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卷 24, 编号 4 (2016)


The age of young intrusions of Tsana Complex (Greater Caucasus) and isotope-geochemical evidence for their origin from hybrid magmas

Lebedev V., Dudauri O., Togonidze M., Gol’tsman Y.


This paper presents isotope-geochronological and petrological study of granitoids of the potentially ore-bearing (Au–As–Sb–Sn–Mo) Early Pliocene Tsana Complex, which are confined to the Main Caucasus fault zone (upthrow fault) in the central part of the Greater Caucasus Range. The Tsurungal and Karobi groups of magmatic bodies are distinguished based on spatial criterion. The Tsurungal group includes three small granite—granodiorite massifs (Tsurungal, Chorokhi, and Toteldash) and numerous acid and intermediate dikes in the upper reaches of the Tskhenistsqali River (Kvemo Svaneti, Georgia). The Karobi group comprises three subvolcanic rhyodacite bodies located in the upper reaches of the Chashuri River (Zemo Racha, Georgia) and numerous N–S-trending trachyandesite dikes near the axial zone of the Main Caucasus Range. The K-Ar and Rb-Sr isotope dating shows that the granitoid massifs and dike bodies of the Tsana Complex were formed in two different-age pulses of the Pliocene magmatism: phase I at 4.80 ± 0.15 and phase II at 4.15 ± 0.10 Ma. All hypabyssal rocks of the Karobi group, unlike those of the Tsurungal Group, were formed during the first pulse. Petrographic studies in combination with geochemical data indicate that most of the granitoids of the Tsana Complex are hybrid rocks (I-type post-collisional granites) and were derived through mixing of deep-seated mantle magmas with acid melts obtained by the upper crustal anatectic melting in the Main Caucasus fault zone. The granitoids of the Tsurungal Group define basic to acid evolution (diorite–granodiorite–granite–two-mica granite) possibly caused by both crystallization differentiation and increasing role of crustal contamination in the petrogenesis of the parental magmas of these rocks. This conclusion is also confirmed by the differences in the Sr isotope composition between granitoids of the early (87Sr/86Sr = 0.7053) and late (87Sr/86Sr = 0.7071) phases of the Tsana Complex. Main trends in spatiotemporal migration of magmatic activity in the central part of the Greater Caucasus in the Pliocene–Quaternary time were established using obtained and earlier published isotope-geochronological data.

Petrology. 2016;24(4):315-335
pages 315-335 views

Petrogenetic conditions at 18°–20° N MAR: Interaction between hydrothermal and magmatic systems

Silantyev S., Bortnikov N., Shatagin K., Bel’tenev V., Kononkova N., Bychkova Y., Krasnova E.


The paper presents petrological and geochemical data on mantle peridotite, basalt, and metamorphic rocks sampled in Cruise 36 of the R/V Professor Logachev at the MAR axial zone between 17° and 20° N. These data are interesting not only as providing new information on the inner structure of the oceanic crust in the still-poorly known axial MAR segment but also in the context of the fundamental problem of interaction between magmatic and hydrothermal systems in slow-spreading mid-oceanic ridges. The MAR axial zone between 17° and 20° N was determined to host both weakly and strongly depleted residual peridodites, which suggests that the degree of mantle source melting significantly varied along the ridge axis in this segment. The MAR crest zone comprises slabs of serpentinized peridotite brought to the seafloor surface at various time. The most strongly depleted mantle peridotites likely uplifted later than the mildly and weakly depleted rocks in the same areas. A mantle reservoir beneath the MAR axial zone at 20° N is not isotopically related to the mantle source of the parental MORB melts, and high-Mg metabasites exposed at 17°56- N were derived from a crustal source that was modified near the root zone of a high-temperature hydrothermal system. The studied area seems to display traces of an extinct hydrothermal field and likely an ore occurrence related to it.

Petrology. 2016;24(4):336-366
pages 336-366 views

The Early Paleozoic basite magmatism of Western Transbaikalia: Composition, isotope age (U-Pb, SHRIMP RG), magma sources, and geodynamics

Tsygankov A., Udoratina O., Burmakina G., Antsiferova T., Coble M.


Remnants of the Early Paleozoic gabbro and gabbromonzonite with an age of 514.6 ± 7.2 Ma (U-Pb, Zrn, SHRIMP-RG, Turka Massif) were identified among basites spatially associated with Late Paleozoic granitoids of Western Transbaikalia. Obtained geochronological data are close to those of felsic subvolcanic rocks of the Early Cambrian volcanotectonic structures of the Uda-Vitim paleoisland arc and gabbro of the Dzhida island arc in Central and Southwestern Transbaikalia. As compared to the Late Paleozoic analogues, the Early Paleozoic gabbromonzonite is characterized by the moderately low potassic alkalinity, fractionated REE pattern, and LILE enrichment relative to HFSE. The Early Paleozoic gabbro and gabbromonzonite are depleted in Nb, Ta, Zr, and Hf and enriched in Pb and Sr, which is typical of suprasubduction magmatic rocks. Geochemical data indicate a contribution of crustal (subducted) material in a magma source. A combination of geological, geochemical, and isotope-geochronological data indicates that the Early Paleozoic gabbromonzonite was formed in the Uda-Vitim paleoisland arc system in a suprasubduction setting. The geochemical similarity of the Early Paleozoic rocks and Late Paleozoic basites, which are associated with the Late Paleozoic granitic rocks of the Angara-Vitim batholith and were formed 200 Ma later, is attributed to inheritance of mantle source.

Petrology. 2016;24(4):367-391
pages 367-391 views

Metamorphic evolution of ultrahigh-temperature Fe- and Al-rich granulites in the south Yenisei Ridge and tectonic implications

Likhanov I., Nozhkin A., Reverdatto V., Krylov A., Kozlov P., Khiller V.


This study provides the first evidence for the occurrence of ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) granulite-facies metamorphism in the Yenisei Ridge (Angara–Kan block). UHT metamorphism is documented in Fe-Al-rich metapelites on the basis of the garnet–hypersthene–sillimanite–cordierite–plagioclase–biotite–spinel–quartz–K-feldspar assemblage. Microtextural relationships and compositional data for paragneisses of the Kan complex attest to three distinct metamorphic episodes: (M1) pre-peak prograde (820⎯900°C/5.5–7 kbar), (M2) peak UHT (920–1000°C/7–9 kbar), and (M3) post-peak retrograde (770⎯900°C/5.5–7.5 kbar). The observed counterclockwise P–T evolution at a high geothermal gradient (dT/dP = 100–200°C/kbar) suggests that UHT metamorphic assemblages were formed in an overall extensional tectonic setting accompanied by underplating of mantle-derived mafic magmas, which may be sourced from ~1750 Ma giant radiating dike swarms linked to the Vilyuy mantle plume as part of the Trans-Siberian LIP. The broad synchroneity of UHT metamorphism (1744 ± 26 Ma; monazite–zircon isochron age) and rift-related endogenic activity in the region can provide an additional line of evidence for the two-stage evolution of granulite-facies metamorphism in the Angara–Kan block. The Aldan–Stanovoy, Anabar, and Baikal basement inliers of high-grade metamorphic rocks within the Siberian craton record two Paleoproterozoic peaks (1.9 and 1.75 Ga) of granulite-facies metamorphism. The synchronous sequence of tectonothermal events at the periphery of the large Precambrian Laurentian, Baltica, and Siberian cratons provide convincing evidence for their spatial proximity over a wide time interval, which is consistent with the most recent paleomagnetic reconstructions of the Proterozoic supercontinent Nuna.

Petrology. 2016;24(4):392-408
pages 392-408 views

Reconstruction of the metamorphic P–T path from the garnet zoning in aluminous schists from the Tsogt Block, Mongolian Altai

Sukhorukov V., Polyansky O., Krylov A., Zinoviev S.


The paper presents original authors’ data on aluminous schists in the Tsogt tectonic plate in the Southern Altai Metamorphic Belt. The nappe includes a medium-temperature/medium-pressure zonal metamorphic complex, whose metamorphic grade varies from the greenschist to epidote-amphibolite facies. The garnet and garnet–staurolite schists contain three garnet generations of different composition and morphology. The P–T metamorphic parameters estimated by mineralogical geothermometers and geobarometers and by numerical modeling with the PERPLEX 668 software provide evidence of two successive metamorphic episodes: high-gradient (of the andalusite–sillimanite type, geothermal gradient approximately 40–50°/km) and low-gradient (kyanite–sillimanite type, geothermal gradient approximately 27°/km). The P-T parameters of the older episode are T = 545–575°C and P = 3.1–3.7 kbar. Metamorphism during the younger episode was zonal, and its peak parameters were T = 560–565°C, P = 6.4–7.2 kbar for the garnet zone and T = 585–615°C, P = 7.1–7.8 kbar for the staurolite zone. The metamorphism evolved according to a clockwise P–T path: the pressure increased during the first episode at a practically constant temperature, and then during the second episode, the temperature increased at a nearly constant pressure. Such trends are typical of metamorphism related to collisional tectonic settings and may be explained by crustal thickening due to overthrusting. The regional crustal thickening reached at least 15–18 km.

Petrology. 2016;24(4):409-432
pages 409-432 views