The analysis of medical social condition of families with focus of respiratory chlamydiasis




The issues of social characteristic of patients with urogenital chlamydiasis are covered rather sufficiently in actual scientific medical publications. However, the social aspects of respiratory chlamydiasis proper consideration is still to be given. The absence of information concerning characteristics of health and social characteristics of members of families in the focus of family respiratory chlamydiasis became a reason of targeted study of this problems. The article presents characteristics of medical social conditions of members of families of patients with diseases of upper section of respiratory tract associated with chlamydia infection. The sampling consisted of 87 families 44 out of them with verified chlamydia infection (main group) and 43 families of ENT-patients with unverified respiratory chlamydiasis (control group). The total number of composition of families made up to 245 individuals. The chlamydia infection was diagnosed using complex of such laboratory techniques as direct immune fluorescent and immune-enzyme analysis, polymerase chain reaction. The evaluation of medical social conditions of members of family was implemented using questionnaire survey technique. The originally developed questionnaire included sections reflecting health condition, health risk factors and social characteristic of members of families of ENT-patients. The study established high degree of contagiousness of chlamydia infection in focus of respiratory chlamydiasis. It is demonstrated that in family focuses of respiratory chlamydiasis there were more family members frequently and continuously sick with acute diseases and suffering from chronic pathology of different organs and systems. Also in these families chronic pathology of of ENT-organs was diagnosed at the expense of larger number of family members with throat diseases. In the focus of respiratory chlamydiasis families having "good diet" were in much less number and families evaluated their social well-being as low were in by far higher number. Therefore, results of study demonstrated that medical and social condition of families having focus of respiratory chlamydiasis s much worse than of families without the mentioned focus.


Anzhela Markina

The research institute of medical problems of the North

MD, PhD 660022 Krasnoyarsk, Russia

T. Kapustina

The research institute of medical problems of the North

660022 Krasnoyarsk, Russia

O. Parilova

The research institute of medical problems of the North

660022 Krasnoyarsk, Russia

E. Belova

The research institute of medical problems of the North

660022 Krasnoyarsk, Russia


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