


The article presents evaluation of dynamics of clinical metabolic indicators in patients after gastrectomy on account of cancer during two-year period of monitoring against the background of personalized diet with enteral feeding included. The monitoring was applied to 128 patients: 57 males and 71 females aged from 20 to 82 years and mean age 60.7±12.2 years. The analysis was applied to blood biochemistry, factual diet in domestic conditions, body composition, basal metabolism and quality of life during treatment process. Every patient received a prescription of personalized diet therapy based on the results of examination of corresponding dietary status. In case of indication needed a medicament therapy was prescribed too. The erosive reflux esophagitis, hypoferric anemia was revealed in 34% of patients and damping-syndrome in 40% of patients. Against the background of diet recommendations in most patients the mentioned post-surgery complications were leveled and decrease of body mass was prevented. It was achieved to increase the body mass up to 3-5 kg in 12% of patients. The positive dynamics was established concerning normalization of bowels evacuation and decrease of dyspepsia occurrences and weakness. The concentration of whole protein increased up to 70 g/l (p<0.05), iron - up to 16 mkmol/l, hemoglobin - up to 126±3.2 g/l, and hematocrit - up to 0.374±0.07 (p<0.05). The evaluation of dynamics of body composition the increase of all basic components was established. The analysis of basal metabolism established normal protein oxidation, increased fat oxidation, and decrease of velocity of carbohydrates oxidation. The results of survey using a focused questionnaire of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (QLQ-C30 version 3.0) demonstrated in patients amelioration of general health conditions. The patients became more robust physically and mentally and their major complaints diminished. The personalized diet therapy with enteral feeding included promotes support of body mass, amelioration of clinical metabolic and quality of life in patients after gastrectomy.


A. Khomitchuk

The research institute of nutrition of the Russian academy of medical sciences

109240, Москва, Россия


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