The indicators of activity of enzymes and parameters of lipid spectrum in cells of liver in children under chronic viral hepatitis C




The determination of indicators of activity of NAD (F)-dependent enzymes and lipid composition in biopsy material of liver from 21 children aged 12-16 years and suffering from chronic hepatitis C demonstrated that under stage III of process of chronic transformation of disease in comparison with stage II in cells of liver the synthetic processes are activated, the final stages of Krebs cycle are intensified and simultaneously protection of cells from processes of lipid peroxidation is reduced. The study also established that cholesterol level is increased and level of cholesterol ethers is decreased and lipid metabolism is shifted aside lipolysis. Therefore, it is established that indicators of activity of enzymes and lipid composition in cells of liver in children with chronic hepatitis C depend on the stage of chronic transformation of disease. The study demonstrated that under stage III as compared to stage II the more profound rearrangements of metabolic fates are occurring seemingly due to increase of severity of course of the given infectious process.


Vadim Bulygin

The research institute of medical problems of the North of the Siberian branch of the Russian academy of medical sciences


Gennadiy Bulygin

The research institute of medical problems of the North of the Siberian branch of the Russian academy of medical sciences; The professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetskiy Krasnoyarsk state medical university


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