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卷 62, 编号 7 (2019)


Protection of Coherent Pulse Radars against Combined Interferences. 1. Modifications of STSP Systems and their Ultimate Performance Capabilities

Lekhovytskiy D., Riabukha V., Semeniaka A., Atamanskiy D., Katiushyn Y.


This paper is the first paper of the sequence devoted to modern methods of protection of coherent pulse radars against combined interferences (additive internal noise mixture masking the active jamming and clutter (passive jamming)). It compares the ultimate capabilities of the known and relatively new varieties of the interference protection (anti-jam and anti-clutter) systems under the hypothetical conditions of exact knowledge of statistical characteristics of signals and interferences. The ultimate capabilities of systems are understood in the sense that their efficiency is calculated for the hypothetical conditions of exact knowledge of statistical characteristics of input actions. The obtained estimates determine the upper bounds of efficiency in the real conditions of a priori uncertainty of parameters of signals and interferences. The losses of efficiency related to the transition to simplified systems of space-time signal processing (STSP) are also analyzed. The second paper deals with peculiarities (high-speed) of the considered anti-jam and anti-clutter systems in real conditions of parametric a priori uncertainty that is overcome by using different kinds of estimates of a priori unknown parameters of interferences. The third paper is devoted to the substantiation of general-purpose STSP system based on adaptive lattice filters.

Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. 2019;62(7):311-341
pages 311-341 views

Adaptive Algorithm of Maneuvering Target Tracking in Complex Jamming Situation for Multifunctional Radar with Phased Antenna Array

Baringolts T., Domin D., Zhuk S., Tsisarzh V.


Adaptive multimodel algorithms based on the target movement model in the form of discrete stochastic dynamic system with random structure are adequate to the problem of target tracking based on data of the multifunctional radar station (MFRS) with phased antenna array (PAA) under conditions of complex dynamically varying signal and jamming situation. This study presents an optimal and quasioptimal algorithms of adaptive estimation of movement parameters of maneuvering targets in the Cartesian coordinate system for MFRS with PAA based on the mathematical tools of mixed Markov processes in discrete time. They describe the evolution of joint a posteriori probability density of the vector of target movement parameters and switching variable determining the mode of its movement, while the filters implementing them are referred to the class of devices with feedbacks between channels. The identification of blips in the tracking strobe is performed in the spherical coordinate system by selecting the blip, which is the closest to the strobe center. The efficiency analysis of the developed tracking algorithm is performed by using the test paths of two targets with different intensities of the maneuver and parameters of tracking modes. The accuracy characteristics of adaptive filter and indicators of the tracking efficiency at different false alarm probabilities have been determined.

Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. 2019;62(7):342-355
pages 342-355 views

Estimation of Radar Scattering Characteristics of Artillery Shells in Meter, Decimeter and Centimeter Wavelength Ranges

Zalevsky G., Sukharevsky O., Vasilets V., Surgai M.


It is researched the characteristics of radar secondary radiation of artillery shells of different types which are obtained by mathematic modeling. There are described in brief the electrodynamic methods developed by the paper authors allowing to model electromagnetic responses of air objects of complicated shape and different electrical dimensions. In case of a length and diameter of the shells are comparative to probing wave length (they have resonance dimensions) we use for calculation the method based on solution of integral equation of magnetic field. For simulation of the characteristics of secondary radiation of the shells with electrically great dimensions we use asymptotic high frequency method. Developed methods are verified by means of comparison of calculation data for modeled objects with the other authors’ numerous results and also with physical experiment data. There are shown the characteristics of secondary radiation of the shells in meter, decimeter and centimeter wavelength range. There are discussed main regularities of their secondary radiation in case two orthogonal polarizations and different time-frequency parameters of radar probing signal.

Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. 2019;62(7):356-367
pages 356-367 views

Method of Image Denoising in Generalized Phase Space with Improved Indicator of Spatial Resolution

Kostenko P., Slobodyanuk V., Kostenko I.


Thepaper proposes a nonlocal method of additive noise suppression in digital image based on presenting the image in matrix phase space and using nonconventional methods of multivariate statistical analysis, namely, the surrogate data technology that makes it possible to generate a pseudo-ensemble of surrogate images with their subsequent averaging using a single snapshot. This approach is based on properties of the coherent accumulation of signal component of the observation and noncoherent accumulation of its noise component as the size of observation ensemble increases that allows us to partially solve the contradiction between the denoising level and the distortion or loss of small-sized details of image, i.e. reduction of spatial resolution. The simulation modeling of the proposed method of generalized SDT-filtering of noise was conducted using the application software package of MathCad and Matlab. A comparative analysis of the spatial resolution of the proposed and several known methods of denoising has been carried out using the resolution-measurement criterion and the modified Rayleigh criterion. As is shown, the proposed method demonstrates a better spatial resolution as compared to the most common methods of denoising that is confirmed by the results of simulation modeling.

Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. 2019;62(7):368-375
pages 368-375 views