein ophiolite mantle hornblendites, do not match a magmatic origin. They are possibly products of the reaction between mantle peridotites and seawater-originated supercritical fluids, rich in silicate components. The presence of primary hydrous phases (hornblende and chlorite) may reveal high activity of H2O in the involved solution. The chemical composition of chromite in the hornblendites is near to the average chromite composition from the surrounding harzburgite and dunite. This suggests that the main source of Cr should be chromites of nearby peridotites, which were totally or partly dissolved by hydrothermal fluids. The positive anomaly of Eu in the chondrite-normalized REE patterns of hornblendes, high modal abundance of Ca-rich hornblende, as well as presence of calcite and dolomite, point to seawater ingression through the gabbros in to the uppermost mantle peridotites. The higher value of MgO than CaO, presence of high-Cr chromite and Cr-enrichment of hornblendes and chlorites indicate a higher contribution of peridotites rather than gabbros to the chemical characteristics of the involved fluids. This study shows that circulation of possibly seawater-derived high temperature hydrous fluids in the upper mantle can leach and provide necessary elements to form hornblendite in joints and cracks of the uppermost mantle.

Petrology. 2017;25(1):114-137
pages 114-137 views