


The combination of pneumoperitoneum and pneumomediastinum are the main pathophysiological characteristics of laparoscopic operations because of achalasia cardia and hernia of esophageal opening. Their impact on hemodynamics and biomechanics of breathing requires control and timely adjustment. Within the framework of prospective randomized clinical study 66 patients were examined, including execution of laparoscopic operations because laparoscopic operations because of esophageal achalasia and hernia of esophageal opening. The patients were divided in two groups and both consisted of two subgroups: with standard and extended monitoring. The study resulted in establishment of optimal scope of indices monitoring necessary for safe anesthetic support of the given operations.


Natalya Anipchenko

The M.F. Vladimirsky Moskovsky regional research and clinical institute

assistant of the chair of anesthesiology and reanimation the M.F. Vladimirsky Moskovsky regional research and clinical institute, 129110, Moscow, Russian Federation 129110, Moscow, Russian Federation

A. Ovezov

The M.F. Vladimirsky Moskovsky regional research and clinical institute

129110, Moscow, Russian Federation

A. Allakhverdyan

The M.F. Vladimirsky Moskovsky regional research and clinical institute

129110, Moscow, Russian Federation


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