


The relevance of the study. In Russia, the number of women of reproductive age makes up 38% of the total female population, there is a negative natural increase in the population. The aim is to study the medical and social aspects of the health of women of childbearing age (18-45 years). Materials and methods:the study of observed women was conducted for three years (2016-2018) according to medical records and questionnaire results in Moscow. The results. The majority of observed women are working, the average age of births by a woman of a child was 25-29 years, more than 80% of women performed abortion, 20.8% of women have gynecological diseases: pathology of the endometrium of the uterus and ovarian (44% and 27% respectively), 12% - had complications of pregnancy and childbirth, irregular menstrual cycle have 55.3% of women. For every woman, on average there are 1.3 diseases, the most common disease is respiratory diseases. In terms of health, women observed are almost evenly distributed to women with good health 35%, with satisfactory health - 37%, with poor health - 28%. The conclusion. In order to improve the health of the women observed and increase their medical activity, preventive interviews were conducted among them on the formation of a healthy lifestyle, which is advisable to conduct constantly.


Yu. Turbine

N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Department of Public Health and Health, Health Economics

117997, Moscow, Russian Federation

N. Polunina

N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Department of Public Health and Health, Health Economics

117997, Moscow, Russian Federation

Valery Polunin

N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Department of Public Health and Health, Health Economics

doctor of medical sciences, Professor of public health and health care, health economics, N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, 117997, Moscow, Russian Federation 117997, Moscow, Russian Federation


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