


The aim of the study was to assess the possibility of using risk assessment scales for adverse outcomes in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) of older age groups. Materials and methods. The study included 988 patients with ACS who were followed up within 1 year after discharge from the hospital as part of the ORACLE II study. The average age of patients was 61.7±4.22 years, 582 (58.9%) men, 405 (40.1%) women. Results of the study: Within 1 year of observation, death from any causes was recorded in 52 (8.2%) patients younger than 75 years old and in 89 (26.6%) patients older than 74 years; coronary outcomes - in 80 patients (12.4%) under the age of 75 years and in 80 patients (23.3%) aged 75 years and older. Any adverse outcome, including atherothrombotic events and bleeding, was recorded during the year in 148 (43.1%) patients of the older age group and in 211 (32.7%) patients under 75 years of age. In patients younger than 75 years, when predicting the risk of death using the GRACE risk score, the area under the ROC curve was 0.794, in the group of patients over 75 years old it was only 0.575, which indicates a low diagnostic value. Similar data were obtained regarding the risk of coronary events. The Russian RECORD scale had the best predictive ability with respect to the prognosis of mortality in patients older than 75 years. the area under the ROC curve was 0.691, as well as in predicting repeated ischemic events in both subgroups. Conclusions: widely used scales for assessing the prognosis of mortality and recurring ischemic events, which well predict the prognosis in patients under 75 years of age in a group of patients older than 75 years have low prognostic value. The highest score in the older age group may have a risk score scale RECORD.


E. Zubova

City Clinical Hospital No. 51

121309, Moscow, Russia Federation

V. Brazhnik

City Clinical Hospital No. 51; Central State Medical Academy

121309, Moscow, Russia Federation; 121359, Moscow, Russian Federation

Larisa Minushkina

Central State Medical Academy

Email: minushkina@mail.ru
professor of the Department of Therapy, Cardiology and Functional diagnostic with a course of Nephrology of the Central State Medical Academy, 121359, Moscow, Russian Federation 121359, Moscow, Russian Federation

D. Zateyshchikov

City Clinical Hospital No. 51; Central State Medical Academy

121309, Moscow, Russia Federation; 121359, Moscow, Russian Federation


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