


The article presents the results of analysis of morbidity of diseases of digestive organs шт the Republic of Armenia. It is established that in the Republic of Armenia during 1990-2015 primary morbidity of diseases of digestive organs in children population reliably increased up to 2.4 times and in adult population - up to 1.9 times. The leading diseases in the structure of primary morbidity among children population is gastroduodenitis (39.7%) and among adult population - gastritis (54.6%). In the Republic, the indices of total morbidity of diseases of digestive organs during the same period of time increased reliably from 57,5‰ to 100,3‰ in children population and from 50,9‰ to 60,2‰ adult population. At the same time, during last 15 years at stabilization of level of morbidity with temporary disability average duration of one case of disease with temporary disability up to 11.6% and primary disability up to 2.9%.


G. Miridzhanyan

The Mhitar Geratci Yerevansky medical university of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Armenia

0025, Yerevan, Armeniya

Nataliya Polunina

The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university Minzdrav of Russia

doctor of medical sciences, professor, corresponding member of RAS, head of the chair public health, health care and health care economics the N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university Minzdrav of Russia, 117997, Moscow, Russian Federation 117997, Moscow, Russian Federation


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