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The article demonstrates that in patients with oncologic diseases against the background of inflammatory diseases of organs of pelvis minor during applied therapy Trichomonas vaginalis can be located both on the mucous membranes of genitalia and in peripheral blood. The results of microscopic analysis are presented concerning the morphologic characteristics of T.vaginalis separated from peripheral blood of patients with oncologic diseases of genitalia and mammary glands. The comprehensive kit of laboratory procedures was applied. The procedure of fermentative hemolysis of blood makes it possible to distinguish between trichomonad and blood cells. The indirect reaction of immunofluorescence can be applied as an express-test of diagnostic of unusual course of trichomonad infection in female patients with oncologic diseases of genitalia and mammary glands.

About the authors

J. G Moreva

The Ivanovo state medical academy


M. M Vasiliyev

The state research center of dermatovenerology and cosmetology of Rosmedtechologii

V. P Saschenko

The department hospital at the railroad station Ivanovo of"RGD", Ivanovo

A. Yu Mironov

The I.M. Sechenov first Moscow medical university


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