


In the Russian Federation in recent years, there has been an increase in the incidence of colorectal cancer. The probability of the disease with colorectal cancer increases after 40 years and sharply increases after 50 years. Aim. To study the age-specific features of the prevalence of colorectal cancer in the Republic of Bashkortostan. Materials and methods. As the research materials, the form of Federal statistical observation No. 7 “Information on the incidence of malignant neoplasms” was used in the Republic of Bashkortostan for 2008-2016. The indicators of the incidence of colorectal and rectum cancer per 100 thousand of the population, depending on age and sex, are calculated. Results and discussion. The lowest incidence of colorectal cancer was observed in the age group up to 30 years, the largest - at the age of 70 years and older. For the years 2008-2016 the proportion of patients younger than 50 years with newly diagnosed colon cancer increased from 8.1% to 9.0% and rectum from 7.2% to 8.1%. In this age group there was an increase in primary incidence of colorectal cancer among men by 84.0%, among women by 50.0%, rectal cancer by 54.2% and 68.0%, respectively. The decrease in the incidence of colorectal cancer in the age group of 70 years and older. The average annual incidence rate of colorectal cancer was higher among men than among women in the age groups 50-59, 60-69 years and 70 years and older, rectal cancer in all age groups, with differences increasing with age. During the observation period, the mean age of patients with newly diagnosed colon cancer was reduced by 1.5 years, rectal by 1.3 years. Among patients with colorectal cancer living in urban areas, the average age was higher than in rural areas. The conclusion. The revealed sex-age features of the prevalence of colorectal cancer were used in the development of measures to improve medical care for patients.


M. Pavlova

Bashkir state medical University

450008, Ufa, Republic Bashkortostan, Russian Federation

L. Dautova

Bashkir state medical University

450008, Ufa, Republic Bashkortostan, Russian Federation

Nazira Sharafutdinova

Bashkir state medical University

doctor of medical sciences, professor, Head of the Department of Public Health and Health Organization ”Bashkir state medical Universit”, 450008, Ufa, Republic Bashkortostan, Russian Federation 450008, Ufa, Republic Bashkortostan, Russian Federation

R. Sultanov

Republican clinical Oncology dispensary

450054, Ufa, Republic Bashkortostan, Russian Federation


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