The chronic obstructive disease of lungs as occupational illness: risk factors and problem of medical social rehabilitation of patients




The chronic obstructive disease of lungs by its prevalence and severity of course represents real threat of increasing of morbidity and mortality all over the world. Alongside with cigarette smoke, such unfavorable production factors as dust, smoke, toxic and biologically active substances are the causes of disease in 15% of cases. The study was carried out to analyze publications of national and foreign researchers concerning issues of occupational chronic obstructive disease of lungs for comparing with materials of one's own investigations. The history of issue covers period of thirty years when for the first time the experts of American thoracic society in accordance with European colleagues proposed to acknowledge occupational chronic obstructive disease of lungs as an independent form of pathology. The dosage-dependent and cumulative effects of exposition of aerosols at working place on development of occupational chronic obstructive disease of lungs were established. The significance of work experience in decreasing of pulmonary function was detected too. The mutual intensification of effect of cigarette smoke and occupational dust on development of chronic obstructive disease of lungs and severity of its course was proved. The results of one's own studies demonstrated that diagnosis of chronic obstructive disease of lungs was established in 20.5%-35.1% of 986 workers of various "dust occupations". The clinical picture was dominated by cough and short breath. The character of symptoms and degree of their expression depended on concentration of aerosols and duration of exposition. The statistically reliable increasing of number of workers with disorders of external respiration and signs of chronic obstructive disease of lungs depending on augmentation of occupational work experience is noted. The treatment is targeted to relief of main symptom of chronic obstructive disease of lungs - short breath. The social rehabilitation of patient consists in establishment of optimal conditions for continuation of labor activity.


Ol’ga Vasilyeva

The research institute of pulmonology of the Federal medical biological agency of Russia

MD, PhD, DSc. 105077, Moscow, Russia

N. Kravchenko

The research institute of pulmonology of the Federal medical biological agency of Russia

105077, Moscow, Russia


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