The transplantation of Descemet's membrane with endothelium in the eye with irideremia




The article presents a clinical case of transplantation of Descemet’s membrane with endothelium in the eye with irideremia. According presented data, this a first publication demonstrating possibility of transplantation of Descemet’s membrane with endothelium in the eye with artificial iris. The causes of choice of the given operation are discussed and as well as its results and theoretically possible shortcomings of alternative techniques.


Oganes Oganesian

The Helmholtz Moscow research institute of eye diseases of Minzdrav of Russia

MD, PhD, DSc 105062 Moscow, Russia

E. Chentsova

The Helmholtz Moscow research institute of eye diseases of Minzdrav of Russia

105062 Moscow, Russia

S. Pogorelova

The Helmholtz Moscow research institute of eye diseases of Minzdrav of Russia

105062 Moscow, Russia


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