Chronic kidney disease: pathophysiological role of dysbiosis of intestine and renoprotective effectiveness of interventions concerning its modulation




The review presents data concerning disorders of quantitative and qualitative content of intestinal microbiota in patients with chronic kidney disease. The causes enhancing development of intestinal dysbiosis and sub-clinical inflammation under chronic disease of kidneys are considered. The results of preliminary studies concerning investigation of particular approaches to therapy of chronic kidney disease directed to restoring of intestinal symbiosis and neutralization of bacterial endotoxins and adsorption of uremic toxins of intestinal origin are presented.


K. Aytbaev

National center of cardiology and therapy

The research institute of molecular biology and medicine under 720040, Beshkek, the Republic of Kirghizia

I. Murkamilov

I.K. Akhunbaiev Kirghizia state medical academy

assistant of the chair of therapy of general practice with course of family medicine, physician-nephrologist Beshkek, the Republic of Kirghizia

R. Kaliev

I.K. Akhunbaiev Kirghizia state medical academy

The chair of therapy of general practice with course of family medicine Beshkek, the Republic of Kirghizia


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