The effectiveness and safety of pharmacotherapy against the background of application of Gliquidone




The study was carried out to investigate using rabbits in vivo effect of Gliquidone on functional activity of protein-carrier of glycoprotein-P (P-gp, ABCB1-protein). The activity of P-gp was evaluated according pharmacokinetics of its marker substrate - Fexofenadine after single endogastric introduction. The application of Gliquidone in dosage of 10 mg per 1 kg of body mass during 14 days resulted in no alteration of concentration of Fexofenadine, period of its partial ejection, area under pharmacokinetic curve “concentration-time” from zero to last point of blood sampling, area under pharmacokinetic curve “concentration-time” from zero to infinity and also time of holding of marker substrate, total clearance and absorption coefficient. All this testifies absence of effect of Gliquidone on functional activity of protein-carrier at the level of integral organism. No alterations of pharmacokinetic parameters of Fexofenadine at the 5th day of cessation of Gliquidone were observed.


Dmitriy Titov

The academician I.P. Pavlov Ryazanskiy state medical university

post-graduate student of chair of pharmacology with course of pharmacy 390026, Ryazan, Russia

S. Pravkin

The academician I.P. Pavlov Ryazanskiy state medical university

390026, Ryazan, Russia


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