The eighty-fifth anniversary of pediatric education in Russia




The article exposes the causes conditioned development of national system of maternity and childhood care in Russia, including organization of training of pediatricians in our country. The presented data testifies extremely high indicators of infant mortality in the beginning of XXI century. Among main causes are low standards of living and absence of children curative organizations and special medical manpower. The retrospective analysis of training of pediatricians in Russia is presented. It is noted that training of pediatricians is permanently developing and it is always implemented according the needs of health care. The considerable attention is paid to characteristics of training of pediatricians according to the Federal state education standard taking effect in 2010. It is demonstrated that progress in achievements of the most benevolent indicators of health of children population can testify high quality of training of pediatricians.


L. Roshal

The Research institute of emergency children surgery and traumatology of the Moscow health department

119180, Moscow

A. Baranov

The Research centre of children health

119991, Moscow

Natal’ya Polunina

The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university

MD, PhD, DSc, prof. 117997, Moscow, Russia

V. Albitskiy

The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university

117997, Moscow, Russia


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