卷 17, 编号 2 (2011)


Implication of pulmotropic autoantibodies in the immunopathogenesis of community-acquired pneumonia in elderly and senile patients

Shirokhova N., Karabinenko A., Storozhakov G., Simonova A., Skurydin S., Shirokhova N., Karabinenko A., Storozhakov G., Simonova A., Skurydin S.


The authors assessed the relationship between the clinical severity of community-acquired pneumonia and the specific features of its immunopathogenesis. Leukocyte migration and the levels of different classes of immunoglobulins were analyzed successively. The normalized level of pulmotropic autoantibodies and the magnitude of leukocyte phagocytosis were also studied. The therapy performed over time showed an increase in the leukocyte migration inhibition reaction, a fall of the levels of autoantibodies with a relative decrease in their pulmotropic fraction, and a reduction in the neutrophil functional reserve to normal values. A high Spearman's rank correlation was shown for the pairs of signs: the levels of pulmotropic antibodies, on the one hand, and the processes of cell migration and subsequent phagocytosis, on the other hand. The authors have proposed to consider the immunopathogenetic approach migration-autoantibodies-phagocytosis to immunocorrection of community-acquired pneumonia in relation to impairments of these or those links of immunopathogenesis.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(2):3-7
pages 3-7 views

Postmortem liver morphological characteristics in patients with chronic viral hepatitides with clinical signs of cirrhosis

Novak K., Karev V., Dunaeva N., Esaulenko E., Novak K., Karev V., Dunayeva N., Esaulenko E.


Autopsy protocols and the microscope slides of liver tissue were analyzed to compare its postmortem morphological characteristics in 94 patients with different nosological entities of chronic viral hepatitis with clinical signs of cirrhosis. According to the nosology of hepatitis, the patients were divided into 3 groups: 1) 38 patients with hepatitis B; 2) 32 patients with hepatitis C; 3) 24 patients with mixed hepatitis B + C. The patients with hepatitis B and C alone in the cirrhotic transformation stage were shown to have similar morphological changes in liver tissue at the moment of death. Patients with cirrhosis of mixed viral etiology die at a younger age and differ from those with mono virus cirrhosis in the higher incidence of circulatory disorders and their considerable degree. According to morphological findings, no completed cirrhotic liver transformation was observed in some patients with clinical signs of cirrhosis.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(2):8-11
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Role of duodenogastric reflux in duodenal ulcer recurrence

Kolesnikova I., Volkov V., Grigor'eva Y., Kolesnikova I., Volkov V., Grigoryeva Y.


The authors studied the role of duodenogastric reflux (DGR) in the occurrence of duodenal ulcer (DU) recurrence and remission. A total of 4489 esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) protocols over 3 years were analyzed to estimate the detection rate of DGR; 100 healthy volunteers and 188 DU patients underwent 24-hour pH-metry. DGR was regularly detected in healthy individuals, more frequently during winter and summer and less during spring and autumn. The DU patients were less frequently found to have the reflux and its suppression period correlated with the higher rates of disease recurrences. These patients showed a shorter overall duration of DGR during 24 hours. It is concluded that DGR is regularly identified in healthy individuals, its frequency has seasonal variations; in DU, the reflex is shorter and more subject to seasonal variations, which coincides with the higher rate of recurrences.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(2):11-14
pages 11-14 views

The specific features of neurological disorders in Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia

Levin O., Gavrilova S., Zhdaneeva L., Levin O., Gavrilova S., Zhdaneyeva L.


Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common degenerative disease among the elderly, which mainly manifests as progressive dementia. In late-stage disease, a high proportion of patients also develop motor disorders, the syndromal characteristics and differential diagnostic value of which remain inadequately studied. The study was undertaken to evaluate motor disorders in patients with AD in its various stages versus those with vascular dementia (VD). Ninety patients with AD and 30 with VD were examined. The groups were matched for age and dementia severity. Neurological disorders were detectable in 79 (87.7%) and 30 (100%) patients with AD and VD, respectively. The most common conditions included akinetic-rigid syndrome (18.9% vs 6.7%), hypokinesia without rigidity (27.8% vs 46.7%), postural and kinetic tremor (8.9% vs 3.3%), primary walking and postural resistance disorders (12.2% vs 26.7%), pseudobulbar syndrome (76.6% vs 100%), stereotypy (45.6% vs 30%), and pyramidal syndrome (12.2% vs 66.7%). Seizures occurred only in AD (6.7%). Thus, akinetic-rigid syndrome, tremor, stereotypy, and seizures were more common in AD than in VD whereas hypokinesia without rigidity, primary walking and postural resistance disorders, pyramidal and pseudobulbar syndromes were significantly more frequently encountered in VD. In AD, neurological disorders manifested later (in the severer dementia stage) than those did in cerebrovascular disease.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(2):14-18
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Great bile duct damages at mini-access cholecystectomy

Agadzhanov V., Shulutko A., Moiseev A., Chanturiya M., Nasirov F., Natroshvili A., Kyarov N., Agadzhanov V., Shulutko A., Moiseyev A., Chanturia M., Nasirov F., Natroshvili A., Kyarov N.


The authors analyzed and pooled their experience with surgical interventions for great bile duct damages occurring in 13 (0.4%) cases during 3328 mini-access operations for cholelithiasis and its complications were performed. The mini-access operations showed a low rate of damages to the great bile duct (including those to the common bile and common hepatic ducts).
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(2):18-20
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The structural and functional state of the thyroid during physiological pregnancy

Stryuk R., Kusova A., Mkrtumyan A., Stryuk R., Kusova A., Mkrtumyan A.


The structural and functional state of the thyroid was studied from ultrasonographic findings, the levels of triiodothyronine, thyroxine and thyroid-stimulating hormone in 45 pregnant women in the second and three trimesters of pregnancy and in 25 non-pregnant women, whose age was 18-45 years. As compared to the controls, the group of pregnant women showed a significant increase in thyroid volume, an elevation of the levels of all the study thyroid hormones, and a reduction in thyroid-stimulating hormone, which did not exceed the reference limit. These thyroid structural and functional changes are regarded as metabolic rearrangement-induced physiological gestational ones in a pregnant woman.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(2):20-22
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Effects of acute and chronic administration of catecholamines on rat myocardial fluid spaces

Veber V., Rubanova M., Zhmaylova S., Gubskaya P., Kopina M., Veber V., Rubanova M., Zhmailova S., Gubskaya P., Kopina M.


The results of the experimental study conducted in 150 male Wister rats, by administering adrenaline and dopamine in acute and chronic experiments, suggest that the changes in the fluid spaces in the acute experiment may be the earliest manifestations of myocardial remodeling. The pronounced fluid metabolic changes during chronic stress simulation favors continued myocardial remodeling even when exposure to direct causes, drug (adrenaline and dopamine) burdens in particular, is stopped. At the same time, myocardial remodeling continues under the influence of changes occurring in the fluid components of the extracellular matrix.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(2):23-27
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The neuroprotective properties of nerve growth factor adsorbed on poly(butyl) cyanoacrylate nanoparticles during experimental simulation of hemorrhagic stroke

Khosravani M., Rezayat S., Sarkar S., Alyautdin R., Khosravani M., Rezaiat S., Sarkar S., Alyautdin R.


The neuroprotective activity of nerve growth factor adsorbed on poly(butyl) cyanoacrylate nanoparticles was evaluated in rats with intracerebral posttraumatic hematoma - hemorrhagic stroke (HS) induced by brain tissue destruction in the internal capsular area. When re-administered intraperitoneally for 3 days, nerve growth factor (5 μ) adsorbed on poly(butyl) cyanoacrylate nanoparticles coated with polysorbate-80 attenuated HS-induced neurological deficit and coordination disorders, optimized rat orientative-exploratory behavior and motor activity, improved reproduction of a conditioned passive avoidance response, prevented the death of the animals, and diminished their weight loss. The findings suggest the potential neuroprotective effect of nerve growth factor (5 μ) adsorbed on polysorbate-80-coated poly(butyl) cyanoacrylate nanoparticles.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(2):27-30
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Celiac disease: a review of literature and a clinical note. Part 1

Krasnovskiy A., Brutskaya L., Sokolov A., Raspopina A., Krasnovsky A., Brutskaya L., Sokolov A., Raspopina A.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(2):31-42
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Seasonal, avian and swine influenza

Luchshev V., Zharov S., Sanin B., Samsonova S., Luchshev V., Zharov S., Sanin B., Samsonova S.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(2):42-48
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Eighth Anterior Abdominal Wall Hernia Congress of Russian Surgeons: a century programme

Zimin Y., Zimin Y.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(2):48-51
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A case of leukemoid reaction in patients with alcoholic damage to the liver and pancreas

Afinogenova S., Fedorov I., Kosyura S., Pozharitskaya E., Boglaeva G., Zyuzina A., Stepanova E., Il'chenko L., Storozhakov G., Afinogenova S., Fedorov I., Kosyura S., Pozharitskaya E., Boglayeva G., Zyuzina A., Stepanova E., Ilchenko L., Storozhakov G.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(2):52-55
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Hirudotherapy complicated by skin infection

Bronshteyn A., Malyshev N., Luchshev V., Kochergin N., Samsonova S., Bronshtein A., Malyshev N., Luchshev V., Kochergin N., Samsonova S.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(2):55-56
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