About the mechanisms of radiation complications in patients with cancer of nasopharynx




The trypsin-like proteinases and their inhibitors are required participants of inflammatory processes, including those developing after remote gamma-therapy under treatment of oncological diseases. The sample included 59 patients with nasopharynx cancer (R1-4N0-3M0). The assays of blood plasma were taken to analyze state of proteinases of trypsin type of serine group, kinin system and universal inhibitors. The spectrophotometric kinetic techniques in dynamics of remote gamma-therapy. The results were compared with data obtained before the treatment (background). The analysis established combination of regenerative and regressive occurrences depending on absorbed energy and time passed after irradiation. Despite successful treatment of malignant neoplasm, no restoration of protein balance was observed in blood plasma of patients. This situation inhibited timely activation of anti-inflammatory mechanisms and significantly increased period of recovery in case of occurrence of radiation complications of inflammatory character. Under remote gamma-therapy of nasopharynx cancer, rheological disorders and inflammatory manifestations are conditioned by unbalance of interaction of proteinases and inhibitors. The complications manifested in progression of local inflammation and also in negative dynamics of indicators of activity of serine proteinases, serpins of blood and coefficients of their interaction during all period of monitoring. The dynamics of indicators permitted to detect occurrence of local inflammation already after first stage of treatment that facilitated individualization of therapy in early period.


E. Frantsiyanz

The Rostov oncological research institute of Minzdrav of Russia

Rostov-on-Don, Russia

Larisa Kozlova

The Rostov oncological research institute of Minzdrav of Russia

Email: super.gormon@yandex.ru
MD, PhD Rostov-on-Don, Russia

M. Gusareva

The Rostov oncological research institute of Minzdrav of Russia

Rostov-on-Don, Russia

L. Rosenko

The Rostov oncological research institute of Minzdrav of Russia

Rostov-on-Don, Russia


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