The specifics of radiologic characteristic of clinical forms of tuberculosis




The article presents the results of analysis of medical histories and roentgenologic archive (rontgenograms, linear tomograms, photofluorograms, multispiral computer tomography data) of 85 patients with tuberculosis of organs of thoracic cavity from one of departments of hospital of anti-tuberculosis dispensary of Barnaul. To specify roentgenologic characteristics of clinical forms of tuberculosis the comparative analysis was implemented concerning description of results of roentgenologic analysis comprised by roentgenologists and authors of article. The hyper-diagnostic of clinical forms “disseminated tuberculosis of lungs” and “infiltrative tuberculosis of lungs” was established. The discrepancy between roentgenologic syndromes and clinical forms of tuberculosis was revealed. The underestimation of significance of emphasis of leading roentgenologic syndrome for formulation of clinical form of tuberculosis is emphasized.


Elena Smetanina

The Altaiiskii state medical university

candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of chair of phthisiology 656038, Barnaul, Russia

A. Smetanin

The Altaiiskii state medical university

656038, Barnaul, Russia

V. Stakhanov

The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university

117997, Moscow, Russia

V. Romenskiy

The Altaiiskii Kraii anti-tuberculosis dispensary

656002, Barnaul, Russia


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