The application of Canephron in complex treatment of chronic pyelonephritis




The study was carried out to analyze effectiveness and safety of “Canephron H” in conservative treatment of patients with chronic pyelonephritis in phase of latent inflammation. The analysis of treatment was made concerning 48 patients with chronic pyelonephritis. It is established that addition of “Canephron H” to complex therapy of chronic pyelonephritis permits more effectively cope with inflammatory process at the expense of positive effect on micro-circulation and microbial spectrum of urine. Moreover, acceleration of repair of haemostasis of cytokines and activation of humoral chain of immunity and prevention of further chronization of process.


A. Neimark

Altaii State Medical University

The Chair of urology and nephrology 656000, Barnaul, Russia

Antonina Suldina

Altaii State Medical University

post-graduate department of urology and nephrology 656000, Barnaul, Russia

I. Batanina

Altaii State Medical University

The Chair of urology and nephrology 656000, Barnaul, Russia


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