Soderzhanie obshchego kisloroda v zhidkoy stali kak kriteriy otsenki nemetallicheskikh vklyucheniy v trubnykh stalyakh

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A statistical analysis of the total oxygen content in samples of pipe steels at the stage of continuous casting at the continuous-casting machines of the casting and rolling complex of JSC “Vyksa Metallurgical Plant” was carried out. The microstructures of rolled samples were studied, and the chemical composition of non-metallic inclusions was determined by X-ray spectral microanalysis. A laboratory analysis of liquid steel samples and hot-rolled steel products of the casting and rolling complex was carried out using the method of reduction melting in an inert gas flow. Relationships have been constructed between the duration of metal presence in a steel-pouring ladle and the magnesium content in non-metallic inclusions, as well as between the average score of non-metallic inclusions in rolled metal and the total oxygen content in liquid steel at the stage of continuous steel casting.

About the authors

A. S Lukin

JSC “Vyksa Metallurgical Plant”, Vyksa, Russia


A. S Feoktistova

JSC “Vyksa Metallurgical Plant”, Vyksa, Russia


E. L Vorozheva

JSC “Vyksa Metallurgical Plant”, Vyksa, Russia


K. S Smetanin

JSC “Vyksa Metallurgical Plant”, Vyksa, Russia


I. N Shifrin

JSC “Vyksa Metallurgical Plant”, Vyksa, Russia


V. A Murysev

JSC “Vyksa Metallurgical Plant”, Vyksa, Russia


S. A Somov

JSC “Vyksa Metallurgical Plant”, Vyksa, Russia

Author for correspondence.


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