


The purpose of the study is to analyze the relationship of semester performance with the level of self-assessment of the psychological characteristics of quality of life related to health and factors of socio-economic status in Russian and Chinese students of medical specialties in the neighboring territories of the Far East. The study was conducted from 01.12. 2017 to 05.15.2019 at the School of Bio-Medicine of the Far Eastern Federal University (SBM FEFU), Pacific National Medical University (TSMU) of the Russian Federation, medical faculties of Harbin and Mudanjiang Universities (PRC). It was attended by 316 Russian and 302 Chinese students (total - 618 people with equal gender representation), the average age is 21.6 years. The average response rate was 92.8%. Students who took part in the study completed the standardized questionnaire “Short form of self-assessment of the quality of life associated with the health of the MOS SF-36” (MOS SF - Medical Outcomes Study-Short Form). The study of mental status was carried out using scales of resilience (FS), social functioning (SF), emotional status (ES), psychological comfort (PC). The study of socio-economic status was carried out according to the Questionnaire Pozdeeva (2008) with the additions of the authors. As a result of the study, it was found that the level of self-esteem of the psychological component of the quality of life related to health among Russian and Chinese medical students is within the range of standard values; Russian medical students rate psychological comfort higher, while their Chinese peers rate their own social functioning and resilience. Students of both samples showed a high level of correlation of the psychological component of the quality of life associated with health and academic performance. In addition, in both samples, the level of performance correlates with assessments of the conditions of study and living, as well as with individual characteristics of psychological status.


V. Kuznetsov

Pacific State Medical University

690002,Vladivostok, Russian Federation

Kirill Kosilov

Far Eastern Federal University

doctor of medical sciences, professor of the Department of Social Sciences of the School of Arts and Humanities of the Far Eastern Federal University. 690922, Vladivostok, Russian Federation 690922, Vladivostok, Russian Federation


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