


The article presents the analysis of national and international scientific literature considering the issue of drug addiction and the complications related to intravascular introduction of various drug agents. The national tendency of increasing of percentage of persons with drug addiction is depicted. In Russia, according the official statistic data, 674 thousand citizens are taken various types of drug substances. In Moscow their number exceeds 35 thousand. Mainly, the drug addiction is a disease of young people. More and more adolescents and women are involved into process of narcotization. In Russia, about 60% of drug addicts are persons aged from 16 to 30 years. The ongoing increase of narcotization results in the increase of level of morbidity and mortality of young body-abled population. At that, among drug addicts 50.9% of terminal outcomes were caused by somatic disease. The data concerning different localization of vascular lesions is presented. In more than 50% the vessels of inguinal region are affected. Along with it, the lesions of shoulder and subclavicular arteries are presented too. The different considerations of researchers are proposed related to the mechanism of lesion of vascular wall impacting the different types of course of pathologic occurrences. It is noted that in drug addicts thrombosis of venous vessels has a non-embolic character. The causes of lower risk of pulmonary embolism in this category of patients are mentioned. The methods of radiologic diagnostic of vascular pathology in patients after intravascular introduction of drug substances are explained, including the comparative analysis of their reliability. Mostly, the factual cases of practice are described. Only several publications can be considered as a summary review. Hence, all negative factors occurring in case of lesion of blood vessels in drug addicts and their complications are rather actual issues of both angiosurgery and medicine in general. This condition testifies the need of comprehensive study of issues of diagnostic and treatment of this pathology. The benevolent outcome of pyo-septical complications in patients with drug addiction demands the development of rational approaches to diagnostic and treatment of this extremely severe category of patients.


A. Sajin

The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university Minzdrav of Russia

117997, Москва, Россия

A. Klimiashvili

The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university Minzdrav of Russia

117997, Москва, Россия

Dmitriy Mikhaiylov

The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university Minzdrav of Russia

117997, Москва, Россия

L. Gulina

The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university Minzdrav of Russia

117997, Москва, Россия

S. Lisyn

The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university Minzdrav of Russia

117997, Москва, Россия

S. Safaryan

The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university Minzdrav of Russia

117997, Москва, Россия

V. Kornilova

The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university Minzdrav of Russia

117997, Москва, Россия


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