About the diagnostic of disorder of tolerance to glucose and diabetes mellitus in patients with chronic obstructive lungs' disease




The polycentric study of mutual registering prevalence of diabetes mellitus type II (300 patients), chronic obstructive lungs' pathology (280 patients) and bronchial asthma (336 patients) was implemented to develop diagnostic of early disorders of carbohydrate metabolism. The population indicators of each disease were used as a control tool. The study results testified that prevalence of diabetes mellitus type II in the cohort of patients with chronic obstructive lungs' pathology exceeded with high degree of reliability the population indicators in patients with bronchial asthma who had the rate of diabetes mellitus type II equal to control tool. This occurrence indicates both at significant role of chronic obstructive lungs' pathology in development of diabetes mellitus type II and expedience of target application of oral glucose tolerant test in patients with chronic obstructive lungs' pathology independently of the level of glucose in blood on an empty stomach. This approach makes it possible an early diagnostic of early disorders of carbohydrate metabolism, optimization of formation of homogeneous groups of patients for implementation of research studies, including genetic area. The position of preventive therapy of diabetes mellitus type II and optimization of management of patients with chronic obstructive lungs' pathology is of priority interest too.


V. Kobylyanskiy

ФГУ "НИИ пульмонологии ФМБА" России, ФГБУ "Федеральный научно-клинический центр специализированных видов медицинской помощи и медицинских технологий (ФНКЦ)" ФМБА России

Email: kobylyansky@mail.ru

G. Babadjanova

ФГУ "НИИ пульмонологии ФМБА" России, ФГБУ "Федеральный научно-клинический центр специализированных видов медицинской помощи и медицинских технологий (ФНКЦ)" ФМБА России


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