The bio-impedance screening of population in health centers: prevalence of surplus body mass and obesity




In 2010-2012, the primary data of bio-impedance measurements in 2 092 695 patients in 484 health centers was used to evaluate prevalence of obesity and surplus body mass in population of Russia depending on age and gender by WHO criteria. The standardized rate of occurrence of obesity in children and adolescents aged 5-17 years old made to 6.8% for males and 5.3% for females and 21.9% and 29.7% in adults correspondingly. The localized criteria of bio-impedance diagnostic of obesity according percent content of fat in body mass was developed. The low diagnostic sensitivity (50% for males and 65% for females) and high specificity (90%) of WHO criterion of obesity diagnostic according body mass index was revealed.


Nadezhda Soboleva

The central research institute for health organization and informatics of Minzdrav of Russia

в.н.с., к.м.н. 127254, Moscow, Russia

Sergey Rudnev

The institute of computational mathematics of the Russian academy of sciences; I.M. Sechenov first Moscow medical university

The research institute of phthisiopulmonology 119333, Moscow, Russia

Dmitriy Nikolayev

The scientific and technical center “Medass”

генеральный директор 101000 Moscow, Russia

Tatiana Eryukova

The scientific and technical center “Medass”

старший инженер 101000 Moscow, Russia

Vladimir Kolesnikov

The scientific and technical center “Medass”

ведущий программист 101000 Moscow, Russia

Olesya Melnitchneko

M.V. Lomonosov Moscow state university

The faculty of computational mathematics and cybernetics 119899 Moscow, Russia

Evgenia Ponomareva

The department of medical prevention, emergency, primary medical sanitary care and sanatorium-and-spa business of Minzdrav of Russia

советник департамента 127994 Moscow, Russia

Ol'ga Starunova

M.V. Lomonosov Moscow state university

The faculty of computational mathematics and cybernetics 119899 Moscow, Russia

Sergey Sterlikov

The central research institute for health organization and informatics of Minzdrav of Russia; I.M. Sechenov first Moscow medical university

The research institute of phthisiopulmonology 127254, Moscow, Russia


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