


The arterial hypertension is an actual problem in children with chronic disease of kidneys. In children having kidney transplantation arterial hypertension conditions the affection of target-organs - left ventricle of heart in the form of its hypertrophy and lesion of kidney transplant. Due to this cause, arterial hypertension is a leading predictor of survival in this category of children. The technique of choice permitting to control arterial hypertension in these children is the per-day monitoring of arterial hypertension. The children having kidney transplantation need to undergo the per-day monitoring rarely than once a year.


M. Polyakov

The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

ассистент каф. детских болезней лечебного факультета

S. Paunova

The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

A. Rumyantsev

The Russian children clinical hospital, Moscow


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